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TKG StringEnsemble
Ex-olnian (: , 6FAITH’o8
OLN StringEnsemble
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♥ CharmayneLow
♥♥♥♥ CherylLow
♥♥ DominicLim
♥♥ LimQuanjie
♥♥♥♥ WendyLim
6FAITH'08(:♥♥♥♥♥ 6faitho8(: ♥AliciaChan ♥♥♥ AmandaWang ♥♥ BeatriceLee ♥♥ CrystalLee ♥ DeniseHeng ♥♥ EuniceChua ♥ FeliciaLim ♥♥ GeraldineTan ♥♥♥ LimJiaxin ♥♥♥ LimJiayan ♥♥ MadeleinePoh ♥ SamanthaTan ♥♥ SharneLeong ♥♥ ShirniseLee ♥ TracyLee ♥♥ VanessaChia ♥ VanessaYeo ♥ VeraSng ♥♥ TanXiaoling OLNIANS & EX-OLNIANS(: ♥ ChelsyChoon ♥ Jiawen ♥ JolieAw ♥ MagdaleneLow ♥ PerissaYap ♥ SamanthaTan ♥♥ AbigailLee ♥♥ AthenaOng ♥ ClaireLim ♥♥ CynthiaWee ♥♥ DivyaWoo ♥♥ HeatherHumphries ♥♥ JeralynTan ♥♥ KlarissaYow ♥♥LynnJuliana ♥♥♥ NatalieNgar ♥ Nikki ♥ RachelLee ♥ SherrillSim ♥ SteffiTan ♥ VanessaTan ♥ Victoria ♥♥ YeoPeishan 1e8'09 ♥ ♥♥ ChanYauTing ♥ ElizabethYoung ♥ KimMiJin ♥ MaKeiKiu ♥ Ms NgShehFeng ♥ NatashaAmeera ♥ NicoleLau ♥♥ NoviaLiew ♥♥♥ NurulSyazana ♥ RachellNg ♥♥ SarahYeo ♥♥ SamanthaLim ♥ SitiNadiah ♥♥ Shazana ♥ ZannLim StringE ♥♥ ♥♥♥ AbigailWee ♥♥ Angela ♥♥♥ CherylLow ♥♥ EmmerlynOng ♥♥ GloriaParn ♥♥ HweiYen ♥♥ Ilya ♥♥ OngLinHui ♥♥ Muriel ♥♥♥ RatanaLau ♥♥ RebeccaTan ♥♥♥ TKGSStringe ♥ VanessaTan TKG(: ♥♥♥ Desiree ♥♥ OngLinYee ♥ Yvette archives
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hello(: came blogging(: haha, HAPPY BIRTHDAY VANESSA(: this morning. woke up at 6.10. so tired.. lol. dont know why. last night i slept at 10 horh.. so tired luh. OMG. becoming an early bird soon. lol. then go school.. mom was watching tennis before i left(: went for morning class. today, chanahmoy seems in good mood during morning class. chinese lesson that time, chanahmoy seems ok luh. normal.. lol. she sweat alot. her blouse... the armpit there.. wet wet de. lol. disgusting. not 1st time kae.. want to puke lorh.. sigh. then was science/english. lala. no PE today. boring. haha. but.. had some laughs today(: lol. had science test. difficult. hope can pass with flying colours luh. somewhat confident(: lol. today go recess with phedra. lol. chatted with her. seem to forgiven her. lol. i am such a forgiving person.. right? lol. vomits. haha. lunatic. talking to myself(: haha. she offered me mrble cake(: deleicious. haha. purposely but for me.. cannot dont accept so yummy(: maths. no scoldingstoday. miss koh seems in a good mood. lol. had i game. on maths. left my maths book in class. so sat on the floor. lol. i dont mind. it is cooling(: health ed.. learnt about AIDS and HIV. so disgusting. maths supplementry. mrs low so funny. she was going around.. marking the questions. then she mark crystal's de. then got one question, got no answer. then she put a tick. lol. she didnt realise untill i tell her. lol. after school, went opposite. suppose to buy bubble tea. but then... got SOMEPEOPLE THERE. so never lorh. went to see the cats. OMG.. so cute (=':'=) haha. will post the pictures of them someday(: got to go.. bye(: hello(: having some mood swings. dont know why. quarrelled with beatrice yesterday night. but then on that night itself ok le(: lol. this morning, woke up at 6.40. so late. reached school that time, dont dare to go ahmoy class. i scared she will crtiscise me. how i know.. i walk in that time, the class was laughing. chanahmoy was talking about denise ang. talk very loud. lol. so funny(: so she did not have time to say me(: 1st period was english(: then, chinese(: lol. chanahmoy talked about the denise again. OMG. laughed alot(: then she say my oral did rather well(: i improved. lol. so happy(: haha. today, had music lessons. so see other people have their tests. so fun(: lol. jkjk. didnt eat anything for recess. sigh.. cause i was in the music room. cant say what happened. then was maths. had a speed test(: scored 18/20. haha. can get full marks de lorh. sad ): science.. miss wan give out the topical test that we had a week ago. yes. i had 28.5/35 (: second in class(: lol. can get 30/35 de lorh. then 1st... but i careless. sigh.. nevermind luh. results quite good le(: ok. i have to go do homework le. bye(: hello(: today had lots of test... this morning, woke up at 6.30. lol. late(: ate breakfast blablabla. left home at 7.10. then i realised that i left my whole stack of psle books at home.. so, ran up to take it. reached school at 7.18. late lorh. lol. but still made it in time to go for morning class(: 1st period is chinese. lol. chanahmoy is super naggy.. keep asking us to do reading passages. read read read. sigh. does she like listening to us read so much?! jkjk. lol. she ask us to wish singapore something. lol. she pick people de. but so lucky. she never pick me(: then, social studies test. OMG. OMG. so going to fail it.. BADLY. didnt study for it. lol. i didnt complete it. i dont know what is the river and mountain they called it.. cries. got alot of wrong sia.. sigh.. hate it. so difficult lorh. maths was hilarious(: we went through the PSLE booklet. as in corrections luh. then, dont know why, she talk about vanessa and crystal. say they stick together like glue. lol. then she say they use CV glue. CRYSTAL VANESSA GLUE . lol. laughed like shit.. lol. then she ask, or you want it to be VC glue? VANESSA CRYSTAL GLUE . lol. keep laughing luh.. then she ask us to walk around, to know more about fractions, ratio & percentage. so we have to ask other pupils luh. then at the end of it, we were asked to sit down. then we make so much noise when sitting down. so miss koh say : "i wonder this class is girls... or not girls. " then she ask us to stand and sit. still make alot of noise. then she keep repeating.. cause we kept making noises. lol. then she say alot of us are enjoying ourselves. lol. so funny luh. sharne fell down the chair cause she was so happy. she laugh and laugh and laugh.. lol. had some english composition test today(: so boring luh. then, went through the science PSLE book. got 1 question.. it said substance S. then increased to 50g, then 100 g, and so on. then we laugh luh. cause the S is like ass. then we laugh luh. then another question was a girl named connie de. then we laugh. lol. cause it sounds like corny.. lol. today, chinese oral. OMG luh. keep hesitating can?! then chanahmoy keep staring at me lorh. so scary. i was shivering luh. i scared untill i hungry.. 4+ went to bus stop, took 147 home myself. then immediately ate some biscuits. lol. i go do homework(: bye(: hello(: didnt post yesterday.. cause i did homeworks(: haha. i so good girl right?! lol. as if. ok. today, eh... had morning class. lol. chanahmoy was doing picture discussion. yah. then went for duty. lol. in the canteen, silent reading luh, talked to beatrice. chit chatted with her(: lol. didnt really focus on reading the storybook.. lol. was late for lessons AGAIN. always late de. lol. did some situational writing in class. write halfway.. suppose to do for homework. yahyah. having english class test tomorrow. eh.. paper 1. cries. social studies.. miss vasun never come. sad. so mrs low relief. yah. sat with phedra and chatted with her. yah. she so obediently do her work. lol. then was maths. lala. went through the specimen paper answers. then the ratio, proportion thing. yes.. lol. recess. ate a pao.. got into much trouble to eat it. queued up. then my turn, i paid $1 for it... when it is 60 for 50 cents luh. then horh.. then aunty ask if i have 10 cents. why luh. no small change come and ask from me.. crazy. then cause the queue not to move for 1-2 minutes. irritating. then she put the pao away from the counter dont let me take. then she go and take some money go change. i wanted to ask the other aunty to keep the change de. but then another person paid and then she return me the change. sigh.. today no art. yay(: lol. dont know why i so happy. lol. after that was chinese. nothing much really. all the same stuff. today had english oral. OMG. the question is so difficult luh can?! is about the kite flying competition thing. OMG.. nothing much to say lorh. conversation was about asking if i like to go for competitions. then the teachers keep laughing luh. scary. hope i can do well(: tomorrow is chinese oral. lol. want to do well. dont want chanahmoy to criticise me the next day. yes. hope i can do well.. tonight i go pray the rosary. lol. dotn really know luh. lol. need to go eat dinner le. bye(: HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEATRICE(: lala. today cathecism. continue to watch the moses thing(: lol. watch untill he started to walk into the red sea. most exciting part leh.. sadly, the bell rang. so next week then continue lorh. sigh... maths, marked the test paper that we did yesterday(: lol.. had 19/20 (: so happy(: lol. sharne did not do her maths PSLE book again. lol. lucky miss koh never say that she wants to collect it. lol. so she did it secretly lorh. lol. heck care her luh. she gets scolding not my problem. lol. serious. haha. today no PE. cause the mrs lee say that she needs to retest the pupils who were either absent or failed a section. lol. the class was super noisy.. lol. as usual. sort of used to it(: haha. lol. after PE was Social Studies. learnt map reading. OMG luh. so difficult. dont even understand luh. what eh... mt. kinabalu, mekong river, west malaysia... blablabla. dont know what those are luh. stressed. having a test on that next week. OMG.. scared i fail the test. 50marks leh... chinese, known my composition marks. 28/30. so bad... want higher marks!! like 30 or 32.. cries, geraldine tan never go for chanahmoy lessons in the morning de. but she get higher than me sia... OMG... want to cry le.. lol. had moral science today. boring. it is about positive thinking. lala. english supplementry today. after that, came home with samantha TAN. lol. having prelims oral exam next week, monday and tuesday. sigh. so scared luh.. 1st day is english - testers : miss wan and mrs goh(: love it(: 2nd day is chinese - testers : miss chanahmoy and miss ivy ho. love it too(: hope i can do better this time and impress chan ah moy luh. dont want her to start critisicing me all over again . NOno. i vote the heritage thing just now. lol. vote alot(: yah. need to eat dinner le. bye(: hello(: today is a VERY fine day. lol. eh. today miss wan went for workshop. OMG can.. miss her lots.. lol. i want her. miss her jokes. lol. whatever. went for height and weight taking. 16.2m & 51.1 kg(: not to heavy buh(: lol. a parent volunteer relief us(: lol. had work to do(: heh heh. ok. english exam paper. practise paper i mean. had a maths test in 6faith classroom. was easy luh. but then the last question i cham.. wrong answer le. sigh. aiyah. dont care luh. my god.. lol. lala. then was recess(: recess, didnt eat. dont feel like(: so did english homework. lala. i am a good girl right?! *vomits.* ok. stop crapping. lol. after recess was chinese.. got my common test results. cries. one of the lowest sia.. i think. lol. 70/90. haha. my booklet A pull my total down... booklet B got 33/40(: i love it(: 1st comprehension is 10/15. 2nd comprehension 15/15. lol. so surprised luh. the last question i anyhow do also can get full 4 marks can?! lol. booklet A got 37/50. stupid luh. so cham can?! oulled my total down. or else can get like 70+ near 80 de lorh. lala. i just must work harder for my A* for prelims and PSLE. no maths lessons today. dont know why.. after school have maths supplementry. sians. ratio.. i love ratio(: so easy(: compared to speed.. this is super easy(: lol. came home with crystal(: walked(: trying to lose weight and get a tan(: ok. need to do my homework le. bye(: hello(: HAPPY BIRTHDAY MANDY(: today time table suspended. but chinese was still the 1st period. yah. so sian luh. i was late for chinese. cause of my dutys. OMG. staircase duty!! always make me super late for my lessons. cries. chanahmoy nagged at me.. say that i very troublesome. had chinese booklet B examinations. sad. then was science. another test. topical test. cries.. so so stressed. lol. test on adaptations. OMG luh. some is any old how do one luh can?! hope can pass(: PFT. cause my muscles to ACHE ): is super pain.. cries.. LOL. got 19/25 points. need 2 more points for my GOLD(: hehe. checked the scores just now. lol. or else i wouldnt know(: maths was.. ok. cause miss koh didnt yell. so.. quite enjoyable(: yah. she was rather hilarious. lol. diong corrections that time, she say that we disturb her.. cause she think think think, then suddenly MISS KOH!! lol. then she so long stil reading the 1st line. lol. then she pass us something. allow us to play(: lol. didnt really play, cause was brainstorming a question i didnt understand. yeah. lol. not much homework today(: yah. so i must study hard(: prelims are coming... scary. then will be PSLE. OMG. time passes so fast. lol. yah. ending here. bye(: hello hello(: time table suspended today(: PFT test today. lol. 1st class to get tested sia. so scary. did warm ups at free access area. lol. jumping jet, stretching blabla. 1st station was incline pull ups. got a B. 15 pull ups. 1 more and it will be A le lorh. cries. rebecca gave up. she didnt even want to try luh can... lol. she is super funny. then samantha ah, she so 'strong' . she move the metal thingy and giap my last finger. super pain... it bled.. cires ); shirlene also gena giapped. hers worse luh. bleed even more.. poor thing. lol. 2nd station was the shuttle run. 1st attempt, 12.1s . second attempt, 11.8s . so slow luh. cries. at least i think it is a B(: yahh. shirlene and vanessa run so fast luh.. scary. 3rd station was sit-ups. yah. did 26 nia. so little luh. at least it is a B i think. shold be B. yah. if not C lorh. aiyah. heck care. not D/E can le. lol. next was standing broad jump. took of shoes(: lala. mrs lee super good(: she give me try alot of times luh. lol. 1st, i moved, then she ask me to try again. ok lorh. so try again luh(: then 2nd attempt, also try to times. lol. she so good(: last station was sit and reach. lol. 39cm. 1cm more and can get A luh. cries. always so sway de. sigh.. hope can get gold. cause i this year have no E/D. lala. wish that my 1.6km run can do well(: i want to run with amanda(: then i can run fast(: lol. after PFT, chanahmoy came in to relief i think. lol. did science worksheets. actually is exam paper. lol. sian luh. everytime practise papers. sian luh. after school had supplementry. chinese supplementry. lala. had common test. just the booklet A. so easy luh. lol. came home with crystal. walked home(: yah. banned that spammer le(: lol. tomorrow mandy birthday. i must sabo her(: lol. no luh. not that bad de(: even if i don t, others will sabo too(: lol . ok. have to do homework le(: bye(: hello(: passed shirnese her present(: heh heh. miss wan didnt come to teach us today.. sobs.a relief came in. a parent volunteer. yah. so boring. did lots of homework. the vocabulary(: socail studies, miss vasun never come. mr tan never relief. cries. cannot joke le...a relief teacher came in. yawns. she so fierce luh can?! sighs... maths.. the parent volunteer came in and said that there was no banding.. so ok lorh. stayed in class. then awhile later, miss koh came and say that there is maths. so went down to maths room lorh. on the way, she scolded amanda and crystal.dont know what mordern singaporean thing.. marked the enrichment 6 and practise 1. had art today. completed my art piece. the henry matisse thing. lol. it is super plain luh. i spent 1 full hour just cutting 4squares and a heart shape. lol. today had chinese composition test. lala. the topic so easy. did the picture compo. is about a boy being cheated of money. hope can get good marks. have science supplementry today. lala. then, went to look for jiayan at 6faith. went to hougang mall with her to buy her sister's birthday present. it was raining luh. got so wet. mandy and jiaxin were with us.lol. their umbrella both pink de. me and jiayan the umbrella both blue. lol. took 74 back home. jiayan alighted at school bus stop. alighted at my bus stop(: came home and bathe(: then post(: lol. tomorrow got PFT. 6faith people.. jiayou(: ok. i need to do my homeworks le. bye(: lol. posting again(: yesterday went to yifan house for maths again. i reached there, he just woke up. lol. started doing maths sums... then dominic called. talked to him awhile then put down the phone. joyce jiejie was sleeping. she woke up 1/2 before i left(: ate banmian at kopitiam at pasir-ris. smsed jiayan. walk walk round the area. went to provision shops.. then NTUC. looked here and there. stupidly.. there was this advertisement about the brands on TV. so there was also a board of that man.. holding the brands bottle. i accidentally knocked into it. then i said sorry. lol. i geela liao luh.. OMG. so embarassing.. then went for violin lessons.. went to macpherson. i was super wet. ahmah took an umbrella to bring me in. then the unbrella so small luh. so could not shelter both of us. so my right was dry. my left, back and front are all wet, cries... yan was there. her teacher cancelled the tuition lessons last minute.. lol. picked dominic and charmayne from their tuition and piano lessons. after dinner, went to shakespear to buy presents for beatrice, jiaxin, shirnese, vanessa and mandy. then went motorcycling.. lol. dominic keep pestering me to call jolie. lol. his NEW girlfriend. he dont want his DORAN le. lol. pity that doran.. yan slept super early. so pei dominic talk to jolie lorh. lol. slept in ahmah room.. until 2am.. wokeup and saw dominic sleeping. auty went home le. weird.. they left dominic here.. today morning got tuition. yawns.. that angela was there again. OMG LUH . cant stand her face. so flat and ugly.. vomits... her voice is so act de lorh. ya tou is natural and cute. you are not luh! my god... ok. dont want to post le. bye(: HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHIRNESE(: HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRYNA(: lol. guess what?! i made a girl cry yesterday(: lol. she is scary(: yesterday, miss koh went to suntec city with 6grace & the spice of life people. so. she was not around during maths(: lol. happy(: but.. there is work to do. lol. mrs hazel lim came in for relief(: then we have a assembly talk about recycling blablabla. learnt all that before. boring luh. lol. then got one girl from 3joy. yah. she dont want to wear her belt. so i tell her to wear. then she say wait. so i ask her where now or else i bring her to mrs lee. then she say wait.. so i tell her i count to 3 she must wear it. i waited... then i going to say 1 that time, she cried. lol. her classmates say it was normal. so ok lorh, dont care her. then had maths supplementry(: teacher was mdm citra. she gave us worksheets. as usual(: today, racial harmony day celebrations(: and it is shirnese and bryna's birthday(: heh. miss koh scolded me today. lol. cause i left my maths enrichment ws in 6faith. i asked her. then she scold me.. lala. then she allow me go and take.. only after like 7-8 min later. lol. waste time luh can. today have supplementry. did vocabulary. yah. ok. need to eat my dinner le. bye(: it was jiaxin's birthday yesterday(: HAPPY BIRTHDAY JIAXIN(: ok.these few days.. super busy. topical test is next week. OMG. OMG. so scared. after that, PRELIMS.. then .. PSLE. omg. so scared. going to make this short. today i super busy. left my homework file in school. and then.. never sign the maths retest thingy.. die die. miss koh tomorrow comfirm scold de lorh. sigh.. hope she tomorrow is in a good mood. yesterday, gena scolded by her lorh. the whole class got scolded. did a retest yesterday. sigh.. 23/30. 4marks improvment. talked to shirnese just now. she just now sick. so i bring her to general office. blabla. in the sick bay, i help shirnese with the bed. then aunty doreen came in. she scolded me luh. say i stay here for what?! waste time. cant i even help my friend, she is unwell! oh. dont want to go on. might boil even more(: yah. so chatted with her(: rofl. friends mah.. rofl. ok. dont want to post le. bye(: hello(: last night i slept at 10++. cause i completed homework(: except for miss koh de. today she never go through the maths textbook. lucky... this morning, went for morning class. chanahmoy ask us to memorise the poem and the passage. OMG. havent memorise yet leh... rofl. so just try my best luh. lucky got prefect meeting. got prefect meeting then can leave at 7.15 mah. haha. chelsy choon came in late. rofl. too bad! never do duty today. cause from courtyard move up to class. then i got no class duty. so went back to 6faith(: english was the first period. rofl. did situational writing.. on a MOSQUITO(: actually is to write a speech(: ok. then miss wan was supposed to scold geraldine. but she only called her up.. never scold her.. talk to her nia. OMG. miss wan rocks(: miss vasun never come AGAIN. mr tan relieve AGAIN. rofl. maths. ok. miss koh was like fuming abit. cause she ask us 1 question, nobody answered. but actually, amanda and i answered luh. just that it is abit soft. then she close the book, ask us to do correction ourselves. OMG. she cannot hear that we replied?! nevermind.. as long as i know i replied, i dont mind if she yells at me. recess. went with beatrice for her duty, haha. i so good right? rofl. lala. then was art. continued with the cut & paste art work. rofl. so yucky. my hand so so gluey luh. hate to use glue.. chinese, chanahmoy was abit angry. dont know why. but slowly, her anger subsided. lucky luh. or else she scold people can very cham one luh. she scolded me and jiayan luh. cause we so long havent write the (8) yet. all thanks to xiaoling luh. sighs. not really blaming her luh. but ok. it was because of her that chanahmoy angry luh. she never pass down the paper. then make us take the paper so late. then chanahmoy sclod us lorh. sighs. she teached CME today. today got science supplementry. ms tan never come. mrs low relief. she is so boring. some pictures.. justin's birthday cake. the birthday thingy from justin's cake. my birthday present from yan.quan.dominic & justin dominic having his hair styled by justin. dominic(: ahgong(: charmayne(: trying to solve the cube... that cute yet destructive dominic(: haha. act cute(: ok. got to go(: bye(: hello(: yesterday was eh.. good?! went to yifan house for maths again(: learnt percentage. rofl. the wife stomach so so big(: my niece is growing well(: hehe. cant wait to see her(: after tuition at yifan house, went for violin. rushed all the way there cause daddy say is very far. but. 20 min reach le. rofl. so ate there lorh. yah. went home after violin. mum woke up super EARLY today. earlier than usual(: rofl. usually we come back, she still making fruit juice, but today. she already finish making fruit juice. almost finish drinking her cup of fruit juice. rofl. after that, went hougang mall to buy school shoes. rofl. my old one got a very very big hole. serious. bought a shoelace de.. finally after many years, mummy let me buy shoe laced school shoes. rofl. went macpherson. did maths there. rofl. after awhile, auntie came(: cheryl too(: harvey too(: OMG. he is so big(: rofl. ate some ti kueh that ahmah steamed. super nice(: then harvey keep smelling my back. I MOVE BACK. he scared. so walk away. rofl. went out to motorcycle(: the big one is super slow. cause going no battery le. rofl. kelvin and his girlfriend came to macpherson today, many many people from penang came too. all ahmah's family de. today got tuition. got one girl.. ANGELA. not my school de. OMG luh. she is so act cute. her voice is so act cute. disgusting. then this patrick.. rofl. keep showing monkey faces everytime angela talks. i cant stand her voice. her looks too. disgusting. today not going to macpherson. need to complete my homework. alot!! rofl. tomorrow have prefect meeting(: haha. ok. got to go(: bye(: hello(: it was ALICIA's birthday yesterday(: HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALICIA(: ok. didnt post yesterday. too busy with homeworks. yah, chanahmoy and ms koh gave ALOT. yesterday, during maths. changed groupings. cause of amanda and phedra. ok. not totally blaming them. eh . miss koh was going through PSLE maths answers. then amanda and phedra keep kicking each other. then just nice, ms koh saw amanda kicking phedra. so she called amanda up. asked her to stand next to her. blablabla. then ms koh scolded amanda. then she ask us all to change grouping. so i stayed with amanda. yah. then after that, sharne came to find us. actually dont want to group with her de. madeleine is ok. but sharne is not. so i just tell sharne NO. but she insisted. so. no choice lorh. grouped with amanda, madeleine and sharne. after school, went opposite. saw ms yim(: she so kind(: rofl. today. nothing much luh. heh. cathecism, watched the moses thing(: so funny. rofl. yup. love mrs goh. let us watch. but is actually got to do with the cathecism lessons de. after that, was maths. ok. amanda and vanessa got scolding. vanessa was 'not attentive'. she just help felicia turn page and pass denise a ruler. then ms koh saw. scolded her. amanda never do the maths 6B textbook. so ms koh yelled at her. VERY loudly. PE, never run today. did some napfa practises(: today, ms vasun never come. so mr tan relief. rofl. super funny. changed during lessons(: in toilet luh obvious. rofl. recess was after that. recess assembly that time, that chelsy and magdalene keep hittiing me. pain de lorh. sighs. nevermind. let her hit luh. will have my revenge.. heh heh heh(: today got english supplementry(: miss wan tell us ghost story(: she say if we do the work well, will tell us story(: happy(: so nice luh. rofl. i need to go eat my dinner le(: bye(: hello(: blogging again(: rofl. today very difficult to wake up. cause i talked to amanda last night(: rofl. so funny. kept laughing luh. haha. talked about felicia.. becoming giant snowball/ball limliping. rofl. so funny luh. OMG. think of it also funny(: this morning rained so heavily. rofl. thunder storm worh.. rofl. daddy bought other school's maths exam papers le. OMG. i am so going to burst! ALOT LEH. 24 sets ok?! but. will benefit me. yifan ask me buy one mah. so he can teach me(: rofl. new duty list for prefects is up(: no longer doing class duty, now doing staircase again. rofl. so boring. and TIRING. ok. no choice luh. supposed to sacrifice(: rofl. yup. maths was not that bad(: enjoyed mostly(: kept lauhghing and joking. no scoldings(: if everyday maths like that good le(: rofl. but.. no luh. dont think so. rofl. today go NO supplementry. happy(: so daddy and mummy pick me(: now my 10th floor neighbour screaming. rofl. dont know why luh. but. super noisy. sigh. go do homework le luh. bye(: rofl. today violin exam. wawa.. woke up at 6am. to have enough time to get ready. rofl. so tired. but had to get out of the bed. or else late ah.. i mutty. rofl. didnt really had a proper breakfast. 1 plain bread and thats all. will be having breakfast there mah. but how i know. eat 1 bread, full le lorh. leaved home at 6.45am. passed samantha something. so that she can help me hand in things while i am not around during the 1st 1/2 of the day. rofl. sat in the car and left. yah. heavy traffic jam on PIE(changi). lucky left early. so by the time we reach the novena sq 2, not late(: had a breakfast at HAN'S at velocity. ate ham with egg, sunny side up, and drank tea with milk(: healthy choice(: rofl. then walked slowly.. slowly.. to the escalator to the 4th floor. yah. didnt take much time to find the prelude music studio(: found it in a while(: but.. havent open yet. cause it is only 8am. i be there 45min before mah. so is 8.15. still early. so waited. and waited. the studio didnt open until 8.20am. so late. rofl. practised with the pianist and went out to the corridor, near the toilet, to practise. then, teacher call me in. ahh. scared. rofl. ok luh. the examiner somehow look weird. the last few that test me before look kinder(: rofl. no offence(: yes. palm was sweating throughout the whole exam. rofl. the sight reading he test me was super easy(: so was the aurul(: hope can get distinction. yah. came back to school at about 9.35 like that. enter through main gate. rofl. saw 2 classes in the lobby. then came to realise it was 4faith and 4grace. OMG. why must be 4grace.. cries. went for maths and so on. had supplementry lessons. CHINESE. chanahmoy ask us to do some clapping thing. rofl. very funny. she say she go workshop. then the trainer say this can help the students. so she try. OMG. so fun(: i test jiayan. haha. not so difficult luh. i very good de(: but then this jiayan ah, so bad one. she test the gohpeixuan. haha. so difficult lorh. took quite a few times to understand jiayan's clapping. peixuan so so cham. about 10 times then understand. came home with huiqi. yah, i need to chiong homework le. super lot(: bye(: today no school(: rofl. happy(: change my blogskin again(: better than the previous one(: most importantly, HAPPY BIRTHDAY JUSTIN(: all the best for your 'O' levels(: went to yifan house just now. he taught me maths(: so fun(: rofl. at first we wanted to go to popular to buy exam papers. but then.. walk until there, not open. but anyways, distance very short. yup. he taught me eh.. speed today(: next week will be if not wrong percentage. during 'tuition' that time, he keep running up and down. rofl. go kitchen to cook chicken luh. blabla. then he tell me that his girlgirl coming out on september 11. rofl. what a date! i am going to have another niece(: yay. this niece comfirm chio de. yah. but fried rice to da pao for lunch. bought hokkien mee for mom. dad is late for his whatever adidas meeting that he called it. rofl. then practise violin. cause tomorrow is my exam. rofl. scary. time passes so quickly. yah. trying to perfect my scales and pieces. dont want any silly mistakes tomorrow(: yes. must get high scholar! must g et distinction! yah. have to go do homework, going school tomorrow for the 2nd half of the day. bye(: rofl. changed my skin. ugly rights? i know luh. i going to change another one(: yesterday, ride motor again(: so fun. until a irritating lady spoil our mood. she was walking with her another half. dont care her BF or husband. but they look totally young. she saw us riding the motor, then rather noisy. she took her handphone and called.. dont know call what luh. irritating. look so fake luh. doubt she really call luh. think we no brain meh? not even a police came can?! make yan and dominic put back the motor. wanted to continue one lorh. she said what, her baby sleeping. oh puh-lease. you could have told us. no need to make police report right?! OMG. dont wish to continue about her. went to cut cake after that. for justin(: HAPPY BIRTHDAY(: ok. played dry ice(: rofl. then, went to ahgong room(: to style dominic's hair(: rofl. used quan's rotten hair gel. cause he bring go dragon boat. then all the canal water go inside the container, so dirty the gel. rofl. then we tell him he still say nevermind. rofl. dominic look so totally cute in the new hairstyle(: will post the pictures soon(: suddenly, cheryl sms say that her mom going to see yan and cheryl's blog. ok. so it is charmayne tell de. rofl. eh. not my prob. i also not scared that they see mine. cause i have no vulgarities(: today, had tuition. rofl. there is this new person. dont know is teacher or what luh. but definately not student. rofl. ok. then after tuition , went home to pracitce violin. cause my exam is just 2 days later. OMGOMG. so sscary. have violin lessons with the pianist later until 8pm. yeah. dont want to post le. bye(: hello(: friday again(: school ended early. happy(: rofl. today, chanahmoy wear pink colour(: rofl. she today very naggy. omg luh. she embarresed me AGAIN. cries. she kep refering to the oral test. cries. pai seh leh. my god. lala. saw chelsy choon, perisa and the jolie at their class door there. i act blur. pretended that i never see them. rofl. today cathecism(: mrs goh supposed to let us watch the moses thing. but then, projector cant work till last minute. cries. after cathecism was maths. OMG. miss koh is so so scary. ah. she gave homework today. eh. 18questions. the psle book again. OMG. getting sick of the psle book. keep doing and doing. sian leh. ms wan today give loads of work. but all due like at least 5days later. the science, PSLE book again. sob. so boring luh. my god. finish the whole book seh. so much you know?! today PE. run the hall 7time. so tiring. muscle tomorrow comfirm pain pain de. i came in 6th(: rofl. fast buhh. top 10 leh.. 1st time you know.. rofl. ok. stop crapping luh. did sit ups today. 15. little luh. rebecca didnt fart today(: mrs lee torture us. ask us to piak our own thighs. butt above the ground, knee straight. so difficult luh. after PE was social studies. sian. so boring. chinese that time. super funny. chanahmoy ask us to write at least 5 sentences about ourselves. i gena picked seh. rofl. then got CME. chanahmoy want to teach CME today. then 1 activity, while discussing, i put my legs up. rofl. like those kopitiam uncle luh. then chanamoy talking. dont know what she talking. then geraldine tell me put down my legs. rofl. so she was talking about me. rofl. didnt know. haha. school ended at 12 today(: cause of the MOE excel fest. went home with natalie. and made fun of the irina. rofl. yupp. justin birthday coming. dont know what to give him. and my violin exams coming. so scared. yeah. i must go do the homeworks le(: bye(: sorry. a few days never blog. cause i busy with all the stupid homework. so much luh. stupid. hate PSLE. making me crazy. rofl. saw crystal boyfriend today(: eh.. yongda.rofl. he is uglier than i expected luh. no offence luh. but i expected the worst. OMG. she so no taste luh can. so much acne.. so pimply. i think her that ex.. weijie luh. should be no different luh can. yah. today got morning exercise. rofl. no need to run(: so happy. rofl. did some sickening activities in the hall. rofl. ask us to hop like a bunny left right left right. then me and amanda never do. we just stand there move our legs nia. rofl. then was some crab walk thing. amanda jump there. like a frog luh. rofl. then run.. rofl. supposed to touch the line on the floor. but never, we just run there, run back, run there run back(: aiya. dont care luh. teacher dont care anyway. and guess what. ms wan was not in school today. think she go row sampan again. rofl. so this mdm citra relief us. OMG so so dislike her. so luo suo. cant she just give the answers straight away?! must explain. we not p1 leh. siao. not used to it. ms wan best(: love her(: today maths. almost gena scolded. cause i left the PSLE book in school. never bring home sia. 10 pages to do leh. so i during recess chiong. but never finish lorh. well. she just ask us to do reflections. sweet talked again. today got health edu. mdm aliza.. sleeps. so miss mdm ashekin seh. OMG. i want her back! maths supplementry today. mrs yvonne change to mr tan! rofl. he so funny. i left my pencil box in 6faith. then i want to go take. i ask crystal follow. then he ask why. crystal say i later gena people bitten. rofl. then he ask where is her weapon. then she say is her belt. OMG. haha. talked rubbish with him just now. about spongebob luh, jay chou luh, william hung! rofl. after that, went hougang mall. with amanda, vanessa and crystal. to see... yongda. crystal boyfriend. OMG luh. he so so ugly. yeah. came home them. and vanessa left her meimei in OLN. rofl. poor felicia. rofl. yah. have to do homework le(: bye(: |