
my dad coming back from beijing TODAY(: so happy. and i also now my results for my piano exam le. i got 121. i not quite happy lah. cause i wanted a distinction. then can get my handphone(: this was only a merit. but my mama say is already good enough le, so good enough then good enough lorh. what matters is that she is happy with my results. i now all along at home. mama went to pick daddy. talking to crystal lee just now. post some photos.


monkey dominic. no idea why picture looks so so big.

my pretty ahgong(:

see.. his fringe so long. haha. pretty?

ahgong(: looking like ahmeng? haha

laughing at his chimpanzee photo

my piano exam score

piano exam score

chelsy choon!!

lim jia yan(:

a restraunt in kuantan. wahaha. the cups were bigger than me. lol.

at madeleine's house. i think this was last year. yah.

daddy come back le. i ask him can give me his phone. he say can. he will plan first. erm. nevermind. i need to go complete my homework. bye(:

hello(: long time no post le.

yahh, went for SYF yesterday. haha. i put some sickening make-up. i hate it lah. so sickening. then we had our 1/2 hour lunch. we suppose to come back and do some little extra practise de.but then no time lah. sad. then we went to republic poly le(:

then got this group ah. very irritating lah. they is in front of us de. so.. they were like 'our group is good' then phedra was like 'our group very good' then they were like 'our group excellent' phedra wanted to say 'OUR GROUP OUTSTANDING AH..' but i dont know why she dont want lah.

we going to compete le. then this charlyn cry. like. er. why did she cry? but luckily her mother can stop her in time. but thing is that her make-up ALL GONE LAH. but never mind.

i at home now. i need to take a bath to get the make-up off my face. yahh. then chelsea smsed me. she was telling me the results. ok.. as i expected lah. so no surpirse.

well at least we got a bronze lah. lucky no C.O.P. yupp i need to do homework le. i now chiong(: bye.

hello(: today miss wan never come to school. our class go crazy le. haha.

well. i went to school like at abot 7.10. then go for ahmoy lesson. but then i see like so little people. so maybe all the prefects all is go for their duty leahmoy was like scolding the charmaine. she so bad. yeahh. OMG.OMG. she scold till very scary lorh. but she joke is very funny de lah. shirlene also quite late. she never go for duty but came to ahmoy lessons.

blah. then we went for cathecism. then mrs goh was like asking us to mould something using clay. yah. then after that we go for maths. today miss koh like good mood. never scold anyone lah. haha. then she today teach us pie charts. we finished the practise thingy in likie 1 day?! she finished teaching us pie charts in 1 day. that was so fast lah. then at the end of lesson, she was like frantickly finding for her answer sheet for the speed worksheet. but sad that she cant find it. haha. we so happy. cause we havent finish mah. then at 9.30, bell ring. haha. then she was like saying must do the revision exercise 3. like OMG. so many homweork leh, then we bargain bargain. so only have to do the 2 pie charts worksheet and practise. haha. happy(:

then got one teacher come and relief ms wan. that teacher very sickening. say must finish our english then can do other homework, irritating, then she go aruond see whose table got other homework, then she will go and put it under their table. she aiya. got problem one lah.

i nothing to post lah. i finger pain. i talking to vanessa now. yahh. i dont wan to post here le, i go to class blog and post. bye(:

hello(: long time never blog le. haha. i muscle so pain.. yesterday went for 1.6 km run.

today we had our YEP. ya. and i went to damn late today. late until i never go for ahmoy lessons. scared she scold seh.. i come le then went for morning exercise.

during morning exercise activity, i kept steeping on jiayan's back of the shoe. haha. then she walk untill like going to fall like that. yah. then mrs lee taking attendence. damn sickening. she ask us how many people never wear PE attire. then we say 2. then mrs lee was like. "you all only 4points. then add these 2 people never wear PE attire," then dont know how on earth did they minus untill -2 points leh. wah.. we broke the record. no one ever reach until -2 seh... haha. we popular le. lol.

then miss wan period that time, she go through the english ws6 then we went to the lobby to prepare for our YEP sale. then we prepare until very messy. then got some dont want to put, got some must put. aiyo.. how i know.. then this mandy go with jiaxin go take the muggets and french fries frm her aunty. then she come back she say her aunty sitting at the bench there relaxing. then mandy have to climb the fence to take the nuggets cause then fence too tall. lol. she damn funny.

then during the YEP, we keep on tou chi the food lorh.. haha. hungry mah.. after the YEP, we counting money. then we thought we lost a lot of money. but then luckily xiaoling woke us to our senses. haha. she found it under the table. yay. today we earn about $60++. ya.

after school, we got supplementry. then this mr tan take over. ahhh. why always is hime de. can die lah. after supplementry, i walked home with crystal and vanessa. actually rebecca supposed to come. but then she damn funny. she was like i walk with you all go to your bus stop ok? then we were like... ok. then halfway at the carpark, she was like, eh. you sure there can take 80 to compass point or not? she keep asking. then after awhile, she dont know say scared her mom scold. so she go and take the bus lorh.

at my house that bus stop there, we walking walking walking. left like afew metres, we saw someone look like rebecca at the busstop sitting there. then we walk closer. aiyo.. really is rebecca ah.. haha. then we were like why you dont follow us walk here why waste the money go take bus then we were like ... aiya. jokingly like 'scold' her. she so funny. haha.

i talking to vanessa and ahyan now. bye(:

hello hello(:yesterday was jiayan birthday.


i totally forgotten that it was her birthday leh. so i didnt buy any present for her lah.. sorry jiayan.

today i woke up at 8++ i want to go back to sleep de. but then the sun too bright and the birds so noisy.. so i never sleep le. then i come to blog(: lol. yahhnot really in a good mood. thanks to someone. ruined my plan. made me lie to her and told her of... but no use!! she still came back.. ahhhhhh. why like that?! i want to have a piece of mind.. irritating. keep holding on to me..

you dont know what i talking. then you go read the previous 4 posts. maybe after reading you will understand.

i later got violin lessons. sian. now my dad in beijing. scared later late for my lessons. anyway late also no big deal.. alyna and phedra also late for so many times.. so i dont think anything will happen. yeahh.i very hungry leh. havent eat breakfast yet. so maybe i will go eat my breakfast. post another time kae.. bye(:

hello(: i here to post again.

today international friendship day. so no study. haha. happy.

during supplementry, we were checking the worksheet answers. wah.. all correct seh.. then after that, ms wan gave us another worksheet. ask us to do it on the spot. then geraldine say she want to pack her table. while she take out the papers and books, she say that she want to fart. disgusting. i thought she was just joking. how would i know it is true. she really farted. waseh.. got sound effect somemore. disgusting. luckily is soft soft de. or else other people know le then will make a mountain out of a molehill.

then suddenly, mandy walked up to ms wan and told her that her pencil box is missing. it is yellow, winnie the pooh one. lol. then candice suddenly say that her things also missing and it is also yellow. geraldine say the person who steal the things all sicko one. everything she steal all yellow de. erm. like who in our class will be so sicko?!

after supplementry, i was in the canteen. the jiaxin came to me and talktalktalk. then mandy ask me to follow her to go find her pencil box. so we went up to class, then mandy as like panicing. she scared her mom scold blablabla. then after ahwile, i went home.

i was doing y homework so so peacefully, then this phedra called me.. like wapiang.. didnt i told her off yesterday?! i am so pissed off lah can.

i now no mood to post anymore le. abit tired.bye.

today i so so pissed. but good thing is that i told phedra off.. right in her face. but not so straight forward lah..

cause this morning, got one announcement saying to meet all string ensemble members. then this phedra hear le still ask me 'we must go right?' like you got to ask yourself.. after the majulah, i just take my bag imformed yuri then i left.. then phedra copycat. go tell her huifen and left. then she keep tagging behind me. talktalktalk to me. but i didnt seem to reply. i didnt care. cause i take it as she wasnt there.

then in the canteen, i saw ms tan at one of the tables, so i purposely walk a long winded way.. like turn here turn there one. then this phedra ah.. waseh. i walk where, she walk where. she can take a easier route she dont want. stupid. then i walk to the table there. i move one step she move another. then i tell her dont follow me. then she say she is not. then i move one step she move another AGAIN! irrtating seh.. then i just tell her off. just screamed at her not to follow me again. this time, i tried, i move one step.. and good sign(: she didnt move anymore. haha. and then she started throwing tantrums. she took the paper and ran away. lol. i hope she wont follow me anymore.

i to sian to post le. bye(:

very long no post le. i hand itchy. haha. yah. cause i these few days very busy. dont know why either. sighs.

i today come to school atabout 7.15 like that. never go for chanahmoy lessons scared she scold me seh. i went to music room. lalala. we went to the republic poly at about 8++. yeahh..

we go there that time, i realised our CCA got alot of 'suaku'.cause the cultural centrevery big then everyone was like woo here woo there. then the place got 'alot' of millipedes.. when i only saw like 5 or 6. so exagerative lah they.. sickening. we put down our barang barang that time, took our violin and went up the stage then mdm he ask us to come down cause we go for a walk around the place to get familiar. teacher also go through the procedure. then we walk one big round and then went to the back. then after that, the door is closed. so mdm he and ms tan go ask the security to open the door. so we stand there and wait lorh. so came walking this group of people. one of them said 'oh.. here are the musicians'. lame luh he. then chelsea's mom was like taking some photos. so was natasha's mom. then xxxxxx was like starting to gaugua jiao le lorh, then she was like: eh... they taking photo again leh... i mean like none of my business mah. teacher dont care why shld i... then she show those type of like very pissed off those type of face. sickening. cant help complaining about her. irritating lah, teacher talking she play violin. i stop her, she not happy. somemore she is not play softly lorh. she is play loudly lorh. then i play is very soft one lorh. then she come and stop me and pretend to be angry. somemore she is use her hand to press over my violin strings. i just tell her to stop lorh. i is use my mouth to tell her lorh. irritating, she cant even have a taste of her own medicine. then rehearsal that time, she keep noticing that they are taking photos or videos. irritating. ask her to focus on her playing she go and look here look there...

then in the bus on the way back to school. she so irritating. keep wanting to come lunch with me. irritating. i tell her off she not happy. i dont want her to come lunch with me and i dont allow her to. she asked my permission. i sayed no. then she not happy. crazy. but i indirectly allowed her luh.

in CCA. i like angry angry like that luh then she keep like rubbing salt into the wound lah. she ask untill so many questions that i dont feel like answering.making things worse only lorh... pester pester pester. then this yukka, she always being carried by xxxxxx. she so poor thing. forced to be totured. i pity her. but hse is damn cute luh. then hse carried phedra and then phedra screamed. i so suprised teacher never do or say anything. i expected hime to open his mouth.

i want to tell xxxxxx off luh,but cant find the time to. she keep coming to find me blablabla. once i tell her only, she will anyhow go around gossiping about me. ahhhhhhhhhhhh. i want to go and scream!! i really regret taking this road. this road that led me to knowing this girl xxxxxx. =X