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TKGS, 1e8
TKG StringEnsemble
Ex-olnian (: , 6FAITH’o8
OLN StringEnsemble
24061996BY2 - 不夠成熟 |
♥ CharmayneLow
♥♥♥♥ CherylLow
♥♥ DominicLim
♥♥ LimQuanjie
♥♥♥♥ WendyLim
6FAITH'08(:♥♥♥♥♥ 6faitho8(: ♥AliciaChan ♥♥♥ AmandaWang ♥♥ BeatriceLee ♥♥ CrystalLee ♥ DeniseHeng ♥♥ EuniceChua ♥ FeliciaLim ♥♥ GeraldineTan ♥♥♥ LimJiaxin ♥♥♥ LimJiayan ♥♥ MadeleinePoh ♥ SamanthaTan ♥♥ SharneLeong ♥♥ ShirniseLee ♥ TracyLee ♥♥ VanessaChia ♥ VanessaYeo ♥ VeraSng ♥♥ TanXiaoling OLNIANS & EX-OLNIANS(: ♥ ChelsyChoon ♥ Jiawen ♥ JolieAw ♥ MagdaleneLow ♥ PerissaYap ♥ SamanthaTan ♥♥ AbigailLee ♥♥ AthenaOng ♥ ClaireLim ♥♥ CynthiaWee ♥♥ DivyaWoo ♥♥ HeatherHumphries ♥♥ JeralynTan ♥♥ KlarissaYow ♥♥LynnJuliana ♥♥♥ NatalieNgar ♥ Nikki ♥ RachelLee ♥ SherrillSim ♥ SteffiTan ♥ VanessaTan ♥ Victoria ♥♥ YeoPeishan 1e8'09 ♥ ♥♥ ChanYauTing ♥ ElizabethYoung ♥ KimMiJin ♥ MaKeiKiu ♥ Ms NgShehFeng ♥ NatashaAmeera ♥ NicoleLau ♥♥ NoviaLiew ♥♥♥ NurulSyazana ♥ RachellNg ♥♥ SarahYeo ♥♥ SamanthaLim ♥ SitiNadiah ♥♥ Shazana ♥ ZannLim StringE ♥♥ ♥♥♥ AbigailWee ♥♥ Angela ♥♥♥ CherylLow ♥♥ EmmerlynOng ♥♥ GloriaParn ♥♥ HweiYen ♥♥ Ilya ♥♥ OngLinHui ♥♥ Muriel ♥♥♥ RatanaLau ♥♥ RebeccaTan ♥♥♥ TKGSStringe ♥ VanessaTan TKG(: ♥♥♥ Desiree ♥♥ OngLinYee ♥ Yvette archives
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hello. today friday horh? yah. today last day of supplementry! can say sort of relax abit luh. but then teachers give so much homework! ms wan in class gave us science worksheet. the 'MAN AND HIS ENVIRONMENT 'so boring. english... she also give another homework. is the english practise paper 3. ahh. another practise paper. then we went for our recess. after recess was maths. ms koh gave us the PSLE book to do. cry. she actually wanted to give us the whole book to do de lorh, but then we bargined lah...so we just need to do till page 32. then was chinese. damn funny, chanahmoy ask felicia and christina to go take something from the general office. then they come up. got 1 whole big pile of eh... if not wrong, worksheets, then geraldine 'oh my...' then chan ah moy go continue.. 'OH MY GOD..' lol. she admn funny luh.. kept laughing. when i got home, my mom was cooking. then at the dustbin, saw an ant. taught was a spider. then i so scared luh. cause it is like so so big lorh, dont know where it come from sia. got 2 on the dustbin, 1 on the wall and 1 in the washing machine. eee.. so took the insecticide and killed it. lol. i nothing to post le. post tomorrow buhh. bye(: hello(: i was so totally pissed off. eh. only for awhile luh. lol. chinese first period. hoho. chanahmoy late for lessons. lol. 1st time luh. today got tingxie. SAD ): cause i never really learn it sia. luckily i sit next to xiaoling now. haha. geraldine go sit with jiayan. happy(: after chinese was maths. so pissed off. ms koh scold me luh. i gena scolded by her twice today lorh. 1st one was eh. we go in to the AVA room. then we took one table. sat down. then after that, ms koh ask us to sit as where we sat yesterday. yesterday was in the inno room. here is AVA room. got different number of chairs mah. so we sat at one table luh horh. then she kep asking us to move. we didnt understand. dont know what she want mah. then she like kept STARING AT US LUH. stupid. stare for what?! i dont know what to do. then ms koh ask us to move. so crystal ask us to move to the back. so we move luh. then she say what we dont understand english blablabla. like hey.. i pass my english flying colours OK?! so we just sat at the back. like so far away luh. hey. i not superwoman got super vision one luh. so far we how to see?! irritating. then while going through maths correctinos, amanda poked me. so i poked her back. how i know she somewhat dont know why, she shouted. mayb barked.. then everyone turned and look behind. then ms koh ask who is the doggy. then amanda go. so ms koh ask why... so amanda say it was me. so ms koh use her finger, signal to me to come. so i go luh. i not scared! so she ask me why i poked her. so i just simply say that amanda started it. well. IT WAS TRUE! so nag nag. then she ask me what should i do instead of poking her. so i just have to say to stop her from doing so. then when i wanted to say, ms koh say 'next question' everytime de lorh. then finally. she never say 'next question' le. so i just say luh . then all the nags. she ask us to do reflections. lala. 100 words lorh. so stayed back awhile during recess to do. then go for recess. had recess with peiyi,beatrice,shirnese,huiqi. after recess was science. blabla. then was english. then got some MCQ options, she going through then dont know how, ms wan talk about the refuge ah, talk untill what these few days got alot of young girls who are underage that get pregnant. lol. then she talk abuot her ex-pupils and so on. she also talked about blue-blooded.. what royal blood ah.. talk talk talk until princess diana. lol. daddy picked me from school. had shen mian for lunch. so full. bought black pepper steak for mom. did all my homework that i have to pass up tomorrow. and guess what.. i asked my mom just now, when is her wedding anniversery. then she was like. today... like 'HUH?!' so accurate. i didnt believe. so i go check. really is today lorh! wahaha... tomorrow last day of supplementry. happy(: but i will miss all my friends GREATLY(: haha. tomorrow lesson start at 8. yays. lesson start later. happy. can sleep 1/2 hour more. hoho. but lesson also end later. eh. if not wrong is 1 buhh. yupp. i need to go le. post tomorrow. bye<3 hey my darling jie. i know you feel miserable. i understand. i also got gena before. parents are somewhat somepeople who irritates you. but they will love you forever no matter what. forgive them for what they do. they are your parents, they looked after you till now. it is hard work. we are all humans. humans do make mistakes. so dont blame them if they are like that. this are 1 of the many mistakes they make. GOD is the only perfect one. with him. he might be able to peferct and correct the cracks in your heart. i pray that you will realise their love. rachel(: hello(: here again. lol. today had supplementry. boring. woke up at 6.35am. daddy rushed and pulled me out of bed, lol. scared i late lorh. 1st few lessons was chinese. so scary luh. i was almost late. so luckey i stepped in the class afew minutes before time. haha. then she gave out some zuo ye and stuff. i was gena called out. she say i incomplete. blabla. so sat on the floor to do lorh. then when teacher not looking, i ask jiayan for help. haha. pro right?! chanahmoy gave so many more & MORE chinese homework. so scary. she finished the textbook le. only need us to go through the last ke tomorrow. then was english. went to the AVA room. went through the W/S 10. after that was recess(: only the silky strands stall, drinks stall and malay food stall is open. so boring. had recess with beatrice, huiqi, peiyi & shirnese. then was maths. i was about to go up to class. then samantha tell me it is in the inno room. so i go to maths room to take my things. rushed down. ms koh havent come yet. wasted so much of my energy. before lessons started, i was asked by madeleine to close my eyes and pick something. so i fished out a rather cute keychain. lol. thanks ALOT madeleine(: then was science. love it. so so love it. i sas rather playing with peiyi luh. i went to use my highlighter and poke her. leaving inks on her. then she take revenge and i took revenge and blabla. daddy took me home.then in the car, he saw my hand got all the highlighter ink. so told him lorh. then he laughed at me. lol. didnt go learn ting xie. tomorrow then learn. i only memorise the passage. tang shi only memorised 2 lines?! hope tomorrow got no ting xie. have to go back to OLN again tomorrow. yes. boring. i got to go now.cause i want to post a comforting post for my sister now. bye(: hello. i here to post again(: woke up at 8+ luh, cant sleep. yesterday watched the indiana jones(: so nice(: rather hilarious. laughed and laughed and laughed. LOL. dont know what to post now. maybe i will post later luh. yah. today actually suppose to go out with amanda, sharne, madeleine and crystal de. but my mom dont allow. sad. my forehead got 1 big pimple. so pain luh. dont know how luh. sighs, maybe i should learn from daddy. leave it alone and it will naturally go away. haha. tomorrow got to go back to school for supplementry. sad. got some homework to pass up tomorrow. and it is still incomplete. ahh.. i now hungry luh. havent eat breakfast yet. haha. got to go eat le. hungry hungry. bye(: today is monday! haha. so happy. i dont know why either. later going to watch indiana jones at kallang. my whole family going. i went to hougang mall for breakfast. i may sound like a pig now cause i woke up at 10am. late buh. i saw samantha cutting her hair at the hougang mall. after breakfast, we went to a kopitiam to buy indian rojak. i am sharing it with mummy. n the car, daddy nagged & nagged. he say later must hurry. he come pick us and straight away go le. cannot delay. but i think will have delay de lorh. then i went home. did some homework, practised piano and violin. getting ready to bathe now. or else we might not make it in time. yes. post again tomorrow about the movie. i shall end here then. bye(: going to make this post short. i lasy to post too much. today got tuition & MY TEACHER REBONDED HER HAIR. she looks so fierce now. but no. she is not firece. yup. haha. then went to macpherson. ok. tonight, ahmah is cooking prawn mee. and there is van helsing tonight! i must watch it! haha. tomorrow watching indiana jones. i not sure what cinema. i dont want to post le. post tomorrow? ok. bye(: hello(: i here to post again. just now went for dinner at the amoy street. lol. the teochew restraunt. so long never go there eat dinner le. i actually dont know quite surewhat is the reason we are there eating dinner. well you may laugh at me for this. but i think is to commemorate mothers' day which was over long ago... and ahgong's birthday. which was also long over. yup. before dinner, daddy bring me, ahyan and dominic to his bowling centre there to bowl about 2-3 games. then we go see tobby! aha! he is so so cute(: maybe because i never see him for very long le. but no matter what, he will forever be that cute tobby that i know(: then we headed for the restraunt at amoy street. we drove past the SINGAPORE FLYER. yes. then we all is mountain tortoise. see the flyer only wah..wah..wah.. then we take some photos too(: haha. after awhile, we reached the restraunt. we waited outside the restraunt. then my dad came after he parked his car, asked us why we stand outside. then he took the first step and walked in. so we followed luh obvious. then we found our seat and sat down. i sat with yanyan. yahh. after awhile, the rest came. after dinner, we went back to macpherson. then charmayne, dominic and yan sat in my car. yup. then we played abit luh. then after that, we play 'too' rough that charmayne cried. lol. then we tried all ways to stop her from crying, after a 'long struggle' she stopped crying. then we in macpherson, we immediately went ahgong's room to terrorise it. haha. we are going to stay in macpherson untill midnight like 1+ i think. charmayne and cheryl went home earlier than that. she wen thome before i post. yah. got to go. bye(: hello. here to post again. too busy with homework(: today, last day of school. celebrated founders day mass. the father paul yeo sot sot one. he during his homily, keep saying things like hold the hand of the person next to you, and look her in her eyes, and say, you are beautiful. eeek.. disgusting luh. then i dont even dare to touch yuri. how to go on?! i dont want to go on either. disgusting. then we had a song session after that, sang the 'hold on to our dreams.' it is a nice song(: so so nice. very touching too(: maybe this year graduation, they will play this song. i tell you. i comfirm will cry de. then after that was recess. yay(: but mrs lee only let the p1,p2,p3 go for their recess. leaving the p4,p5,p6 behind. they say that the younger ones cant control hunger while we can. how unfair. they plan to hold us back until 10.05am. unfair luh. like that only have 20 min recess?! then the younger people will get about 1/2 hour recess?! so unfair luh. went recess with beatrice,huiqi & shirnese. while i was drinking my drink, my junior, go fling my hair. sorry, i just somehow cant remember her name. yah, so i went to tak revenge luh obviously. well. we somehow ended up playing. lol. then school ended at 11am today. haha. last day of the term mah. then went with mama to TTSH to take her blood test and so on. then waiting for her turn to go see her doctor that time, we sat at the chair. i ask daddy to call my handphone. so he called. then mummy saw his contact picture kept laughing. so funny luh his photo. then after a long wait, mummy finally can go see the doctor. blablabla. then long later, daddy and me go take the medicine. so i take the paper run run run to the medicine room. then after that, i stand there dont know where to put. lol, then daddy say i waste my energy. which is true. then after that, went to eat at the kopitiam. i had ban-mian for lunch. eat eat eat, then suddenly halfway, blackout. everyone like make sound luh. but we still continued to eat. then awhile later, the lights came on again. happy.finally. hoho. then i went home. did maths,chinese and english. i got to go now. bye(: today.. i so happy(: you know why? cause i finally mastered the rubix cube(: thanks to my mummy. haha. she figured the last few steps. haha, so happy. got my report book yesterday. here are my results english:A-76.5 chinese:A-75.8 maths:C-52 science:B-62 WHAT A BAD RESULT. sad. my total percentage is 66.6% so little luh. i hate it. got loads of homework to do. so sian. i need to go back to school on 28/5,29/5 & 30/5 for supplementry. wah... p6 life so scary. so stress luh. i hate it. if i have a choice, i will skip p6 and of course PSLE. lol. today the st.nicks person come to talktalktalk. yes. i so want to go luh. haha. i got to go. i tired. tomorrow founders day. so no ahomy lessons(: happy. tomorrow friday right? so my school starts early. yupp. so got to sleep early. although not early anymore. and so thats all. bye(: hello(: today we went to the ulu pandan thing(: the musical so so nice luh. very hilarious. cant stop laughing at times. then there the theatre so cold luh. everyone shivering. hope can go watch again. today i never stay back. yay. so dad come to pick me. went home and mom opened the door for me. yah. today i have chinese riji, cut&paste, wan cheng dui hua things. so lazy luh. then maths have to write down the reasons why i got that question wrong from our exam paper. sighs. so sian. do and do and do. today i watched the 9 0' clock show. waseh. so sad luh. zhiling died. crys. no luh. i didnt cry. well. tomorrow got prefect meeting 7.15. so must sleep early. then can go for ahmoy lessons on time and go for meeting on time. yes. i go sleep le. nights(: hello. come and blog again in the same day. lol. my mom sign the papers le. yes. as i expected, some naggings. yes. cause of my maths lorh. 52 only. so embarrassing leh. then my mom was like 'maths so easy. must score one leh this subject.' is not that it is easy or not. is because of the teacher that cause my love for maths to fade.. well, nothing really much luh, did my chinese just now. all my riji,cut & paste, the practise she gave us, and then i practised some maths. just now i cannot hear my own song. how irritating. now can le. thanks vanessa(: tomorrow oing to the ulu pandan thingy to watch the play. haha. must bring torch light one. cause that place is ulu. haha. i now talking to yan. vanessa going offline soon. she said byebye le. sad. maybe i will end here. yes. bye(: hello(: today i got no CCA! haha. my CCA the p6 all exempted le. so happy. lol. today i dont know why ah. abit sot sot le. lol. ok. just now. after school, i waited for my mom to come back from her blood test. so i waited in the canteen. bla. go to the best part now. i was IN the canteen. then i saw someone fall down. yup. then natalie was like mandy fall down. like.. er. i cant see if it was her. then after awhile, i walk up. ha. it is really her. lol. she so funny. then after awhile, i go home le. yes. now i of course at home luh. while drinking fruit juice, i do the rubix cube. then my mom suddenly say she remember how to do the 3 step thingy that ahgong taught her. haha. so i see and learn. lol. then after seeing. it really turn up to be correct. the step was done! yes. then i come and bathe lorh. now in my room. blogging. lol. got so many many home work to do. chanahmoy lorh. today letting mummy sign papers. yup. i got to go and do my homeworks now. lol. bye(: i was tagged by yan and cheryl to do this: 1.what will i be most focused on most of the time? studying for PSLE. 2.what do you want the most now? pass PSLE flying colours. 3.who is the person you trust most? ahyan! & mom & dad 4.who do you want to spend time with? my mr.right, family and friends. 5.if you have a dream to come true, what will it be? meet my mr.right(: 6.do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain? yes. 7.what is your goal for this year? pass PSLE and prelims with flying colours. 8.do you believe in eternity love? yes. my parents give me eternity love. 9.what feeling do you like the most? happy(: 10.what are the requirements that you wish from the othe half? loyal, caring, loving, trustworthy, handsome! 11.what feelings do you hate most? betrayel & hatred 12.do you cherish ever single friendship of yours? of course! 13.do you belive in god? yes. 14.what do you think is the most important in your life? my family and friends. 15.who do you hope to be always there for you? family and friends. 16.who is your best friend? ahyan, dominic, beatrice, sharne, madeleine. 17.who cared for you the most? daddy and mummy(: 18.do you think love is stupid? nope. unless you think your parents love is stupid. 19.who do i hate the most? person XYZ. 20.which question should i remove? do you think you have enough confidence? randomly remove 1 question and add in your own question. make it a total of 20 questions. tag 8 people in your list. list them out at the end of the post. notify them in their tagboard that he/she has been tagged and whoever done the tag would be blessed by all people. 1.beatrice 2.jiaxin 3.xiaoling 4.madeleine 5.abigail 6.ahyan 7.cheryl 8.sharne yay. hello(: like i said i changed my blogskin AGAIN.haha. yesterday was fun(: yesterday. i went for violin. then i went home. mom was making the fruit juice. then my dad come back go there and help. then my mom was like blocking his way. then his ask her to go away. very 'zo dang.' LOL. then i forgotten why ah. my mom go splash water at my dad. yah. then i take the fruit juice go drink. so sweet lorh. then my mom go take hers to the living room to drink. i finish drinking le then go do MK's maths. after awhile, i go to the living room. mom was halfway finishing her juice. then after that, she finish le. so she put the cup down. then daddy use his phone take picture of me luh. cause i was wearing a blouse. and it is not often that i wear blouses. then after that, i take photo of him. haha. he 1/2 naked. he wear his jeans but then he no shirt. so i take a few pictures. showed my mom. then she was like 'AIYO! WHY YOU GO WASTE YOU MEMORY SPACE BY TAKING PHOTO OF THAT NAKED MAN?!' lol. then my dad go lie down on the sofa. then i continue to take photo. then my mom was watching TV. watch the tennis. then the match was between nadal & moya. then she watch.. my dad was like asking her to go bathe. was like 4+ le. he 'late' for work le. LOL. so after awhile., she off the TV and went to bathe. then dad was like 'OI, off TV for what?!' yahh. so it went on. bla. went to macpherson at 5+ thanks to my mom. take so long to bathe. later in the at night, we played.. MAHJONG!! so fun(: i was on a winning streak! i kept winning. haha. so fun. then we pong here pong there. yay. hope can play again(: yah. got to go. today woohoo. today is sharne birthday(: HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHARNE! LOVE YOU LOADS(: HAHA. ok. today, went for tuition. so fun. this patrick. made me laugh. he was like making weird noises. then teacher was like patrick. are you ok?! then he is yes maam. then ms wong was like 'he is crazy..' haha. i agree man(: yes. after tuition, i went to popular to buy pen and correction tape. mine use finish le. then we go 'dapao' food. yupp. i dont know what to post le. i am going macpherson today(: i am leaving soon. tomorrow no school! hoho. happy. i still have to do MK's work. still got some. not alot luh. yay. oh yes. chelsy. dont ask the obvious horh. lorh. if dont understand or still dont know, go ask jolie. or come and ask me. i shall end here. bye(: hey(: got my results le. maths was done badly. my worst subject luh. well. i got a 52/100. i wanted higher score. ah.. so miserable. my section A is 18/20, section B is 19/30, my section C is 15/50. so sad. what a disgusting score. today in class, did science exam paper corrections. then suddenly ms wan say must do the evaluation form for the social etiquette we had earlier. then i do le i pass up to siying. then they hand in to ms wan. then ms wan see le show those type of face luh. then say some people write their favourite part is eating. their favourite part is eating the brownie. then after taht she read out mine. then the whole class cheered. so paiseh. no face to meet people le. today ms vasun never come. so a teacher, eh think is mrs loh. yah. she relief our class. then ms koh called our class not long later. ask us to go up to 6grace. then we check maths paper. blablabla. after that, she show us our exam results. i was way way after madeleine. so i see my results, turned and saw madeleine crying and leaning against the wall. then we follow her go to the toilet.let her cry out.. then we going back to class. walked pass 6grace. ms koh saw us. ask us to go in. so we went in. she scold us for not going for uor lesson. then she ask where we go. blablabla. then we go le, ms koh asked madeleine to stay behind. she confirm going to scold madeleine le lorh. i went down to 6faith to take music things and go down for music. yahh. stayed back today. until 3+ cause got maths supplementry. haha.just now jolie called me AGAIN. she everyday call de luh.sighs. writing peiyi's autograph book now. bye(: hello(: i got some of my results today le. quite happy luh chinese:78/90 science:62/100 yah. thats all lorh. tomorrow i think we getting our maths paper. so scared. ah.. mayb i failleh. or just pass only. so scared. just dont know why.. awhile ago, i was online using the laptop. then my mom need it. so passed it to her. yah. then i come and post. talked to jolie,silvia and vanessa just now. but then never talk after that. haha. but then i continued talking to jolie. then after that jolie called me. then talked to her on handphone lorh. yes. then she say i sound like shirlene toh. WHY DOES EVERYONE SAY THAT?! looing for a blogskin. i want to change. getting sick of the old one le. haha. i am changing it now(: bye. busy le. haha hello(: today got the social etiqutte. haha. whole class everone wore a skirt. haha. madeleine is the MOST MOST erhum one. today we after recess check english paper. haha. i am so over the moon now. can see chang e already. lol. ok. my english MCQ got 25/30, for the first time in dont know how many years... and booklet B is 46.5/65. add together is 71.5/95 hahaha. 15 mark improvement from CA1(: so happy. haha. after check paper, we prepare to go change for the social etiquette. i go to the 3rd floor to change. haha. by the time i go down, i was sweating like shit. then change le sweat even more. by the time i reach class, most of my sweat dry le. then we headed for the restraunt. i tell you ah. i havent even eat the main course full le. i had the mushrom soup and the fruit drink, i full le. wah.. but then to be courteous, i will just eat everything there lorh. sighs. the main course was chicken chop. while i was eating, the instructor walk pass le then ask me is it i left handed. then i just say no lorh, then she ask why i hold my knife and spoon using left habd, i just say i have no idea and that maybe cause my dad uses his left hand to old his spoon?! but i dont remember him doing that. neither will it be my mom. desert was brownie. they give 1 small slice only. sigh. next time must give bigger pieces mah. after that came back to school. changed back to uniform and came home with crystal. thats all i have to say, haha. talking to vanessa now. bye(: hey hey people(: i come and post again. haha. and and today is... MOTHER'S DAY(: hehe. i wish all mothers HAPPY MOTEHRS DAY. ok. i gave my mom her presents. eh. say... a card i made myself, a cute rubix cube yan helped my to buy, and 1 stalk of carnation that my tuition centre gave me. haha. my mom was so so delighted when she saw the presents. not only that ah.. she gave me a big hug. she totally forgot about the ache in her back when suddenly she stretched too much, she finally remembered the pain. yah. poor mommy. she MUST recover soon i planned what clothes to wear for the social etiquette le. -a white and black checkered blouse -a skirt about until my knee -shoes.. erm . i dont know luh. maybe slippers lorh. cause i no other better shoes. i know my apparrel is rather pathetic. but i am DESPERATE!! sighs. hate this social etiqutte. tomorrow last paper(: haha. science. my favourite. hope i can score for this subject. & it is peiyi birthday tomorrow. ya. HAPPY BIRTHDAY PEIYI(: yahh. need to have an eraly night tonight. maybe it is rather late to say early. haha. anyways, bye(: hi(:i was always too busy studying for exams. today i in macpherson post. haha. my maths i guarentee ah cannot get A one lorh. i count horh i should lose at least about like 24 marks le lorh.i at last minute panick marh, then no time to do. sie ah. yesterday was chinese. so so easy luh. hope can get at least a A or A* . haha. hope so lorh. today i woke up too late. too late. i was suppose to wake up to post. but woke up only at 10++. smsed yan to remind her to bring color pencils. to do mother's day card. did the card halfway le. i tomorrow giving her. hoho. the best presents to give her is to be obedient can le. help her to wash cup and make her happy(: that will be the best gift that i can give her. haha. monday last paper. haha. science. yay. happy. after that can realz le. haha, but i still got important psle. tuesday i going for the socail ettiquette thing. must wear a skirt and blouse. eeek. i dont want to wear skirt!! nono. but iam forced to wear. sad. now i watching one show. dont know what show luh. very exciting, but dominic use 2 hands to cover his eyes. lol. he so scared luh. i lazy to post while watching. maybe tomoro post again. yahh. tomoro got tuition. yesh. aiyo. dont luo suo le luh. i watch the show le. bye(: hello(: today is english exam. quite easy(: hope can get good marks. tomorrow is maths. so i come home keep revising again and again. hope can get A or A*. i so scared luh. but dont know why somewhere between the fears, i felt confidence. dont know why. sighs. i talking to ahyan and her teacher,ms nadiah now. dont feel like posting anymore. i lazy(: just now i completed phedra's profile book. i old her i will return it to her within a day. haha. to all 6FAITH people: jiayous for maths(: all the best. to ahyan: tomorrow last exam, jiayou(: got to go(: my hand shivering. so icy cold. &&my room aircon leaking! need someone help me fix it again.. haha. bye(: heyys(: today super paiseh. so so paiseh luh. health ed that time. mdm ashekin keying dont know what points ah. so she ask us to do our own things. so i sat there and read storybook or something. then this madeleine come to me,say that she must kiss me. like OMG. why me?! then she dont know play what truth or dare ah. then madeleine was dared to kiss me. waseh.. she kiss ah. alot of saliva de. i need to wash face extra hard. but is just the cheek. then she kiss le. i go wash face. i come back, they say i need to gena another one from peiyi. this one better. no saliva de. ok. but i still hate it. i am a girl!! dont kiss me! so disgusting luh. ok. i need to stop here le. must study for tomoro le luh. english paper2. bye(: hoho(: i told you i will come and post today(: ok. make this fast yahh. i hungry. need to eat dinner. today again never go to macpherson. i miss yanyanhilarious yet smelly dominic. lol. ok. stop crapping le. yesterday at macpherson, mama teach me how to o the rubix cube. but only untill 2nd layer. ha. mayb next week can make the whole cube(: she need to learn from ahgong. may sound stupid.. but he is pro ok... he can solve the cube lorh. ok. today i went for tuition. got one new student... teresa. haha. my school de. but sad is not the same teacher as mine. then tuition that time, this cheryl and ying jie and i think it is christine ah.. so damn noisy luh. then they keep bullying the teacher. the teacher is male somemore. then my teacher ask them to keep quiet. and so sad. my teacher got sore throat. hope she will recover soon. then mummy bring me go but new slipper. cause my old one spoil le. the thingy come out. too quite long to choose one slipper(: exams round the corner. just afew more days. ahhh. must get at least 1 A*. good luck to all(: hello(: yesterday i went to hougang mall after my supplementry lessons. my dad and mum want to eat lunch, erm. they very late then eat de luh. ok. i was on the escalater then i heard my name called luh. then i turn, i saw jiayan,geraldine&vanessa. they come from school de luh. ok. then went to hawker centre. didnt eat cause no appetite. mum later cook for me. then we went to library to activate my library card. saw jiaxin and mandy. this mandy was like.. is that rachel.. er, ok. of course luh. haha. then went to watsons. again saw the 3 people i saw in hougang mall. so coincident... blabla. then went home. do homework. do & do & do. especially maths. ahh. my head almost bao zha(: haha. did ri ji after that. TODAY ok. i woke up at about 7.40+ cant sleep. dont know why. i just cant. ahh. woken up by the shining sun. idiot. then i came online.. haha. obvious. then blog(: yaya. talked to chantal. now talking to regine. sad that i need to go le. need to bathe. then pactise violin and go for lessons. so i need to go. post tomoro if possible luh. bye(: |