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TKGS, 1e8
TKG StringEnsemble
Ex-olnian (: , 6FAITH’o8
OLN StringEnsemble
24061996BY2 - 不夠成熟 |
♥ CharmayneLow
♥♥♥♥ CherylLow
♥♥ DominicLim
♥♥ LimQuanjie
♥♥♥♥ WendyLim
6FAITH'08(:♥♥♥♥♥ 6faitho8(: ♥AliciaChan ♥♥♥ AmandaWang ♥♥ BeatriceLee ♥♥ CrystalLee ♥ DeniseHeng ♥♥ EuniceChua ♥ FeliciaLim ♥♥ GeraldineTan ♥♥♥ LimJiaxin ♥♥♥ LimJiayan ♥♥ MadeleinePoh ♥ SamanthaTan ♥♥ SharneLeong ♥♥ ShirniseLee ♥ TracyLee ♥♥ VanessaChia ♥ VanessaYeo ♥ VeraSng ♥♥ TanXiaoling OLNIANS & EX-OLNIANS(: ♥ ChelsyChoon ♥ Jiawen ♥ JolieAw ♥ MagdaleneLow ♥ PerissaYap ♥ SamanthaTan ♥♥ AbigailLee ♥♥ AthenaOng ♥ ClaireLim ♥♥ CynthiaWee ♥♥ DivyaWoo ♥♥ HeatherHumphries ♥♥ JeralynTan ♥♥ KlarissaYow ♥♥LynnJuliana ♥♥♥ NatalieNgar ♥ Nikki ♥ RachelLee ♥ SherrillSim ♥ SteffiTan ♥ VanessaTan ♥ Victoria ♥♥ YeoPeishan 1e8'09 ♥ ♥♥ ChanYauTing ♥ ElizabethYoung ♥ KimMiJin ♥ MaKeiKiu ♥ Ms NgShehFeng ♥ NatashaAmeera ♥ NicoleLau ♥♥ NoviaLiew ♥♥♥ NurulSyazana ♥ RachellNg ♥♥ SarahYeo ♥♥ SamanthaLim ♥ SitiNadiah ♥♥ Shazana ♥ ZannLim StringE ♥♥ ♥♥♥ AbigailWee ♥♥ Angela ♥♥♥ CherylLow ♥♥ EmmerlynOng ♥♥ GloriaParn ♥♥ HweiYen ♥♥ Ilya ♥♥ OngLinHui ♥♥ Muriel ♥♥♥ RatanaLau ♥♥ RebeccaTan ♥♥♥ TKGSStringe ♥ VanessaTan TKG(: ♥♥♥ Desiree ♥♥ OngLinYee ♥ Yvette archives
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HAPPY TEACHERS' DAY(: thank you misswan for your hard work. ♥ celebrated teachers' day today(:. & DADDY coming back TOMORROW(: happy(: haha. morning, went to school very early. yah. then i waited for shirlene to come. so might as well go give my baby photo to the 'advisor'. lol. all said i dont look like who i am now. lol. yah. actually, all the photos there dont look like any of MY classmates. lol. those photos are to be given to ms wan. so they paste on vanguard sheet. yah. so cute(: haha. went to chanahmoy lessons late. shirlene went le. cause she never see me. sigh. sickening. lala. then rushed to classroom with jiayan. give chanahmoy the consent form and exam papers. she didnt scold. haha. love her ♥♥. haha. then went to class. helped alicia to solve the rubix cube(: haha. ver long never do le. then, rushed up to 6joy for cathecism. mrs goh ask us sing hymns. yah. CHRIST BE OUR LIGHT. a very nice song. lol. but phedra spoiled all. lol. then aeces day workout. it is so so disgusting. lol. hate that. cry. but had to do luh. dont want let the teachers down. yah, laughed quite alot. in the middle, our class shout 'miss wan jiayou'. haha. then miss wan paiseh untill she blush. haha. so cut (=':'=) lol. rushed back to 6faith to have her present done. it is so nice(: lol. we close the front door & back door. but forgot to hold the back door. only hold the back door. so miss wan clever. came in by back door. haha. (: then before we give her present, geraldine ask luh. we cute anot... then miss wan 'CUTE LUH CUTE LUH..' then gave present to her lorh. haha. she appreciated it(: she started guessing all the people. she know all except for mine. haha. mine quite difficult. cause dont look like me(: then went to change and did duty. eating 1/2 way that time, rachelGOH came and ask me to go up. she was with yuri and nicole. yah, they say upstairs got cockroach. yah. chiong my food and went up. phedra, shirlene all followed. chased the cockroaches away. haha. the p2s were screaming their heads off luh. lol. then, did staircase duty. lala. stand at the staircase to usher teachers up. actually, just stood down there for show. lol. directing the way to go. haha. so grand(: then, sat in the hall. lala. waited for the next duty. giving out the gifts(: gave out 2. all had to. lol. i gave to mrs stephanie wong and ms afridah.. yah. they accepted my gifts with a smile(: actually not mine. is the school's gift for them. yah. took jiajia's car back home. lala. her mum fetched me there. her mom so good(: haha, abit like crystal's mom. lala. at home, mom was resting. haha. she super tired. hm... yah. thats all. end here(: bye(: took exam papers back to let parents sign today. morning, had prefect meeting. during meeting, mrs liu came in.. nagged. lol. then went to gym for morning exercise. lala. tomorrow AECES day. hate the workout steps. collected my chinese exam paper. lala. then chanahmoy talked about compo. yah. nagged. talked loads & loads. sigh. did science corrections for the exam paper. OMG luh. did so badly. sigh.. 58/100 seh. worst of all my subject luh. cries. science was usually my best subject de. ok?! sighs. slack lots. then did item analysis. PE. played duck duck goose. rather play captain ball luh. my god. continued the item analysis. go through english paper. got hold back during recess. so had only a 10 min recess. in the gym. preparing things for tomorrow teachers' day celebrations. sigh.. maths. go through the practise paper D. got 96/100 for that. if only i can get that for my PSLE. sigh... laughed and joke abit during lessons. walked home with beatrice. yah. chatted with her and her aunty. now, got to go. mom calling me le. bye(: hello(: this morning. mom woke me super early. lol. kiasu. haha. woke me at 5.57. lol. my beauty sleep leh.. lol. whatever. ate cheesecake(: so nice(: more days and dad is back(: miss daddy ): mom alighted me that time, i quickly ran towards the school. cause miss koh was just a few metres away from me. haha.(: yah. stayed in the canteen to eat something(: then, followed shirnese to talk to miss koh. haha. at the same time, asked her about my marks(: she sayed i improved alot(: happy(: haha. then went to chanahmoy lessons(: awhile later, chanahmoy ask us to go le. cause we had to do the aeces day workout rehearsal. lol. sickening luh. bounce bounce bounce bounce. i not rabbit ok?! lol. after the rehearsal, chinese(: lala. did that $1 PSLE thing. lol. marked and stuff like that. lol. yesterday chanahmoy say want to go talk about compo today. she forgot luh, lol(: music(: enjoyed it(: hoho. watched things(: lol. super nice(: as in.. in aircon room. then watch erm. music stuff?! yah. i love shirnese so much(: her po po cook noodles for me. so delicious(: nice nice(: OMG(: nicer than those at kopitiam. maths that time, checked maths paper. got 65.5/100. not as much as i want. cries. but improved luh. lol.. took bus home with crystal. yah. end here. go eat my dinner le. bye(: hello(: today in chinese lesson. laughed alot. haha. was busy doing homeworks. when suddenly, a bee fly in... lol. screams filled the room as it flew around. lol ;D yah. so it flew here and there luh. then it flew right between me and jiayan. yah. then it landed on jiayan's hand. lol. and she dont know luh. she still put the book over her head ask 'where? where?' lol. laughed luh(: then it landed on jiayan table. so i ran away. haha. then jiayan was laughing at me. haha. in the end, she ran here too. lol. awhile later, chanahmoy came back. and she stepped the bee to death. poor bee. haha. think is a bumble bee. lol. ms vasun never come today. haha. mrs wong came for relief. lol. checked maths paper during maths lessons. lol. failed section c again. sigh.. actually was 23.5/50 de. then add to 24.5/50, lol. but round off to 25 luh.. so i sort of passed that section? haha. so bad luh. lol. hope section a & b can pull my marks up. haha. jiayan got scolded by ms koh cause she talked... after recess checked science paper. lol. failed the section b. got 16.5/40. lol. cham luh.. haha. but my section a pulled me up to a pass. haha. 58/100. lol not a fantastic score. but.. the whole cohort didnt do well mah.. whatever.. then jiayan got scolded by ms sarina 3 times. cause she turn around and talk.. lol. poor thing. walked home with beatrice(: haha. dropped by provision shop to buy some sweets(: haha. i go chiong chinese le(: bye(: hello(: checked papers today. lol. this morning, mama woke me up super late. lol. dont know why. maybe she over slept. lol. whatever luh. so woke up at erm.. 6.45. lol. chiong all the way luh. my hair was like super super messy luh. never really go tie it properly. lol. did not go for chanahmoy lessons. super late le. cause i go in a few minutes... maybe just seconds then must go for duty le. sigh.. so never go lorh. chatted with beatrice alot during silent reading. lala(: miss vasun didnt come today(: haha. so relief teacher lorh. haha. she allow us to do our own work. hoho. 9.30. went to hall to check english prelim paper. OMG luh. was so scared at first lorh. lol. had 42/65 for booklet B. lol. bad results lorh. lol. chinese was better(: checked untill recess. lol. went duty with beatrice. yah yah. ate some of phedra's biscuits(: haha. then, madeleine took my 20cents coin.. to erm.. play hop scotch with peiyi?! lol. whatever luh. then she throw my coin. lol. then drop in side the drain. digusting. lol. phedra and peiyi opened up the drain. and i put my hand in to take my money. lol. after recess, went back to 6faith. lala. 15 pupils went for a survey? lol. was not selected. so not my prob. haha. couldnt care less ;P mrs lim gan heng came for relief. yah. did chinese during that lessons. then, went to hall to check chinese papers(: so happy lorh. lol. booklet A, 40/50. booklet B, 37/40. whole thing, 77/90. haha. happy(: listening compre, 17/20. so altogether is 94/110. lol. quite good luh. lol. chanahmoy scolded hannah lee. poor thing. haha. walked home with crystal. yah. dropped by then bubble tea shop again. crystal bought her bubble tea. i bought waffle(: ate and ate and ate(: lol. but i never grow fat(: haha. i must go chiong my chinese PSLE worksheets le. bye(: HAPPY BIRTHDAY YAN YAN (: lol. yah. it is her birthday(: may all her wishes will come true(: lol. yesterday. mom brought me to yifan house. caught in a traffic jam. lol. think is the CTE highway buh. not sure. lol. yah. so was about 1/2 hour late. yah. his wife bought muffins for me(: thanks(: lol. the muffin was delicious. haha. my niece might come next week or the week after next. that is what yifan said. yah. cant wait to see how chio and cute she is(: then, went for violin. on our way back home, got caught in a jam again. this time is PIE. so sick luh. everytime jam here jam there. sigh.. road expansion stuff. causing all the jam. at home, went to bathe immediately. yah. mom made fruit juce. all in hurry. cause ahmah wants to dye her hair. so my mom was asked to dye her hair. so cant go too late. lol. rushed and rushed. sickening rain. sigh. got all wet. lol. at night, went out for some play(: awhile only. cause after awhile, uncle ask us to come back in. they say raining. it was not even raining. lol. then, celebrated yan's birthday(: yah. dominic got scolded for some incident. dont want to say. later embarress him. today, had tuition. yah. super funny. laughed loads. haha. chatted with xinwei. cause she talked to me. lol. chatted about that crazy patrick. haha. then went to NTUC with mama. bought fruits and vegetables. did homework when we came home. chinese homework. sigh.. blogging. lala~ end here luh. bye(: hello(: changed blogskin again. so didnt really have time to post yesterday lorh. yesterday, had cathecism. eunice sabo me seh. ask me to read the bible. lol. she is so horrible. lol. jkjk. (: yahs. some say no maths. some say got maths. lol. but then in the end, got maths. lol. luckily i went straight down after cathecism. haha. played maths games during lesson. lol. cracked my head luh.. lol. hate calculations. ;P today had PE in the gym. practise the aeces day workout. lol. did the workout with the primary 1. lol. our teacher praised the p1. haha. nevermind. they still young (: they are so so cute(: lol. didnt really sweat alot today. dont know why. haha. chanahmoy nagged during chinese lessons. lol. nagged and nagged. lol. haha. she talked about our composition and critiscise someone. she didnt say out who.. lol. but spent chinese marking papers. that $1 worksheets. had chit chat sessions. haha. my group chatted with miss wan alot of rubbish. like about jay chou, show luo.. lol. yah.. then miss wan laughed alot.. her face very red. red not with fury, but with excitement. lol. walked home with vanessa and crystal. dropped by the bubble tea store. buying bubble tea that time, got 1 old man, take newspaper tap crystal. lol. then he walk away. after that, he come back le. he use newspaper to tap vanessa and me. lol. then he was like smiling and smiling. lol. walking home that time, started to rain. lol. but not so heavy luh. reach home quite late luh. like 2.20 like that, lol. took 50 min to go home. mayb not 50 luh. 40min. yah. lucky mom did not nag. going for violin lessons later. and also to go to yifan house(: so end here. bye(: hello(: prelim exams are OVER(: haha. but psle is not. cries. went for morning class this morning. saw that xiaoling in the canteen. lol. i think she called me or something. lol. dont know dont know. lol. did duty with jiayan. haha. science paper was hard. lala. if i can get a high B, or an A, i super happy le lorh. lol. i finished the paper 4min before the time limit. lol. so lucky luh. lol. so got a chance to glance through and check through the paper. lala. recess. played abit. haha. dont know luh. maybe joked luh. lol. assembly that time, mrs lew make us p6 stay behind. we have exams luh can?! lol. in the hall, it was rather noisy. so went out of the hall and in again. lol. did that once nia. lol. dont want a second time either ;P delayed english listening comprehension. lol. cause there is a funeral nearby. so to be fair, wait for the rituals to be done then start the listening comprehension. during listening comprehension, got so so many aeroplanes fly here fly there. lol. just now dont fly now then fly. lol. stay in the hall for chinese listening comprehension. lala. practically, spent my day in the hall that day. lol. boring luh. got so sick of the hall. lol. walked home with crystal and samantha. went to 7-11 to buy sweet to eat. lol. nice(: it was just $1.50. lol. nice luh. haha. then go provision shop buy snacks to eat. haha. i ate alot of junk these few days. lol. maybe because is exam week. super stressed. lol. chatted with chantal again(: lol. chat with her everyday this week. chatted about exams. yesterday, talk until ghosts. lol. i go do my ri ji blablabla le. or else chanahmoy scold. lol. bye(: hello(: chinese prelim paper today(: compo was EASY(: about a boy knock down by car cause talking on handphone blablabla. paper 2. the choose sentence that one super difficult. scared i fail that section. so hard luh. lol. i scribbled lots lots of rubbish at comprehension. hope can do well. lol. want an A or A*(: after paper 2, went to class to take bag bring to hall. guess what, a class of p5s, using our classroom . without our permission luh. lol. whatever. not that petty. walked home with samantha. lol. had a serial of drama. walk walk walk, met crystal and vanessa. then they say me and samantha like husband and wife.. lame. then i the husband she the wife. sick luh.. lol. went to kopitiam the 7-11. bought sweet(: samantha bought dont know what thing.. then walked home from there luh. we walk super fast. reach untill the block 457 or something.. saw crystal and vanessa again. they walk super slow. we go here go there, still reach there about same time as them. lol. at home, chatted with chantal. haha. chatted lots lots of things(: haha. science prelim tomorrow. and listnening compre.. sad. i must go dig ear. lol. jkjk. lala. talking to yan now. yah. end here buh. nothing to post le. bye(: hello(: lol. this morning, mummy wake me up 6.30. lol. rushed for time. haha. i obediently went for chanahmoy's lessons. lala. she ask us to mark the PSLE worksheets untill where we do till. lol. sian.. did morning duty with jiayan. haha. not really DO duty luh. just sit behind her nia. lol. maths prelim paper today. so super difficult luh. AHHH!! left 1/2 questions totally BLANK! the rest is got some bitbit of working. lol. scribbed till the last minute seh. so super difficult. after recess, ms wan never come to schoo today. so mrs mageret ong came for relief. OMG luh. she is irritating. ask us to apologise and these and that. sickening. sharne passed me a message. lol. she is so super irritating me. i totally hate her can?! sending me letters like : i already done my part. it is up to youto decide if we can still be friends or remain as enemies. hey. you were the one who started all this rubbish luh. i didnt say that we will be friends or enemies luh. sick.. i just said that i will take it as thought i NEVER met you at all. she misinterpreted it. she called me last night at 10.45. i didnt pick up cause i was sleeping. trying to disrupt my sleep?! NEVER. lucky i didnt on the vibration. or else, i would have been woken up luh. hate her. anyways, took bus with peiyi. chatted with chantal and wendy on sms on my way home. haha. tomorrow is chinese paper(: must do well. cant let chanahmoy down. lol. so i need to go study chinese le. bye(: hello(: today had english prelim paper. lols. SINGAPORE GOT SILVER MEDAL FOR TABLE TENNIS(: lol. happy(: morning, late for chanahmoy classes. so went straight for prefect meeting. lol. heck care luh. then, went to ahmoy class. so surprised luh. jiayan and i were the only prefects that went for her lessons after the meeting. lols. i did question 2 for my continuos writing. lol. wrote about the people trapped in the lift. lala. nothing really interesting. after recess was the paper 2. lol. boring luh. completed the paper quite fast. blabla. during the exam, i finish already mah. so my hair was super messy. cant stand it. so i retied it. then the mrs nagindiran came to me and say 'can you stop meddeling with your hair'. lol. whatever luh. was so super boiled. ): walked home with samantha again(: got sort of drenched in the rain. lol. rushed back luh. anyways, it was just drizzling. lol. daddy packing his bag now. he going to rome/italy. will miss him. lol. maths prelim paper tomorrow. jiayou jiayou(: i go do homework le. bye(: hello(: making ths a short post. cause i want to watch olympics(: yesterday, went for maths lessons at yifan house. yah. then, rushed to pasir ris for violin lessons. my arm was abit hurt. dont know why.. the joint pain seh. bla. went to macpherson. haha. did some homework(: then, went for dinner. went to play again(: rode motor bike. lol. freaky. then, we played badminton(: so fun(: haha. i win everyone(: i am improving. lol. then, played volleyball with the neighbours. celeste is so cute(: she reminds me of yuuka(: haha. her sister very mild. sarah so hyper and rude luh.. lol. but nevermind. they are still YOUNG(: haha. had lots of fun(: today went tuition. came home and SLEEP(: lol. slept from 12+ to 1+ lol. longest nap i had on sundays, haha. dad came to wake me up. yah. watching the table tennis later(: singapore JIAYOU(: must try to win chinaand get a gold medal(: jiayou(: daddy leaving singapore for italy tomorrow night. he will only be back on 30th. so longl uh.. will miss him lorh.. having english paper 1 & 2 prelim paper tomorrow): 6faith people. jiayou. dont let our teachers down(: lol. go watch tv le.. bye(: hello(: woke up 5.30 today. dad kiasu.. lol. very early reach school le. so did homework. (: i so guai horh?! lol. then went to courtyard to assemble. blabla. 1st person to test oral. so freaky. lol. teacher call my name that time, alot of people cheer me on(: haha. thanks 6faith(: you rock(: haha. went to the hall for quarentine thingy. lol. helped mrs lee with the attendence. did loads of homework there(: lala. so boring. i think mrs lee mistaken me for ANTHER person. do i even look like someone else?! haha went to buy bubble tea again. then walked home with samantha and beatrice(: watched the table tennis match(: so nice(: singapore won. haha. singapore. JIAYOU(: lol. i go eat dinner le(: bye(: hello(: woke up at 8am. but sleep was abit interrupted. lala. thanks to crystal lee. lol. was sleeping peacefully. until. 6.45... VIBRATES... she called me. didnt pick up. rejected it by accident. then she call again. answer lorh. lol. she going for her oral le. so she ask me some questions. lala. chinese oral was freaky. lol. went there quite late. but not THAT late. lol. alot people all reach le. lol. paiseh leh. came so late. assembled in canteen, then lobby. lala. waited for quite long. then, teacher collected our electronic devices. lol. MY HANDPHONE! so long never part with it le. i bring it everywhere i go luh can.. i go bathe also bring de. except for pooping and peeing luh. lol. said a prayer led by mrs helen lim. went up to 3joy. waiting room. lala. the examiners were like.. ok. look friendly. i was like hesitating when reading the passage luh. but the picture and conversation went ok.. but. somehow, not much confidence with chinese oral. more confidence for tomorrow's english oral. lala. went opposite school. bought bubble tea for myself and samantha. went back, waited for shirlene toh. going back with her mah. lol. talked to nicole ho's mother. lol. chatted like old auntys. lol. walked home. lala. watched the olympics. lol. the gymnastics so funny luh. then japanese man horh, fall down the position so funny luh. kept laughing. talked to shirnese for awhile. got to know what had happened. cant say. :X yah. mama cooking udon(: super nice. haha. so i have to go and eat my udon lunch(: bye(: hello hello(: lala yesterday night.. was so sick.. that tortoise faced sharne, called my handphone. rejected her calls. ALL. picked up her 1st call. no one talked. so i slammed it down. sickening luh, waste my time and money seh.. was watching that tao li match lorh. thanks to her i dont feel like watching and cheering for her le luh.. sickening. went to do homework lorh.. then she call again and again and again. irritating luh. didnt i make it clear during maths lessons that i dont want to befriend her? she still agree and say nevermind.. she doesnt keep her word luh.. irritating. so i off my phone luh.. cant listen to songs lorh.. i off my phone, she call my house phone.. irritating. i pick up.. heard her say hello, i slammed the phone.. hearing her voice, i cant stand it luh.. why she so irritating.. cling on to me like koala bear.. irritating. got her madeleine dont want to hang, must hang on me?! irritating.. then she smsed me awhile later.. she said this: Dont u hav th dignity to even pick up th phone to let me say a short sentence? Rachel, u r th one that has changed, not me. Gdbye. sick luh. does she even know the meaning of dignity? it is : The quality or state of being worthy of esteem or respect. Inherent nobility and worth: the dignity of honest labor. Poise and self-respect. Stateliness and formality in manner and appearance. The respect and honor associated with an important position. A high office or rank. dignities The ceremonial symbols and observances attached to high office. i changed because she did in the 1st place. nah.. cant be bothered with her.. the thought of her makes me boil. today, morning class. chanahmoy teach oral.. cause tomorrow PSLE ORAL. omg luh.. so fast. havent really prepared luh. scared. lala. had ting xie today.. quite confident. hope can do well luh.. cause p6 words i more familiar than p5 words. lol. music, learnt about the wayang. so boring.. was chatting with amanda, jiayan & eunice.. not paying attention, ;P 2nd last period.. arranged tables and chairs for the PSLE oral. the whole classroom seems so super empty luh.. VERY. lol. last period, went to the hall to sit.. as in sitting arrangement for PSLE and prelims. sigh.. so many people luh.. freaky. sat next to denise(: near the fan.. so cooling(: haha. no supp today.. walked home with samantha.. yah.. mum sliced the sotong she bought.. so disgusting. i see le want to puke lorh.. dont know how she still manage to gobble it down. ugh. end here.. bye(: hello(: there is a thunder storm.. scary. went for morning class. lol. left my PSLE book in class. chanahmoy was like flaring. went up to take the book then ran down. lol. went for duty. sian.. chanahmoy wasted time talking about the beijing olympics opening cermony.. lol. talked for about 1/2 hour. lol. dont care.. mdm sek came for relief. ms vasun never come. haha. so happy. detest miss vasun.. lol. xiaoling was so super rude luh. mdm sek talk to her, she shout back luh.. my god. maths was ok luh.. just that.. WE WERE LET GO SUPER LATE OR RECESS. lol. miss koh said that she didnt know it was recess. i mean.. the bell rang luh can.. she say she see the clock and thought it was 10.21, lol. let out at 10.41. 11min of my recess GONE. sigh.. then she blame us for not telling her that it was recess. lala. had the psle oral briefing again. this time is the route to take when come to school, to exam/waiting room and so on.. sick of it. chinese supplementry was in gym.. practise oral as a group. after supp, went bookshop. ordered the sticker that yan wants(: walked home.. talking to yan now(: need to go le.. bye(: hello(: 2nd post for today.. haha this morning. daddy left for KL. sad. he will only be back on this thursday.. watched the olympic games again. badminton.. susilo so lan luh.. he lost to lee chong wei of malaysia.. sigh. swimming. tao li.. 5th position. not bad le lorh. FINALS leh.. lol. team singapore must jiayou(: chiong my homeworks. lol. at the same time, chatted with jiayan(: haha. chatted for 3h + and mrs lim say to max. chat with friends for 1/2 hour. lol. to short le buh.. haha mummy woke up late. 3+ lol. she must have slept super late last night. my japanese name is reicheru(: lol. sounds weird lorh. lol. have school tomorrow. so sick. sigh.. end here luh.. need to eat my DINNER(: bye(: hello(: long weekend. so no school today(: saturday. we suppose to go swimming at 5 de. but then we dili dali until like 5.30+ then it started raining. lol. my aunt's house raining luh. then at the changi beach club, thunder storm. cries. charmayne very stubborn sia. her mom ask her to change another swimming costume, she dont want.. keep insisting on wearing the one. so small already luh. i admit it is totally to small for her lorh. then made our way to macpherson. charmayne cried.. cause we never go swimming. lol. she cry super de loud luh. me, yan and dominic horh, on music untill SUPER loud. max le lorh. still can hear her crying. lol. she making a mountain out of a mole hill luh.. lol. sunday. had tuition. lol. did my maths homework there. mrs wong teach me(: haha. i so detest the other group luh. so super noisy. cant concentrate lorh. irritating. got to go.. bye(: HAPPY BIRTHDAY VERA and SINGAPORE(: may your wishes come true(: hope singapore successful forever(: ok. this morning, woke up 9am. lala. went to yifan house for tuition again. his wife the stomach very big. baby coming soon le. next month(: cant wait to see my chio chio niece(: lol. tuition was super hilarious today(: kept laughing. lol. then, dad pick me. went to buy char siew rice for my lunch? yah. so i wait in the car. then daddy wentot buy medicine for spare de. so wait in the car again lorh. lol. no harm. then got one BLACK honda civics car horh, reverse untill almost bang into my dad's car. i saw mah. then i kept staring at the car luh. but then the car still continue reversing. scared he hit dad's car, press the horn. lol. then he stop reversing. haha. came home. no violin today.. NATIONAL DAY mah. lol. dad went to take a rest. so i come and post lorh. last night, watched the opening ceremony of the o8.o8.o8 beijing olympic games. the performance was so exhilarating. lol.(: then, the countries participating have to come out. waited for singapore untill very long. fell asleep in between. so missed numbers 120+ to 144. lol. then continued watching. singapore was the last 20 teams to come out. team singapore is just a team of 25. lol. china is a team of 630+. alot luh. about 25 times of singapore's team luh. lol. alot of fireworks thing. so nice and pretty.. colourful(: shall end here. bye(: hello(: changed bloskin. yah. think there is a problem with it. lol. cant even see where are my posts. had a very long day yesterday. cried long. all thanks to someone. OMG luh. so hate her. 6faith people. should know who right? lol. thanks crystal,shirnese and phedra for comforting me. loveyou loads. jiayan ah. thanks for making me laugh kae... lol. happy that i can sit wth you. causeyou can make me laugh even when i am sad. lol. today, national day celebrations. lala. as normal luh. nothing much lorh. just the same marching stuff. p2 performance was nice. but rather loud and aggresive luh. lol. almost deaf le lorh. wendy running her crosscountry today. jiayou (: love you. lol. end here luh. nothing to post le mah, lol. bye(: hello(: today, woke up super late. 7am. lala. reached school at about 7.29 like that.. so never go ahmoy lessons. lol. heck care luh.. 1st period is science.. i think. english or science luh. went through a science practise paper. sick of practise papers. so many luh. dont know did how many le.. but still have SOMEMORE! cries. so toturing. chinese lessons. chanahmoy look so super fierce today. she is angry. cause alot of people never come or morning class today . so she scolded us as in those who never go morning class de luh... had listening compre pracitse today. today music, listened to this year's national day song. ok luh.. last year's de nicer. haah. serious. maths lessons, had a test. ratio and percentage. so hate percentage. %%%.. lol. scored 14/20.. low buh. madeleine got a scolding.. so she in bad mood. no supplementry classes today. so dad pick me home.. talking to chantal now.. haha. end post le luh. bye(: hello(: lol. today i went for ahmoy class(: i good girl right? haha. had chinese spelling today. never study for it.. lala. always dont de.. jiayan will help me. but then horh, she also never learn i think. alot dont know. haha. dont care luh. it is just a spelling test.. then, went to hall. had some PSLE oral briefing. scary.. it is just like er... 9days away lorh. 1st day is chinese. 2nd day is english. lol. the briefing was nearly 1 1/2 hours long.. so like erm missed maths. lol. happy(: haha. not because i dont want maths, is because of the troubles.. lol. went recess with THEM. LOL. again. haha. didnt really eat alot luh. lol. dont know why. recess assembly, saw a girl, running to me saying i loveyou.. lol. yah.. should know who buh.. lol. whatever luh. last 5 periods.. miss wan lessons. had some english paper 2 common test. OMGOMG. never study ok?! hope can do well. then, had science. lala~ jiayan and i.. lol. kept drawing scars on our arms lol. so LAME. haha. had chinese supplementry. lala. then, went to bookshop with jiayan. lala. made that name sticker. need it to label my stuff. especially my handphone. yah(: then, went home with crystal and vanessa. this few days feeling rather down. dont know why.. sigh. have to go. bye(:
hello(: didnt post for 3 days(: on saturday, went to yifan house for maths. heh. saw his wife. tummy so big(: my niece is coming soon. lol. did ratio questions. so brainwrecking luh. difficult can. lol. got once, he took the soft toy dog, put on my shoulder and act as the dog.. lol. cheering me on. the his wife ask him dont disturb me. i laughed.. then he said "oh. you like me the dog right? but... NO. i am not for you. hoho" lol luh. then, went to marine bowl. dad need to settle something. since is still early, go there also no harm buh. took home some pens that day. lol. daddy give de(: then went for violin. know why g5 results le. 130. distinction(: but is just the passing mark for distinction luh. lol. better than nothing. played the duet song.. with phedra, alyna. we played 1st violin. then cheston and tian ye came. so they played the 2nd violin. so nice luh the song.. OMGOMG. haha. went to macpherson. blabla. ate ALOT. so super full luh. lol. went out to play after that. lol. had a terrible crash in the night. lol. but.. not pain luh. no blood luh.. sunday. had tuition. hoho. did some practise papers and cracked jokes with teacher(: patrick was like acting weirdly that day. teacher and i thought the same. haha. like minds think alike. lol. thought that it is 7th month horh, then he kena possesed.. lol. no offence luh. then, went to expo.. mum wanted to attend the NATAS fair. cause we can get a discount if we book traveling dates and places there. 4th aunty came too(: while waiting for 4th aunty, went for some noodles. got super fed up there. will make a summary on what happened. we went in to the noodle shop. then, daddy went to queue up. so i from the counter there, saw a seat. so i rushed there. how i know, a irritating MAN. grown up MAN and his wife and baby, came. i placed my hand on the chair and wanted to sit down. then they say "EXCUSE ME!" i just stared at them luh. then they say they came here first. i didnt care. wanted to sit down. then mama came. so she ask why and who came first. i of course say myself right?! then the irritating grown up MAN. say EXCUUUSE ME until super damn loud luh. then we were like, nevermind, wont want to fight with you, i shall take the seat infront there. hey, i am a KID. you should be giving way to me kae.. instead, i gave way to you?! ridiculous. i got to that seat and sat down.. read newspapers. out of anger, accidentally tore the newspaper while flipping the page. while reading, heard that MAN , saying bad about us. hey, we let you have the seat.. what else YOU want?! he said some insulting words. like "that stupid woman snatch the seat from me. b***** s*** luh. who they think they are?!" and many more vulgar and rough things luh. then, mama and baba came. told them. baba so angry. he shouted across. "hey!hey!" that MAN act blur. then my dad yelled at him. know what that MAN told my dad?! it was just a general remark. my dad flared and yelled more. then that MAN stop talking le. after the NATAS fair, went to tampines IKEA for dinner. so full(: hoho. today, went for st.nicks interview. so scary. OMG. so wish to enter st.nicks luh. somehow found my way ALONE, around the school with my ex school people.. lol. yah. all went well. haha. have to go do my homeworks le(: bye(: hello(: lol. this morning, reached OLN late. very late. aobut 7.10 like that. so never go chanahmoy lessons(: came in same time as samantha. she came in from gate 1. i from gate 2(: then walked to canteen together. she gave me chocolate(: think melt le.. lol. then beatrice & shirlene came. then went for duty. today cathecism. finished the moses show. lol. so nice(: about the moses opening the red sea mith god's help. so nice(: if only i was one of the israelites i freed(: lol. maths. went through the enrichment worksheets. miss koh today look very angry. dont know why. maybe she is.. lol. whatever luh. then sharne kept passing messages to me. irritaing. i didnt reply, threw tantrums at her. so fed up luh. sickening. then was english. forgotten what we did.. oh yes. the practise paper. haha. then at 9.22, got ready for 1.6km run. OMG. OMG. so going to fail luh. run super slow. cries. sigh. all because of my mom lorh. dont let me go punngol park and train.. is just opposite my house leh. walking distance not driving distance kae.. then came back, miss vasun was so so fuming. cause we late for her lessons. lol. i think she sort of dislikes our class.. we came back, didnt really allow us to drink water. immediately ask us to take out our workbooks. sick luh. take out lorh. then not alot of people bothered luh. irritating. recess with phedra. cause she had food for me. since i have duty.. it ok luh.. 1/2 hour wont kill. lol. yes.. then was chinese. chanahmoy ask me to email something to mdm wu. my compo that i saved. lol. so weird luh. my that compo only 28 marks leh.. ask me to give mdm wu.. lol. heck care luh. then was science. went through the PSLE booklet. blabla. then at 12.30, left for nativity church. had 1st friday mass today(: lol. very long no mass le. lol. mass ended early today. 1.21. but teacher dont let us go.. sigh. nevermind. having supplementry anyways.. english supplementry.. had some laughter(: lol. dont know what to say luh. but talked abit on iron man. haha. dont know why luh. after that, bought some pens at bookshop. then took 119 home. lol. some pictures of the cats (=':'=) lol. ok. go eat le.. bye(: