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TKGS, 1e8
TKG StringEnsemble
Ex-olnian (: , 6FAITH’o8
OLN StringEnsemble
24061996BY2 - 不夠成熟 |
♥ CharmayneLow
♥♥♥♥ CherylLow
♥♥ DominicLim
♥♥ LimQuanjie
♥♥♥♥ WendyLim
6FAITH'08(:♥♥♥♥♥ 6faitho8(: ♥AliciaChan ♥♥♥ AmandaWang ♥♥ BeatriceLee ♥♥ CrystalLee ♥ DeniseHeng ♥♥ EuniceChua ♥ FeliciaLim ♥♥ GeraldineTan ♥♥♥ LimJiaxin ♥♥♥ LimJiayan ♥♥ MadeleinePoh ♥ SamanthaTan ♥♥ SharneLeong ♥♥ ShirniseLee ♥ TracyLee ♥♥ VanessaChia ♥ VanessaYeo ♥ VeraSng ♥♥ TanXiaoling OLNIANS & EX-OLNIANS(: ♥ ChelsyChoon ♥ Jiawen ♥ JolieAw ♥ MagdaleneLow ♥ PerissaYap ♥ SamanthaTan ♥♥ AbigailLee ♥♥ AthenaOng ♥ ClaireLim ♥♥ CynthiaWee ♥♥ DivyaWoo ♥♥ HeatherHumphries ♥♥ JeralynTan ♥♥ KlarissaYow ♥♥LynnJuliana ♥♥♥ NatalieNgar ♥ Nikki ♥ RachelLee ♥ SherrillSim ♥ SteffiTan ♥ VanessaTan ♥ Victoria ♥♥ YeoPeishan 1e8'09 ♥ ♥♥ ChanYauTing ♥ ElizabethYoung ♥ KimMiJin ♥ MaKeiKiu ♥ Ms NgShehFeng ♥ NatashaAmeera ♥ NicoleLau ♥♥ NoviaLiew ♥♥♥ NurulSyazana ♥ RachellNg ♥♥ SarahYeo ♥♥ SamanthaLim ♥ SitiNadiah ♥♥ Shazana ♥ ZannLim StringE ♥♥ ♥♥♥ AbigailWee ♥♥ Angela ♥♥♥ CherylLow ♥♥ EmmerlynOng ♥♥ GloriaParn ♥♥ HweiYen ♥♥ Ilya ♥♥ OngLinHui ♥♥ Muriel ♥♥♥ RatanaLau ♥♥ RebeccaTan ♥♥♥ TKGSStringe ♥ VanessaTan TKG(: ♥♥♥ Desiree ♥♥ OngLinYee ♥ Yvette archives
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OMG! lost to 6hope in my final year here! gosh. so freaking irritated! lost by 2! ah! goodness. score lost : 12/10. cries. practically, the hope team is strong. yi lin's defending super tight! sigh. geraldine when the match is about to end. OMG. she looks so scary! geraldine! cheer up(: lols. ok. practically, me,shirlene,madeleine, geraldine cried. vanessa teared?! ok. 6faith team members. we did our best(: ok? well done. thank you to all the 6faith people and others who supported us(: THANKS(: madeleine had a skin tear from her toe. poor thing. faster recover ok? ok. after the match, somewhat felt disappointed. but at least we tried our best. 6FAITH JIAYOU FOR TOMORROW MATCH AGAINST JOY! ok. so about feeling sad, yah, shedded some tears of SADNESS. gosh. paisehs. went for a boring recess. nothing much. neh, then after recess. goodness. ms chia came! she talked to my class. yah. did some worked asigned by her. lols. ok. then, at 11, went for pagaent practise. er, senior lynette and senior denise came for some tips(: haha. had a good laugh(: after school, lunch with jiaxin,bryna,natalie and jeralyn. ok. then, went to hall(: see my class dance performance. hmm.(: nice nice(: then, piano lessons at ms cheah house(: enjoyed(: haha. lols. then, went toa payoh. visited AHMAH(: oh gosh(: so cute(: love my ahmah so lots lots(: ok. the time is. 11.11(: who thinking of me?! haha. ok. end here. bye(: HEYS(: sorry. never post for long time(: ok 26 october 2008(: ok. went to violin then macpherson. nicholas(dominic's friend) came to macpherson. and dominic bought a female hamster(: name is YUI(: haha. so cute leh(: then went to the badminton court. after much persuasion from my mom(: yah. thanks dominic for waiting for me and bringing me the the court(: after awhile. no light, then went to the multi-purpose court(: watched cheryl, nicholas, charmayne, wendy & justin play. 27 october 2008 at 5pm, went to macpherson, picked ahmah. then we go see the chinese physician together. i want to cure my ankle, ahmah want to cure her arm. lols. ok. then went to macpherson. justin bought a 2nd hamster for dominic. a male one. er, ate mee goreng that ahmah cooked(: so nice nice(: yummy(: haha. ate steam boat. then, celebrated quan quan and dominc's birthday(: slept over at charmayne's house that night. some pictures of the celebrations: 27 october 2008 HAPPY BIRTHDAY DOMINIC AND QUAN QUAN(: the previous night, air con so hot. cant sleep. but somehow, fell asleep. lols. that morning, woken up by yan. then, had mc donalds for breakfast(: thanks uncle(: then went to parkway. had KFC for lunch(: then went to giant, best denki(however you spell it) and pet shop. dominic bought a hamster cage for his 2 hamsters(: 28 october 2008 had a match against 6grace(: we won 14/1. er. quite good luh(: took bus home despite that ankle. still can manage. yah(: 29 october 2008 today, suppose to go to school for the excursion. but beacasue of that ankle, mommy refused to let me go. she called the school early morning. talked to mrs lim. i think is mrs sharidah lim. she adviced me not to go. but nevermind. can take this time to recover(: so slept untill 10++ haha. mommy went for her blood test just now. so was practically alone at home all by myself. lols. but she came home le. just only. yah(: end here. bye(: didnt post yesterday, make up for it today(: yesterday, netball match was delayed due to the rain. sigh. match with 6love. fell ): but not pain de luh. won 6love(: yay(: then, played 6truth. ok. sprained my right ankle. pain luh this one. VERY. but still, won 6truth(: yay(: limped back to class with the help of crystal and amanda(: thanks darlings(: love you(: in class, had my leg attended to. thanks shirnise for your towel(: thanks eunice for the ice(: thanks amanda and phedra for your kind attention(: thanks jiayan for helping to take my things back to class(: love all of you loads(: had assembly today. deeparaya celebrations. sat on the chair. yah. cause of that ankle. hmm.. mrs liu sat next to me ): she talked to me. sigh.. then, mrs ong. she talked to me also. sigh. thanks mrs ong for helping me out of the school gates(: after that, went to serangoon gardens for western food(: then, bought cold pack. went home, took very long to bath. yah. MY ANKLE! lols. then, wrapped the cold pack around my ankle with mama's help. haha. I LOVE MUMMY(: then, looked at choices of schools. mama, say that if the school i go to next time dont have string ensemble/ochestra, i can choose a sport cca. she say table tennis and badminton is fine. i rather take badminton. neh. cause at least i can hit the shuttercock continuosly. not like table tennis. table tennis i must really concentrate then can hit for long time. yah. if not, i can take unifrom groups. i will take NPCC/st. johns. at night, watched 9 o' clock show again(: 2nd last episode. last episode on monday. MUST WATCH! haha. end here. bye bye(: HELLOS(: i am back from the trip. lols. was actually back on tuesday night. lazy to post that day. (: saturday went out to play(: AGAIN(: so fun fun fun(: yah. played til very very late. say, 12am? not sure. around there luh. yah. sunday, woke up super early, went to airport(: in awhile, boarded tiger air, on my way to MACAU(: ok. went there, practically slept the afternoon away. cause mommy daddy watching formula 1. then i watch also luh. then half way, fell alseep :P. yah. then went to THE VENETIAN(: super nice(: monday, had a day tour. hmmm... quite fun(: yah. tour round the whole macau. neh.. macau a small place anyways.. 23 times smaller than singapore?! i heard that from the tour guide. gosh.. singapore so small. 23 TIME SMALLER?! that makes it so much smaller luh! lols. bought a rubix cube at the macau tower's toys r us(: singapore $9++. close to $10. tuesday, had brunch(breakfast and lunch) at the hotel. then, went to airport. gobbled down all the water(: cause cant take in water. yah. couldnt finish all. put 2 bottles at the dustbin. then the clean floor aunty, go pour in her pail to mop floor(: good(: at least never go to waste(: came back to singapore at night(: visited ah mah(: she fell ill. yah. yesterday. wednesday. finished up the collage. hmm.. looks stupid :P neh neh.. THANKS XIAOLING FOR HELPING US (: muacks for that(: at home, had things cleared out with jiaxin(: so i am fine with her(: back with my darling is so so good(: miss her(: lols. today. had a netball match(: with peace(: a very nice score came out(: lols. SUPER NICE(: we won peace 17/0. nice? lols. geraldine targeted 20. but neh.. failed to reach it. but quite close(: 6 faith netball team will jiayous(: do good for our class and get the champions(: tomorrow 2 matches. forgot with who. think love and truth. yah. 6faith JIAYOU(: ok. lols. end here. bye(: last night, didnt post. make it up today buh. yesterday, no school again. woke up at 11++. neh. very late luh horh.. very tired these few days. dont know why.. did some maths. daddy say i something wrong up in my brain(: just because i after exams still doing maths. neh. dont know luh. just feel like doing. scored 95/100 for that nan hua paper. yah. good score huh? lols(: if can get that marks for psle i over the moon luh.. (: my index finger pain luh. cause i play violin, then friction causes wear and tear. thus my finger got a small cut. healed le(: lols. ate char siew rice for lunch. nice(: lols. daddy da bao home de(: yah. read storybook. mommy watched tv, then go sweep floor. blabla. then took a bath. came down. never eat dinner yesterday. full. so just ate a cake that was bought last week(: lols. then, watched crime busters x 2 again(: very nice luh(: yah. at the same time, read the book of facts. at 10, watched the channel U show. until 11. yah. super tired luh. helped mama pack luggage. tomorrow going MACAU(: will buy some sovenier(however you spell it.) yah. so, end here. going for violin lessons soon. oh wait! THE TIME THE TIME(: 11.11(: who is that thinking of me?! lols. lame luh. end here. bye(: heyys(: this morning, daddy thought i got school. he woke up at 6.. lols. came to my room to wake me up. lucky i not blur luh. or else i have to go school FOR NOTHING. lols. then. i slept until 12+. lols. so tired. ate bread for breakfast(: dominic lost his hamster. just because he never cover the shoe box. lols. daddy woke up at 1++. eh, he made fruit juice. then go wake mommy up(: mommy woke up at 2+. lols. late buh. then, i know the reason to why my dad woke up so early. last night, daddy and mommy watch football. then my mom joked that tomorrow i got school, ask my dad go sleep. lols. unexpectedly, he thought it was real, went to sleep and woke up at 6. lols luh. went out SHOPPING(: 3-8++ at compass point. neh neh.. shopped for nice nice things. yah, with mommy luh. eh, bought a red dress to wear with thights(however you spell it) for chinese new year. lols. long way to go. mom bought a cheetah looking shirt and another shirt. walked alot(: yah. took a quick quick bath. then watched crime busters x2(: funny luh. lols. yah. quite a late post/ i tired le. end here. bye(: this morning, woke up at 6.30. yah, heard mom nagging at daddy. cause he frying ham? lols. yah. anything luh. neh.. ate the ham(: crispy and nice(: then, reached school earlier than expected. i expected 7.30. but is 7.15. yah. nono. 7.10. yah. lols. eh, did the collage. BORING luh. sigh. then, went for netball training. shoot 20 goals today(: improving worh(: yah. next time shoot 25(: next week interclass le. OMG luh so quick(: event was pushed forward. ): less time to practise. neh. sweat ALOT. yucks luh. the back of my whole pinafore WET. paisehs.. recess with shirlene. supposed to go with THOSE p4s. but dont know what happened. not really sure. so in the end, never go lorh. after recess, christmas carol practise. neh. nothing much. went to computer lab 1. sat in front of the class. punishment from ms koh buh. cause is only ms koh class de netballers. sigh.. no big deal. have lots of people accompany me(: lols. jkjk. went back to class. continued the collage. yah. so so boring luh. OMG. after PSLE life is boring. everyday dont know what to do. lols. serious(: at home, watched teevee(: lols. so disgusted luh. watched man vs. wild. so disgusting luh. but somewhat hilarious(: neh.. just now talked to dominic(: he told me about his hamster(: yah. OMG. the time(: 11.11(: who's thinking of me?! lols. lame luh(: neh. end here. bye(: making post quite short. so tired today. this morning, woke up 6.30(: PSLE over happy seh. no more morning class(: so can reach school later, like 7.30. yah. that was the approximate time i reached OLN. then, had chinese. neh. chanahmoy talked about world war 2. got loads of sound effects(: interesting lessons(: yah. but mainly, talked about CME. boring luh. then, PE(: played volleyball. supposed to be fun de. but 2 people spoiled all the fun. xxx & yyy. cause when the ball go to them, they refuse to hit. the spoil the fun luh. then maths. well, went for interclass practise. someone up there, from 5th floor tell us that, no banded class. so all the 6faith banded pupils, went back to 6faith. yah. but in the end got maths. they went computer lab. ms koh going to give us a great big shelling tomorrow. those few of us. just because we use her period for practise. no choice le mah. she unreasonable luh. must be mentally and physically prepared. during netbal practise, had a little friendly match with 6joy(: we won(: after recess, 5 ms wan period straight in a row. nice(: so played through luh. as in board games. yah. so shiok. not like in someone class luh. so super tense. walked home with crystal. then daddy bring me go serangoon gardens to eat western food(: yah. bought fish for mama. went home at 2.50. yah. exactly at that time(: neh. so super tired. took a nap just now. like at 6-8? yah. something like that. ate banana for dinner. not very hungry. watched the 9 o'clock show while eating(: yah. end here buh. i go sleep(: bye(: heyys(: lets talk about the happenings on SATURDAY, SUNDAY & TODAY(: eh, saturday, i eh. cant remember much luh. short term yah(: lols. had violin. went ahmah house at 4++. hmm.. then eat eat eat(: yummy(: dominic played the 'ghost train' movie(: nice(: thanks dominic(: yan came awhile later. wondered why . lols. stayed in and played BINGO(: quite fun luh. maybe. sometimes. yah. but i seldom win. only won like eh.. a pathetic 1 time?! lols(: yah. but was sporting luh. i not sore loser like someone mah(: yah. at night, went out to play(: played badminton(: so fun(: neh. not really. cycled abit. yah. dominic took yan's $1 to buy ice lolli(: nice nice(: eh. owe yan extra 20cents now. -.- yah. charmayne littered. that naughty girl. yah. in the end, she picked it up luh (: SUNDAY(: no need to wake up early anymore(: happy happy happy(: tuition NO MORE(: no toturing morning rise. lols. yah. slept late. VERY late. yah. was so so hungry that morning. wonder why. maybe cause mummy refuse to let me eat?! maybe luh. dont know(: but nevermind. i eat supper to often also no good. later i grow from east to west instead of north to south. lols. (: went macpherson at again, 4++. lols. that is the standard time to reach there de(: yah. yan bought incredible tales season 4. freaky luh. watched at night. some gave me a chill down my spine. ah yan ah. scream scream scream. scared me seh. before that had bubbletea before dinner. nice(: today, morning had prefect meeting. yah. then assembled in the hall. month of rosary mah. yah. 9 o'clock, supposed to have netball training. but, chinese lessons. so cant go. yah. waited until 9.30 lorh. 1/2 hour gone. neh. (: shoot 10 goals today. yah. must goal more. (: trained alot. did suicide running. TIRED luh. at 12.30, went music room 2. had some singing practise there. cause of the upcoming christmas event. yah. dad brought me home today. watched TV(: lols. i slacking so so much(: yah. i tired le. tomorrow still have school. end here buh. bye(: sorry, didnt post yesterday. was super not free yesterday. yah. woke up at 11?! dont know luh. not sure. yah. then ate some bread. after some time, daddy and mommy woke up. drank fruit juice(: so nice luh(: love it(: then, daddy bring mommy and me go hougang mall to eat(: after that, went to cut hair(: love mommy so much(: went there, i waited while mommy had her hair cut & dyed. casue the place was packed. so yah. have to wait for my turn lorh. then, a woman came, sat next to me. yah. soon, she dozed off. nodding her head all the way. wondered if she was drooling. didnt really pay attention to her. was reading a book(: so funny(: awhile later, had my hair cut. took like 10min plus. very short time(: the aunty so good(: her son and daughter are so so cute(: lols. then, went home first before mommy. had a bath. then, did maths. yah. afew questions only(: lols. not in a mood to do luh. ate raspberries. that one ah.. daddy but de. nice and juicy(: lols. but pricey.. yah. but worth it luh. mommy ate afew then went for her bath. slept at 11+ although next morning have school. in the middle of the night, had tummy ache. so so pain. teared abit. woke up and eat medicine. this morning, woke up, daddy bring me to kopitiam eat breakfast. yah. then went to school. eh. yah. so paiseh. my hair. alot of people all noticed. paiseh. interclass practise starts next week. i involved(: lols. last year to contribute and help my class gain glory(: i performing christmas pagaent. or something. after school, jiayan come my house(: went to eat japanese food. jiayan ate char siew rice, mommy eat laksa, daddy eat mee pok. yah. before we go eat, played chinese chess with jiayan . taught her how to play. yah. drank fruit juice. that my dad made. she say very nice. lols. yah. after we eat, play piano abit and scrabble. yah. then went to play badminton. went to opposite 446 that empty space to play. then scared my mom come down. so we go back 449. lols(: then, the wind so big. but still play. we play until 5++ then jiayan go home. end here buh. talking to shirnise on msn and chatting with dominic on the phone. yah. bye(: try to blog tomorrow(: hello(: blogging again(: once more(: PSLE is OVER(: OMG. so super happy(: preparation for it was so tedious(: lols. but all is worth it(: had english paper on friday. er. so super easy(: lols. much more easier than the prelims paper(: maths on monday. ms wong gave me good luck charm(: lols. so maths was also easy easy(: then chinese(: choose sentence that one was the only section that gave me abit problems. the rest was OK(: lols. science was today(: my final paper(: OMG so happy(: easy luh. lol. cause last night, rushed through some last minute notes till midnight with mommy(: THANK YOU MOMMY(: today, came home myself. yah. so on. suppose to cut hair today with mom. but mom had abit of headache. yah. so tomorrow then cut lorh(: er, watched TV(: 3 straight hours. mom just watched with me luh(: such a relaxing lifestyle(: no need to study. so nice(: if i everytime haave this type of lifestyle(: i would be so super happy seh(: but. impossible. talked with mommy about choosing secondary schools. yah. starting to consider schools. cause i have only 1 day out of the 1 week. cause i would be going overseas. eh. yah. so must just straight pick. trying to find a nicer blogskin. cant find one. sigh. i go find some le luh. bye(: |