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TKGS, 1e8
TKG StringEnsemble
Ex-olnian (: , 6FAITH’o8
OLN StringEnsemble
24061996BY2 - 不夠成熟 |
♥ CharmayneLow
♥♥♥♥ CherylLow
♥♥ DominicLim
♥♥ LimQuanjie
♥♥♥♥ WendyLim
6FAITH'08(:♥♥♥♥♥ 6faitho8(: ♥AliciaChan ♥♥♥ AmandaWang ♥♥ BeatriceLee ♥♥ CrystalLee ♥ DeniseHeng ♥♥ EuniceChua ♥ FeliciaLim ♥♥ GeraldineTan ♥♥♥ LimJiaxin ♥♥♥ LimJiayan ♥♥ MadeleinePoh ♥ SamanthaTan ♥♥ SharneLeong ♥♥ ShirniseLee ♥ TracyLee ♥♥ VanessaChia ♥ VanessaYeo ♥ VeraSng ♥♥ TanXiaoling OLNIANS & EX-OLNIANS(: ♥ ChelsyChoon ♥ Jiawen ♥ JolieAw ♥ MagdaleneLow ♥ PerissaYap ♥ SamanthaTan ♥♥ AbigailLee ♥♥ AthenaOng ♥ ClaireLim ♥♥ CynthiaWee ♥♥ DivyaWoo ♥♥ HeatherHumphries ♥♥ JeralynTan ♥♥ KlarissaYow ♥♥LynnJuliana ♥♥♥ NatalieNgar ♥ Nikki ♥ RachelLee ♥ SherrillSim ♥ SteffiTan ♥ VanessaTan ♥ Victoria ♥♥ YeoPeishan 1e8'09 ♥ ♥♥ ChanYauTing ♥ ElizabethYoung ♥ KimMiJin ♥ MaKeiKiu ♥ Ms NgShehFeng ♥ NatashaAmeera ♥ NicoleLau ♥♥ NoviaLiew ♥♥♥ NurulSyazana ♥ RachellNg ♥♥ SarahYeo ♥♥ SamanthaLim ♥ SitiNadiah ♥♥ Shazana ♥ ZannLim StringE ♥♥ ♥♥♥ AbigailWee ♥♥ Angela ♥♥♥ CherylLow ♥♥ EmmerlynOng ♥♥ GloriaParn ♥♥ HweiYen ♥♥ Ilya ♥♥ OngLinHui ♥♥ Muriel ♥♥♥ RatanaLau ♥♥ RebeccaTan ♥♥♥ TKGSStringe ♥ VanessaTan TKG(: ♥♥♥ Desiree ♥♥ OngLinYee ♥ Yvette archives
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rofl. my 1o1st post(: yesterday was SUPER(: had tuition and violin lessons. yes. next sunday i still have seh. rofl. today go macpherson(: cause ahmah come back from penang le(: happy(: penang food(: nicenice. rofl. went to macpherson. saw yan and dominic on the road. yes. then passed dominic his new phone. which was my old phone. rofl. the w200i. he said he wanted it. since i change phone, so i give him lorh(: i am a very kind soul.. right?! rofl. after that, went ahgong room. send yan all the 棒棒堂 songs that i have(: yeah. then she also send me(: she send me about 15 i think. she have 222 songs sia. alot leh. i only have 59. cries. i must download more more more(: after that, went to airport T2 to pick ahmah(: ahmah cut her hair(: so chio(: rofl. really luh. listened to song in the car. on the volume to max. rofl. in macpherson, ate cha guai tiao that ahmah bought. super nice. penang food so nice. OMG. it will be next year that i can eat it again. sad. after that, ate some spoons of prawn mee that ahmah's sister made. nice. but spicy. rofl. didnt want to eat anymore. cause go ride motor again(: yan yan tried to fetch me again(: rofl. so funny. we go abit, then the bike go bonkers. after awhile, stable le(: drove past a bangra house. rofl. kept screaming and laughing. stomach so pain. i can ferry yan also(: so fun. after that went home.. cause today go school. today is a normal school day. rofl. ms koh so unreasonable. she give so much homework seh. she so scary. today, mrs gan came to relief our class. cause ms vasun not around. rofl. our class noise level too high. then she scold us. OMG luh. so scary. so fierce seh. geraldine change phone. also to 910i. but hers is white. mine red. then she say we got affinity. the phone we change all the same. rofl. like who want to have affinity with her. puih! ok. cant spend time blogging le. need to chiong homework(: bye(: hello(: saturday isnt it? went to st.nicks open house((: omg luh. school so so big(: love it man. the school councillors so funny. the joanne so kind. rofl. then the other one very greedy. the teacher cook popcorn, she ate the most. rofl. so love the school. i love the string ochestra so much. the music so nice and soothing. my god my god. i must go(: they ask me to see the frog disecting thing. OMG. almost vomit. so smelly. OMG. OMG. today never go macpherson); cries. miss yan and dominic); cause i must do many homework. tomorrow going macpherson. need to complete the DSA form for TKGS and st.nicks. so stress. must write all my feelings. ahh.. dont know what to write seh. but my mom help me(: tomorrow got tuition and violin. so yah. ahmah coming back from malaysia tomorrow(: can get to eat some nice penang food(: so happy(: somthing happened within cheryl and yan. sad. have to council cheryl. must comfort her. yan ah.. aiyah. she no need to council one. rofl. yah. got to go le. need to be good girl and do homework(: bye(: hello(: today is friday. rofl. thank god is friday(: today early school(: yeah. but still woke up at the same time luh. yah. went for chanahmoy lesson. but before that, had a meeting in the canteen. rofl. went for lesson, only bei tang shi. then got to class. then was cathecism. did some thing with bible reading. OMG. i so so hate it luh. all the tiny words make me so giddy can?! faints. but answers almost all correct luh(: then was maths. waseh. damn tired. sweat enev before PE sia. went to the maths room to take maths things. cause going to inno room mah. take le, then go inno room. saw alot of people there. waiting. in the end, cant use it. some 6joy people need to use the room. so ok. went up. then miss koh suddenly say go 6joy classroom. then in front, alot of people reach 4th floor le. so never hear what she say. in 6joy classroom, waiting for the rest. then they all run up. miss koh scolded them. did some maths sums and bam. maths over le(: PE that time, was. ok. tiring again. ran 6 rounds of the hall. OMG luh. tired can. my time was 5.35min. slow luh horh. after 6 rounds, stretching. here comes the funny part. mrs lee ask us to do sit up. 10. ok. so group 1,3,5,7,9 do first. then 2,4,6,8. ok. so i group 2 mah. then this rebecca beside me. rofl. 1st time sit up. she got up, and then farted. OMG luh. so funny. kept laughing(: yeah. in chinese, chanahmoy sang a chinese song. rofl. sound like my ahmah(: the applauded(: then she just wouldnt stop smiling. rofl. today miss wan go row sampan. rofl. so relief teacher came. mrs tan.. my maths supplementry teacher. yah. played with jiayan. the slapping thing. my hand so red and pain luh. rofl. planned about st.nick open house today(: cause i going tomorrow(: will be going with shirnese. yah. today suppose to go for a concert. but then, cancelled. no tickets. rofl. yah. need to go chiong homework then can play(: bye(: rofl(: posting again(: CHANGED MY HANDPHONE TO 910i(: so happy. i love my daddy so so much. need to find some themes for my handphone. too plain le. rofl. jiayan lend me her 棒棒堂 today so many homework.i feel luh. today laughed alot. cause of ms wan. told some funny stories. made us laughed. rofl. love ms wan so much luh. so hilarious can. jiayan so damn funny too. sit with her can die of tummy ache de luh. but she very kind. rofl. very funny luh. she yesterday in class keep pecking.. like a chicken. rofl. then i call her insane chick lorh. then she say insane chicken better. then she say want to change her url to insane chicken. rofl. today got health ed. teacher change to mdm aliza. sad. no more mdm ashekin. but just now, talk to jiayan throughout the lesson. rofl. today have maths supplementry. came home with crystal(: yah. blablabla. need to go do homework le(: bye. hello(: today is my birthday(: rofl. and phedra birthday(: yah. recieved many many presents today(: 2from peiyi, 1from phedra, 2from xiaoling, 1 from jiaxin(: peiyi gave handphone pouch and a towel thingy. phedra gave a mug. xiaoling gave a koala bear and handphone pouch. jiaxin gave handphone pouch. *thanks alot for all the presents(: gave phedra the handphone pouch that jiaxin gave me. cause i already have it. rofl. omg. omg. so fun luh. 'played' with jiayan during lesson. she made many funny faces. made me laugh till stomach pain luh. & got sabo-ed in class. sad. i gena sabo-ed by so manymany people luh. cries. rofl. tell ms wan... so yah. sang the birthday song for phedra lorh. and of course for myself luh. rofl. today social studies, the mr tan teach us. then he talk all the way until education. secondary education, what subjects to test for. sian.. got chinese supplementry today. yah. ending here. need to go le. bye(: hello(: i had so much fun over the weekend. rofl. saturday, got no violin. hohoho. at night was the best(: learnt how to ride that motorcycle(: yays. zoomed here and there. even went all over the estate with dominic(: celebrated my birthday with cakes that night. cut cakes(: rofl. chocolate and strawberries. super nice(: delicious(: sunday, went for tuition early in the morning. i know what is that boy's name le. rofl. YI EN. haha. so girl luh can.. rofl. celebrated again(: went for lunch with all my cousins. at the swensens. yummy. they gave me present. 1 big box. rofl. thanks wendy, dominic, justin and quan(: got stickers from charmayne and cheryl(: thanks cheryl and charmayne(: after that, went bowling(: fun. haha. while bowling, toby came(: daddy carried him into the centre. then put him next to me. scared me sia. he became cuter and FATTER(: rofl. after bowling, went to the beach. walk walk. ended up playing at the beach. rofl. fun seh(: at first wanted to build sandcastle. but then change. change to a pond or somthing. pool luh. went to macpherson. not supposed to de. but then... ahmah called to ask us to go eat. rofl so went lorh. haha. happy(: today. 1st day of school. hoho. sat with jiayan(: miss wan never change our sitting arrangement(: happy. lucky never sit with other people like xinyao, hazzeena. yeah. tomorrow my birthday(: happy(: presents persents presents(: recieved sharne's one today(: thanks sharne(: i love the pendant(: rofl. ok. need to go le luhs. bye(: hello(: i still freaking out. rofl. went for the SOTA auditions today. freaky. the whole school so so old. temporary school. will be moving back to the campus next year. went to the hall for registration. then this school leader think i baby ah.. pin that cloth thing on me.. that cloth thing reminded me of my p4, when i took part in track & field for sports day. then got a SOTA goodie bag. rofl. red colour de. cloth bag. inside only got 1 bottle of water. saw michelle there too. haha. michelle ler luh. she left for her auditions before the principal spoke to us. cries.. after that, went to the lecture room for the creative writing thing. rofl. the questions all so weird de. one is about saw the sea blablabla then is the one about saying hello to a cat and the cat replied you. rofl. then is another one that ask if you would want to stay in a house by the shore or seomthing like that luh. forget le. i wrote question 1. one stupid thing was that i make up a fake story. write half way, i need extra paper. then the person give me luh. but she took quite a long time to realise that i raised my hand to ask for another paper. she gave me 2. rofl. i only need 1. write write write.. then the girl next to me need paper. so i give her my that extra paper lorh. see i so good girl(: later, she became my first friend i met there. rofl. after creative writing was some break time. sat next to the girl.. then got to know her well... she plays violin. haha. name was michelle. didnt realy talk to her that much. didnt feel like talking. then the school leader was like saying we weird. cause we didnt even touch the food they provided us. then michelle LERcame from her auditions. she sat next to me. chatted with her about the auditions and the creative writing. yeah. then i had to go. cries. so go together with michelle chua. then went to the hall. waiting for our auditions. haha. then michelle ler that group came. hoho. got company. blablabla. dont wish to talk about the auditions. it totally freaked me out. rofl. came home and sleep(: sleep untill 6.00(: super super tired sia. OMG. cause i woke up at like 7am luh. tired tired. yeah. got to go eat dinner le luh. bye(: hello(: its tuesday(: 3more days to audition. working hard(: dont know wht to post. cause nothing interesting. maybe i shall just do a quiz.. [tagged by amanda and wendy to do this quiz] A) People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace my questions that they don't like with a new question formulated by themselves . B) Tag 8 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse . These people must state who they're tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by . Continue this game by sending it to other people . 1. What do you think an ideal best friend is like ? Ans : fun, caring, loving, understand, trustworthy. 2. If you had a dream , what will it be like ? Ans : huh? dont understand you. 3. What describes you best ? Ans : go ask my friends instead. 4. What would you do with a billion dollars . Ans : 1/2 donate to charity and the other 1/2 share with my family. 5. What feeling do you hate the most ? Ans : jealousy, regret, anger, irritation 6. Which is more blessed ? Loving someone , or being loved by someone ? Ans : can i say both? 7. Is there something that has made you extremely happy ? Ans : yes. 8. Do you believe in ghosts ? Ans : of course luh. 9. Who are currently the most important people to you ? Ans : family, cousins, friends. 10. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is ? Ans : friendly 11. Would you rahter be single and rich , or married but poor ? Ans : single & rich. 12. Would you choose a husband that is rich but ugly , or handsome but poor ? Ans : handsome & poor, unless we both dont like each other. 13. What is the first thing you do when you wake up ? Ans : yawn and smack my head. 14. How would you rate the perfection of your life now ? Ans : i dont know 15. What type of people do you hate ? Ans : Alot . 1.wendy 2.amanda 3.abigail 4.beatrice 5.eunice 6.jiaxin 7.xiaoling 8.gerldine ok, another one.. [tagged by amanda and wendy to do this quiz.] Blogger who has been tagged has to start with 10 random facts about themselves . At the end of the quiz , you will have to choose 10 people and tag them about this quiz . 1.i am too tall 2.i love my family 3.i love god 4.i love my friends 5. love music 6.i play violin and piano 7.i love to sleep 8.i love doodling 9.i love blogging 10.i dont cry so easily. I choose... 1.wendy 2.amanda 3.chantal 4.beatrice 5.abigail 6.jiaxin 7.xiaoling 8.eunice 9.jiayan 10.crystal woah. done(: 2 quizs(: ok. going le. super tired now. i shall go sleep(: hello(: yesterday, watched incredible tales. spooky. and i didnt ride the motorbike. i was practically scared. rofl. dont know why. haha. the incredible tales spook me out for that night. rofl. about the mirror and bloody mary thing. but lucky i not scared le. or else i wont post here le loh... after that incredible tales, watched pushing daisies. qute nice. rather hilarious(: so i totally forgotten about the spookyness for that moment. today went for violin practise with pianist.my exams round the corner. violin exams. its on 8july, 9am in the morning(: can miss chanahmoy lessons. but sad thing is that i still have supplementry that night. today lessons until 12. cause i missed 2 lessons last week. went to KL mah... then went to serengoon gardens to eat chicken chop. then while eating, a parent with her kid came to our table. ask if anyone sitting there. of course say no luh. then they sat down. we waited for our food. then our food come le. so started eating. the girl ate prawn noodles.. the mother never eat. the girl eat prawn noodles eat until so disgusting. dont want lose appetite so just stared at my food or at daddy. then the mother talk over the phone. talk talk talk then she talk about what toilet. then se say untill so so loud luh. talk until so loud. louder than my mommy and daddy ah... then we faster eat and go.. daddy bought salad at the pasir ris. so he say that we must eat it by today. ok. so we eat luh. no problem. we ate the salad only at night.. quite late. like 12++ yup. cant sleep so post lorh. have some quizs to do : [was tagged by xiaoling and jiaxin for this quiz] 1) At what age do u wish to get married? Ans:24 2) Study hard or play hard? Ans: Study hard(: 3)What is your passion? Ans:be a concert pianist or violinist as well as a police to uphold justice(: [not sur about the police thing... might change my mind.] 4) Do you think u have enough confidence? Ans: maybe... 5) If you've a dream come true,what would it be? Ans: sleep 24/7 . jkjk. to fulfil my dreams(: 6) What's your idea friend? Ans: someone who is good, caring,loving,trustworthy, understanding. 7) What's your goal for this year? Ans:250++ for psle and able to gain admission to SOTA/st.nicks. 8) Do you believe in eternity love? Ans:No. unless you wont die :P 9)If you had all the time and money in the world, what would u do? Ans: the world only has 24 hours... and money is not someting you acn use to buy love, family, friends.. 10)If time were to rewind, what would you do? Ans: not to make my mommy angry and not to know SOMEBODY. 11)What are the requirements that you wish from your other half? Ans: handsome, kind, loving, caring, trustworthy & honest (: 12)What feeling you hate the most? Ans: jealousy, regret & anger 13)Do you cherish all the friendship of yours? Ans: of course(: 14)Do you believe in love at first sight? Ans: yes 15)What do you think is most important in your life? Ans: family, friends, people who will go through thick and thin with me(: and my love<33
16)What is your dream home? bugalow/semi-d 17) How many sibilings do you have? Ans: food Remove one of the questions and add in your personal question. Make a total of 20qns and tag 8 ppl! List them at the end of the post. Notify them at the tagboard and whoever does that will have blessings from all! 1. wendy 2.amanda 3.beatrice 4.abigail 5.madeleine 6.sharne 7.jiayan 8.eunice ok. done. will do another one some other day(: Labels: quizs quizs quizs... hello hello(: i posting again(: today sunday. hehe. never post yesterday. rofl. anyways... yesterday played mahjong. rofl. we played in uncle's room. rofl. fun fun. paired with dominic. haha. won maybe eh.. 2times. if not wrong luh. today got tuition. boring. i sat in between 2 boys. 1 is new student. rofl. his name very girl. en something one. eek. benjamin digged his nose while doing homework. disgusting. watching incredible tales tonight(: it will freak me out. rofl. need to do some quiz... A) People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace my questions that they don't like with a new question formulated by themselves . B) Tag 8 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse . These people must state who they're tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by . Continue this game by sending it to other people . 1. If your lover betrayed you , what will your reaction be ? Ans : i will hate him and not talk to him . FOREVER . 2. If you can have a dream come true , what will it be ? Ans : sleep 24/7. jkjk. 3. What will your dream wedding be like ? Ans : grand, happy ending, fun, in a church of my choice(: 4. Are you confused as to what lies ahead of you ? Ans : no. i dont bother so much as i dont plan ahead. rofl. 5. What is your ideal lover like ? Ans :handsome, kind, loving, caring, trustworthy, honest. 6. Which is more blessed ? Loving someone , or being loved by someone ? Ans : can i say both? 7. How long do you intend to wait for someone you love ? Ans : as long as I want. 8. If the person you secretly love is already attatched , what will you do ? Ans : wish him a good life ahead. 9. Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days ? Ans : yes, all the homework teacher gives and unhappiness & frustration someone gave me. 10. What kind of friends do you have ? Ans : friendly, loving , understanding. 11. How do you see yourself in 10 years time ? Ans : i am not a fortune teller. i dont know! 12. Who are currently the most important people around you ? Ans : family, cousins, friends like beatrice, sharne, jiaxin, amanda, madeleine, xiaoling, peiyi and many many more(: 13. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is ? Ans : rude.. 14. Would you rather be single & rich or married & poor ? Ans : single & rich luh 15. What's the first thing you do in the morning ? Ans : yawn and smack my head. 16. Would you give all in relationship ? Ans : of course luh. 17. If you fall into two people simultaneously , who would you pick ? Ans : someone who loves me more than the other and to my conditions of him. 18. What type of friends do you like ? Ans : people like the friends i have.. go see yourself luh. 19. What type of friends do you dislike ? Ans : i dont want to say. I choose ... 1.xiaoling 2.beatrice 3.abigail 4.crystal 5.jiayan 6.vanessa 7.sharne 8.madeleine finish! will do another one tomorrow. hello. posting again(: today, woke up at 11++. when i going to open my door that time, daddy opened the door for me. rofl. he was about to wake me up. rofl. mummy was behind him. she wanted to smack my butt to get me out of bed. seems that no need. rofl. so she go back to sleep luh. went to the KPT to eat. ate halfboiledeggs and meepok. eating halfway, the complain queen come to the kopitiam with her daughter and son. rofl. after that, went to the kopitiam near my school. cause there got fruit shop. baba need to buy banana to make juice. mama tell him buy de. while at the fruit shop, heard my name called. turned and saw shirlene & geraldine. they came from school netball practise. haha. ok. then went home. on the way, daddy sang the cha jian er guo together with the CD. lol. lyrics all wrong. he so funny. keep singing wrongly. at home, did homework and assesments. rofl. i very guai right?! i know luh. haha. *vomits* . after that, practised violin. yes. after violin, someone called me. rofl. thought was daddy asking if mummy wake up. then nono. it was this MANDY KHOO. stupid luh she. ask alot alot of things about chanahmoy's homework. yup. nothing else to post le. end here. but before that, some important dates.. 15june-fathers' day(: 20june-MY SOTA AUDITION. 23june-school reopen, 24june-my birthday. haha. and daddy order his new phone le. so the 910i will be mine soon. rofl. yes. need to go play piano le luh. bye(: hello(: back from KL(: bought many many things! yes. lol. spend most of the day shopping. 1st day, i count the day i left as 1st day yah... uncle never come to pick us. instead, took our own taxi to airport. this taxi driver, drive so fast luh. faster than the other taxi i sat last time. lol. met cheryl and charmayne at the airport. charmayne showed me what she brought.. lol. all the erasers and stuff. then, uncle and aunty came from terminal 2. they took a shuttlebus. yup. then at about 7.20, we started the part ways. aunty and uncle walk the left side while we walked the right. eh... to gate D29. then while walking halfway, we saw a gate number, gate D24. still far from our gate. then i said that D24 was a brand of durian.. lol. then got to D29. showed passport and boarded the plane. lol. japan airline. all the japanese crew. i sat with cheryl, mom sat with charmayne. then about 40min++ we arrived at KL(: can see daddy le. miss him. we got out of the plane took our baggage and went to look for daddy(: i saw him. haha. the fattest one there. lol. jkjk. waited for aunty to come out. but in the end, aunty and uncle took a taxi while we took the car. but cheryl and charmayne came with us. the car, charmayne slept. lol. daddy drove pass the tunnel. the long long tunnel. lol. charmayne missed all the fun. haha. she woke up only when we got out of the tunnel. lol. daddy paid 2RM to drive in that tunnel. when we got out of the tunnel, in the town area le. so fast luh... we reached the hotel first. then we checked in. drank some ginger tea they served us and took some apples too. then we went to the room. our room is 919, cheryl's one is 915. awhile later, aunty came up. she said their room got some cigarette smell. very very smelly. they want to change room. then the change to the 7th floor. non smoking floor. room 729. we put our things down, and went to eat. so we got to eh.. JALAN ALOR to eat. haha. cannot find any parking space. so daddy parked at a church. then we all say it very ulu... dont park. but daddy say church mah.. GOD BLESS. lol. went in. saw a SINGAPORE CAR. haha. companion yah.. then yes went for dinner. then went back to hotel to get ready to sleep. cause next day, breakfast at 9am. early.. 2nd day. woke up at 9am for breakfast. so early. bored... ate so so many things mommy kept stuffing them to me. ugh. went back to the room. i had to bathe first. the room and toilet all so cold. so i spent quite a long time in the toilet. causing mommy and daddy to sleep. daddy woke up when i came out. cause charmayne came.. daddy went to bathe. leaving mommy there. drawed open the curtain. too bright for mommy to sleep. so she woke up. charmayne on the TV. so we watch lorh. after awhile, daddy finish bathing. mommy's turn. she is going to take ages to bathe. sure enough, she took about 2 hrs to bathe. lol. then we went shopping shopping shoppping(: went to sungei-wang. spent most of the time at a shop 'lovely lace' bought many fragile things there. and at another shop... a hair shop. had roasted pork for lunch.. then went shopping again. after awhile, went swimming(: swam for about 1/2 hr to 40++ min. bathe and then took a walk to KLCC. the twin tower shopping mall. bought nothing there. too expensive. went to JALAN ALOR again for dinner. parked at the church again. lol. went back to hotel to sleep again. haha. day 3. today, went shopping at berjaya times square, daddy time the amount of time we spent at a shop. the first shop. a shoe shop. took about an hour in there. lol. then, went to mango. ok. spent another hour there. cause i bought a T-shirt while mommy bought something else. then they go to G2000 daddy brought me,cheryl and charmayne to KFC to eat. lol. after KFC, WENT MANY OTHER SHOPS. but. all afew minutes afew minutes de. then went back to G2000. didnt buy anything there. cause i cant wear anything. all are too small... went to another shop. nicole. lol. weird name. bought 2 shirts there. then went to borders. haha. bought story books. 3 storybooks. lend cheryl one. bought 'the tenth circle' - jodi picoult, 'my sister's keeper' - jodi picoult & 'a long way gone' - forgotten the author's name. blablabla. then mommy and aunty went to other shops to shop. cheryl and i waited for them with daddy. after that, went for dinner. went to sakura for dinner. i had chicken chop and chocolate ice-cream. then went back to hotel to rest. day 4. last day. woke up for breakfast, went back hotel to pack our things. checked out, and made our way to berjaya times square again. did some last minute shopping. untill about 3.30pm. still bought many many things. then went back to hotel. to let aunty check out. then went to toilet. took a car ride back to singapore. bought alot of tidbits at a petrol kiosk. i slept most of the time on our journey home. lol. tired mah.. came back with a tummy ache. so pain. ugh. went to hougang mall for dinner. had ban mian. then went home. sleep(: haha. thats my schedule lorh.. lol. now i still have stomach ache. sad. so so pain. lao sai alot.. from the day i came back until now leh.. today thursday le. lol. stupid tummy ache. lol. this weekend fater's day. havent but anything for daddy. lol. ok. need to go study le. bye(: hello(: going to make this short. i will be away till tuesday. going to KL(: my flight today will be at 7++ i think. sitting jap. airlines. i still at home. waiting... lol. leaving yan behind. so sad. mummy packing the luggages now. just realised she never take alot alot of things. soap,towel,comb... all still here. never take. lol. later i go give her(: ahmah kept calling. she very gan jiong. more gan jiong than us. lol. she keep reminnding us to off the electricity especially the TV. she kept emphasising on it. yes. i going to eat soon. cause i think cheryl's dad coming to pick us to their house then we take taxi from there. yah. so going le. will as soon as possible. maybe wednesday buh. ok. end here. bye. miss you all(: Labels: i will miss all of you hello(: so sorry if i cant really post everday. cause i really busy with all the loads of homework given. today.. nothing really happened luh. same ordinary day. mama woke up at 1pm. lol. late buh. i was doing my homework. if not wrong, was maths. then i go practise violin. erm... when well. no corruptions, no mistakes (: after that, go drink fruit juice. yes. then continued with homework. so sian luh. everyday do and do and do. *yawns* then finally i went to bathe. when i go in le, start to bathe then remembered that i never on the heater. sad. so have to bathe with icy cold water which is not what i wanted. i just want normal cool water. cries ); after the toturing bath, went to play piano. my prelude and fugue. neh neh.. mama nagged at it that rhythm out luh... must on the metronum.. humans are not perfect. thats why we NEED a metronum to help to perfect it cause machines seldom go out of beat. lol. so i on luh. big deal meh? haha. after playing piano, was sweating all over. my back of the shirt was so wet. serves no purpose of bathing. lol. then i went back to study study study again. had pasta for dinner. lol. mama cooked it within 8minutes. rather fast. cause usually she took about 15-20 minutes to cook it. then came to my room after studying till 11++ came online and chatted with yan for awhile, suppose to wake up tonight at 4am.. but i dont know if can or not. cause i abit tired. last night i also suppose to wake up at 4am. but failed. sad. haha. ok. going le. or else tonight cannot wake up :P bye. Labels: boring. hello(: long time since me last post yah? today yan ask me to go online. so i come online lorh. yah. going to KL this saturday. daddy left for KL to work eh. yesterday? yesterday had violin. after that, went to hougang mall for photo taking, cause i got no more photos for my passport de. so daddy bring me and mommy there and then he headed for KL. after that, we took bus home. last night got a nightmare. woke up in the middle of the night, finding myself breaking into tears. today woke up at 10.30 did alot of homework and followed the timetable for the 1st time. lol. had bread for breakfast. blablabla. mummy printed the song that SOTA needs me to play for the auditions. looks easy. but it has so many chords and it is in the mordern era. wa. stupid luh. why give me a piece with so many many chords? try to online tonight to talk to ahyan. yup. i want to go be a kuaikia. YES. need to study and CHIONG all my homework.lol. and someone here, named 'chan ah moy' tagged my blog. i dont think you are really my chinese teacher chan ah moy, if you are, please tell me how you know my url. and you said you want me to do something for you. what is it? go ahead and tell me. why heitate? and if you are NOT, please. i ask you to tell me your realy identity. or i will ban you from tagging here. i really want to know. i will really appreciate it. want to go now. bye(: |