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TKGS, 1e8
TKG StringEnsemble
Ex-olnian (: , 6FAITH’o8
OLN StringEnsemble
24061996BY2 - 不夠成熟 |
♥ CharmayneLow
♥♥♥♥ CherylLow
♥♥ DominicLim
♥♥ LimQuanjie
♥♥♥♥ WendyLim
6FAITH'08(:♥♥♥♥♥ 6faitho8(: ♥AliciaChan ♥♥♥ AmandaWang ♥♥ BeatriceLee ♥♥ CrystalLee ♥ DeniseHeng ♥♥ EuniceChua ♥ FeliciaLim ♥♥ GeraldineTan ♥♥♥ LimJiaxin ♥♥♥ LimJiayan ♥♥ MadeleinePoh ♥ SamanthaTan ♥♥ SharneLeong ♥♥ ShirniseLee ♥ TracyLee ♥♥ VanessaChia ♥ VanessaYeo ♥ VeraSng ♥♥ TanXiaoling OLNIANS & EX-OLNIANS(: ♥ ChelsyChoon ♥ Jiawen ♥ JolieAw ♥ MagdaleneLow ♥ PerissaYap ♥ SamanthaTan ♥♥ AbigailLee ♥♥ AthenaOng ♥ ClaireLim ♥♥ CynthiaWee ♥♥ DivyaWoo ♥♥ HeatherHumphries ♥♥ JeralynTan ♥♥ KlarissaYow ♥♥LynnJuliana ♥♥♥ NatalieNgar ♥ Nikki ♥ RachelLee ♥ SherrillSim ♥ SteffiTan ♥ VanessaTan ♥ Victoria ♥♥ YeoPeishan 1e8'09 ♥ ♥♥ ChanYauTing ♥ ElizabethYoung ♥ KimMiJin ♥ MaKeiKiu ♥ Ms NgShehFeng ♥ NatashaAmeera ♥ NicoleLau ♥♥ NoviaLiew ♥♥♥ NurulSyazana ♥ RachellNg ♥♥ SarahYeo ♥♥ SamanthaLim ♥ SitiNadiah ♥♥ Shazana ♥ ZannLim StringE ♥♥ ♥♥♥ AbigailWee ♥♥ Angela ♥♥♥ CherylLow ♥♥ EmmerlynOng ♥♥ GloriaParn ♥♥ HweiYen ♥♥ Ilya ♥♥ OngLinHui ♥♥ Muriel ♥♥♥ RatanaLau ♥♥ RebeccaTan ♥♥♥ TKGSStringe ♥ VanessaTan TKG(: ♥♥♥ Desiree ♥♥ OngLinYee ♥ Yvette archives
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hey(: posting again(: lala(: yah. TODAY went to Victoria Concert Hall(: watch seniors perform(: yah(: ratana, ming min, emmerlyn, JASMINE(: oh yah yah.. AND rachael(: yah(: um.. yah.. then at there, SAW DARLING JIAXIN(: so coincidental(: lols. i was there, waiting with cheryl for ilya(: then, saw this particular girl so familiar(: it is JIAXIN(: haha(: i miss her luh(: then finally can see her(: fated de luh(: yeah. so happy(: hmm, then sat with hwei yen at the concert(: haha(: oh oh.. SYF is nearing. date chosen. 29 APRIL 2009 @ REPUBLIC POLY. expected performance time is 11am(: goodness.. it is just like um.. 38 more days.. on wednesday. yah, hmm, JIAYOU(: 1st april, april's fool, having rehearsal at the republic poly. yah. skipping lessons after recess(: lessons like chinese, drama ed, LEGACY. wakakaka(: haha. yah. so.. HAPPY LUH(: um. yah. HOLIDAYS ARE OVER. school starts tomorrow. cries. yah, but quite happy(: can see friends again(: this march holidays, not really like a holiday luh. still have to go back school for CCA. yah. but at least holidays are filled and i done ALL my homework(: yah. end here buh(: byebye(: heys(: well, have not been posting SINCE 12 MARCH.. yeah. 1 week? i shall blog TODAY(: rather obvious luh(: 15/3/09 ok(: so.. today is a special day for CHERYL(: so, HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHERYL(: ok. um, yah, wish you all the best(: 16/3/09 eh.. START OF HOLIDAYS(: lols. ok ok luh. cause i still have to go back to school. nah, NEVERMIND(: so, had scienzation day. was spoiled by the rain. oh.. i was rather wet luh. but not THAT wet.. (: ok. then, went to vaish's place with the cheerleaders(: practised cheerleading for this friday(: um.. yah. her mom cooked curry for us(: ohso yummy(: i LOVED it(: HAHA. delicious ok. then, ate maggie mee. it was bought by kei kiu(: yah. thanks(: hmm, then went home at about 4++(: 17/3/09 ok. went back to school for cca. 9am must be in school. yah, so woke up early early(: but i was there abit earlier luh. cause daddy got AYG meeting(: ok. in the morning, CCA. then, had lunch with cheryl, abigail & ilya(: laughed alot luh. afternoon, had an exchange programme with Singapore Chinese Girls' School. yah. so we play our pieces, they play theirs. then we joined and played divertimento 1st, 2nd, 3rd movement(: loved it(: cause i manage to play the 1st movement(: which i usually CANT play that well luh. yup(: 18/3/09 CCA again. so, daddy cant make it.. he sent me to cheryl's house early, then he left for his AYG meeting again. yah(: so, cheryl's ahgong fetched us there for cca(: haha(: thanks alot(: hmm, yah. dont want to say that much luh. ok. so end here buh(: 19/3/09 TODAY(: shall chiong all the homework given(: ALL(: msut try luh. that ms tay give so much maths homework. STRESS seh. thats why i must chiong(: ok. thats all(: BYEBYE(: Labels: hols are filled.. (: um.. ok. 3 days never post(: so today post buh(: um. so. monday. actually had maths remedial luh. BUT, upper sec got higher mother tongue oral exam. using our remedial classroom. so, NO REMEDIAL(: lols. actually quite pissed. made me stay back for nothing. tuesday, had cca. untill 5.30. but i left earlier. 4.30. GOT TUITION. then daddy have to go meeting. so.. yah. tuition at gor gor's house. laughed ALOT with XinNi(: rendezvous. lols. i spelled it as ren de fu.. then gor gor made a joke out of it luh. lols. yesterday, E-LEARNING day. boring boring BORING! lols. was chatting online with all the 1/8 PEOPLE(: i love 1/8(: lols. then went back to school for CCA. today(: went into class. felt it was much brighter, CAUSE, the classroom is repainted YELLOW. lols. very light yellow. lols. ok luh. not that BAD. lols. haha. um. MS NG TODAY NEVER COME. so slacked. practised the cheer leading dance, yeah. i suck luh, but. 1E8 (: jiayou! lols. &&, i changed my blogskin(: NICE BUH(: LOLS. end here(: byebye(: um. didnt post for about 10 days?! yah. sorry seh. studying luh(: monday, had sports heats @ vjc. not that good luh. got 7th placing. THEY RAN SO FAST ): lols. smsed DARLING JIAXIN(: haha. tuesday, sectionals. lala. whatever luh. wednesday, cca. yah luh yah luh ): whatever seh. thursday, had maths spring test. string performed divertimento and dance of yao. we didnt play that good luh. although the teachers keep saying we did. jasmine & rebecca talked to us to practise HARD. friday, went out to eat with cheryl & her classmates(: namely, ilya, abigail, peggy, erica, zheng nan. yah. all sec 2 seh.. i only sec 1. bleah. after string, a senior came.. i dont know her luh. yah. but she said we CAN get a gold. (: yays(: but still we cant be complacent.. must JIAYOU(: then, helped ilya looked for uncle DOLA(: lols. screamed like hell luh. lols. yah. in the end, found him.. and yah. THATS ALL(: yesterday (saturday), woah. when i arrived at macpherson, everyone was standing outside their houses. that was WEIRD. lols. yah. then arh, my mom thought they welcoming us. but actually is one of the cables CAUGHT FIRE. as i heard from yan, dominic & fraser luh. yah. stood outside and see luh(: after awhile, went in. but then, when we heard a siren, ran out again. kpo seh(: typical singaporean(: then, saw the civil defence people. then ah, got dragonflies flying here & there. wa seh, scared me luh. then blackout in the houses. so had candle-lit dinner(: after like 1/2 hour or more, lights came on(: then, at night, stayed in the kitchen. cause the aircon is on(: yah, practised vocal with yan, dominic, justin & quanquan. lols. hilarious luh. kept laughing at dominic's extremely high voice. yah. thats all buh. and literature, i have 16/25. history timed assignment, 8/10. i cant belive luh. i didnt study and i got almost ALL correct seh. yah. end here buh(: byebye(: |