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TKGS, 1e8
TKG StringEnsemble
Ex-olnian (: , 6FAITH’o8
OLN StringEnsemble
24061996BY2 - 不夠成熟 |
♥ CharmayneLow
♥♥♥♥ CherylLow
♥♥ DominicLim
♥♥ LimQuanjie
♥♥♥♥ WendyLim
6FAITH'08(:♥♥♥♥♥ 6faitho8(: ♥AliciaChan ♥♥♥ AmandaWang ♥♥ BeatriceLee ♥♥ CrystalLee ♥ DeniseHeng ♥♥ EuniceChua ♥ FeliciaLim ♥♥ GeraldineTan ♥♥♥ LimJiaxin ♥♥♥ LimJiayan ♥♥ MadeleinePoh ♥ SamanthaTan ♥♥ SharneLeong ♥♥ ShirniseLee ♥ TracyLee ♥♥ VanessaChia ♥ VanessaYeo ♥ VeraSng ♥♥ TanXiaoling OLNIANS & EX-OLNIANS(: ♥ ChelsyChoon ♥ Jiawen ♥ JolieAw ♥ MagdaleneLow ♥ PerissaYap ♥ SamanthaTan ♥♥ AbigailLee ♥♥ AthenaOng ♥ ClaireLim ♥♥ CynthiaWee ♥♥ DivyaWoo ♥♥ HeatherHumphries ♥♥ JeralynTan ♥♥ KlarissaYow ♥♥LynnJuliana ♥♥♥ NatalieNgar ♥ Nikki ♥ RachelLee ♥ SherrillSim ♥ SteffiTan ♥ VanessaTan ♥ Victoria ♥♥ YeoPeishan 1e8'09 ♥ ♥♥ ChanYauTing ♥ ElizabethYoung ♥ KimMiJin ♥ MaKeiKiu ♥ Ms NgShehFeng ♥ NatashaAmeera ♥ NicoleLau ♥♥ NoviaLiew ♥♥♥ NurulSyazana ♥ RachellNg ♥♥ SarahYeo ♥♥ SamanthaLim ♥ SitiNadiah ♥♥ Shazana ♥ ZannLim StringE ♥♥ ♥♥♥ AbigailWee ♥♥ Angela ♥♥♥ CherylLow ♥♥ EmmerlynOng ♥♥ GloriaParn ♥♥ HweiYen ♥♥ Ilya ♥♥ OngLinHui ♥♥ Muriel ♥♥♥ RatanaLau ♥♥ RebeccaTan ♥♥♥ TKGSStringe ♥ VanessaTan TKG(: ♥♥♥ Desiree ♥♥ OngLinYee ♥ Yvette archives
Design: doughnutcrazyIcon: morphine_kissed Do credit accordingly if you changed the icon. |
heys! (: its a new year already. yays, 2010. new year, new dreams(: well. haha. the past year was real eventful(: with the TKGSSE concert @ DBS auditorium, TKGSSE trip to hongkong, SYF!, my good grades(: in the past year of 2009. i would really like to thank my parents, for their everlasting care and support in everything i do. may the lord bless them. bless my dad to continue to be as fit as a fiddle, may he have better luck next year(: bless my mom, to continue to be that fierce and yah. just to make me a better and disciplined person. ILOVEYOU MUMMY & DADDY ♥ other than them, i would like to thank my other family members. my granny ♥ for all the wonderful dishes you cooked up for us weekly, my granddad ♥ for lending us his room to become some pig sty(: haha. my aunts & uncles ♥ for taking good care of my cousins and me. && my cousins, charmayne & dominic & cheryl & yanyan & justin & QQ ♥ thanks for being there when i needed someone, thanks for lending me a helping hand in all situations, thenk for bringing life and laughter to my life. thank you (: at school, i would like to thank my teachers for letting me achieve good grades, especially ms ng ♥ you have been a wonderful, great teacher. lending your ever ready helping hand to those in need & for managing string so well. now you are leaving for the CCAB, i really wish you all the best in your career there. fulfill your potential to the fullest(: 1e8! ♥ my ohso lovely class! we were together in times of trouble, going through thick and thin. we have all grown up now, to become more mature people. may the lord bless you with wisdom, confidence & determination, to study hard for your exams. its our streaming yeart this year, so ALL THE BEST(: get into the stream of your choice!(: TKGSSE! ♥ the best cca ever! it was so super fun and relaxing at string, really have to thank all my seniors. VIOLIN 1 ♥ : JULIETTE! thanks for calming me down and letting me familarise with string on my 1st day at string. thanks alot alot(: YIYING~! thanks for being my wounderful desk partner for this year. all the best for your 'O's (: EMM! thanks for all those sectionals we had, like seriously, it was ohso helpful! and you will always be my MA'AM(: GLORIA! loveyou man. thanks for all those laughter you gave me(: haha. HUAYEE! thanks for those times in hongkong! really(: keep that pervertic mood going yea(: haha. loveya!. ERLENE! hey jude.. lols i will never forget that(: thanks for all the laughter(: ZIHAN! you are both my classmate and my string mate, in the same section. wish you all the best in everything!(: to all my juniors at OLN's StringEnsemble, work hard, like seriously really really hard. its your SYF next year. i know you can do it. just work hard for this few months. its really really fast. 3months will be over REAL quick. do your best on that day & wow the judges. believe in yourself that you can do it!(: i will be back at oln one day with some other seniors, to hear all of you all play before you go for your SYF(: so, yah. put in your 100% for every practise(: yah. And thanks to all of you who made 2009 a fantastic year(: not forgetting my piano, theory & violin & tuition teachers(: loveyou all(: in this new year of 2010, i decided to work even harder than usual in order to get into the stream that i want. study MORE(: thats all. (: may the lord be with us at all times(: |