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TKGS, 1e8
TKG StringEnsemble
Ex-olnian (: , 6FAITH’o8
OLN StringEnsemble
24061996BY2 - 不夠成熟 |
♥ CharmayneLow
♥♥♥♥ CherylLow
♥♥ DominicLim
♥♥ LimQuanjie
♥♥♥♥ WendyLim
6FAITH'08(:♥♥♥♥♥ 6faitho8(: ♥AliciaChan ♥♥♥ AmandaWang ♥♥ BeatriceLee ♥♥ CrystalLee ♥ DeniseHeng ♥♥ EuniceChua ♥ FeliciaLim ♥♥ GeraldineTan ♥♥♥ LimJiaxin ♥♥♥ LimJiayan ♥♥ MadeleinePoh ♥ SamanthaTan ♥♥ SharneLeong ♥♥ ShirniseLee ♥ TracyLee ♥♥ VanessaChia ♥ VanessaYeo ♥ VeraSng ♥♥ TanXiaoling OLNIANS & EX-OLNIANS(: ♥ ChelsyChoon ♥ Jiawen ♥ JolieAw ♥ MagdaleneLow ♥ PerissaYap ♥ SamanthaTan ♥♥ AbigailLee ♥♥ AthenaOng ♥ ClaireLim ♥♥ CynthiaWee ♥♥ DivyaWoo ♥♥ HeatherHumphries ♥♥ JeralynTan ♥♥ KlarissaYow ♥♥LynnJuliana ♥♥♥ NatalieNgar ♥ Nikki ♥ RachelLee ♥ SherrillSim ♥ SteffiTan ♥ VanessaTan ♥ Victoria ♥♥ YeoPeishan 1e8'09 ♥ ♥♥ ChanYauTing ♥ ElizabethYoung ♥ KimMiJin ♥ MaKeiKiu ♥ Ms NgShehFeng ♥ NatashaAmeera ♥ NicoleLau ♥♥ NoviaLiew ♥♥♥ NurulSyazana ♥ RachellNg ♥♥ SarahYeo ♥♥ SamanthaLim ♥ SitiNadiah ♥♥ Shazana ♥ ZannLim StringE ♥♥ ♥♥♥ AbigailWee ♥♥ Angela ♥♥♥ CherylLow ♥♥ EmmerlynOng ♥♥ GloriaParn ♥♥ HweiYen ♥♥ Ilya ♥♥ OngLinHui ♥♥ Muriel ♥♥♥ RatanaLau ♥♥ RebeccaTan ♥♥♥ TKGSStringe ♥ VanessaTan TKG(: ♥♥♥ Desiree ♥♥ OngLinYee ♥ Yvette archives
Design: doughnutcrazyIcon: morphine_kissed Do credit accordingly if you changed the icon. |
my leg muscle pain!! walk also pain. sit also pain. very ma fan leh.. today maths that time, we laugh until stomach pain. misskoh spot alot of people not listening. then she also like 'introduced' some 'new' classmates. yahh. some like cheryl and candice. lol. then hazzeena also. lol. then got once, misskoh talktalktalk but not in her normal voice. like eeek... then when everyone was laughing, amanda like joking joking say disgusting. haha. then miss koh walk up to our group. pull amanda out. lol. then she used amanda as her pointer. haha. damn funny. kept laughing. then when miss koh like let go of her hand, she ran and escaped. then miss koh cannot catch her. lol. wah, her hnd is damn red sia.. then when miss koh finish teaching one sum that time, walk up to amanda and tell her to come out and stand behind her. then she dont want but after awhile, she somehow came out and then miss koh ask her to ask the class to do this do that. then she sit down again. misskoh didnt realize until she turned around. lol. then she ask amanda to come out AGAIN, and stand behind her. then she say by the count of 3 she must come out or else... lol. then somehow she was forced to go out. and then she came back to sit again. lol. yahh. then miss koh didnt come to find her le lorh. supplementry that time, i sat with sharne. but then she totally sot of ignored me during the whole leson cause her cousin is with her. so she kept talking to her cousin. when i talk to her, she dont reply me. to engrossed with talking to her cousin. she only talk to me when she want answers.. after supplementry, she ask me to follow her play netball. we played for like 10 minutes and suah.. she went home. i took my bus home. blablabla. i need to go sleep. bye(: Labels: tired... today i dont want to post much. very tired. no energy. during maths, periyi kena scolded by miss koh. i know the reason. but cant post out. personal. understand? stayed back today for cca. so boring and normal. yahh. played our SYF pieces. blablabla. then after cca, saw vanessa and jiayan outside the music room. lol. then saw this chelsy also. lol. then vanessa wear the band uniform very pretty(: jiayan ver cute. haha. chelsy ah.. no comments. lol. yah. then this chelsy lost a whole plastic bag. inside is her bottle, jiayna's and vanessa's. then they were like warning her luh. aiyo. poor girl. lol. then this chelsy come to me and ask me 'i scream ah..' then i was like scream luh. i didnt expect her to really go and scream sia. so glass shattering and ear piercing. eeek. miss poh scolded her. haha. she deserve it. lol. yahh, then after that, yishan tell us that miss poh found a plastic bag in the music room. and it was theirs. haha. so heng luh they.. yahh, then i going home that time, uor school bus-stop got blood. dont know what on earth happened, some say fight, some say robbery. disgsting sia. eeek. haha. i need to go sleep. tired. sorry(: bye i never do my maths homework leh. thats why miss koh rather angry with me... today i went to school quite late. bleah. dont know why either. went for our illegal meeting. but then i go there like awhile only then siying come tell us that ahmoy ask us to go for lessons. blablabla. so ahmoy was nagging. say what cannot hang over there. so meaning tomorrow onwards cannot meet up le. ahh... sad. lol. yahh. then after that, went for duty blablabla. after miss wan period was PE. got this relief teacher came. she is ms goh or something like that. then vanessa say she look like miss poh. lol. really meh? lol. then was maths. preparing for my doom. well misskoh was like angry but lucky never shout at me. but then she say she is irritated and disappointed with me. haiya. so sad. i statyed back until 4+ with eunice after supplementry. went with vaness and jiayan until 3+ cause they got band. yahh. then we went up to canteen, talktalktalk. haha. supposed to do project de. but then library not open. lol. after awhile, xiaoling came. after awhile, she went home. then came jiaxn,peiyi and beatrice. yahh. they stayed for a few minutes. yahh. then saw claire. yahh. she came back to school. so i tao my autogragh book from her. haha. yay. got it back FINALLY. yes. then i went home at 4+ yah. blablabla. yahh. did homework then came here to post(: and i need to go for now. bye(: Labels: stared into blank space after that... today i realized that mr tan is teaching our class social studies. irritating. dont want a male teacher sia ): ms vasun, why must you apply sick leave??? so it was maths. and when it ended, we drag drag take our own time to walk back to class. when i was there, i saw this mr tan there, standing at the teacher's table waiting for all of us. i greet him and then go back to my seat. then i saw geraldine laughing. then she say she laugh untill she cry. she say mr tan damn funny. lol. so lets see how funny he is lorh... haha. ok. so it was 7 minutes late. 7 minutes of his lessons 'wasted' waiting for us to come up to class. lol. then there was this group of people. and sharne was in there. so mr tan like scolded them for being late and taking their own sweet time, to come up to class. he scold people damn funny. haha. after that, he started his lesson with showing off his ex school. what er.. 'this is my pasir ris secondary'blablabla. then went on to what PSLE thing. then continued by the secondary subjects. then he wrote on the board all the subjects. then got one is 'LS' think it is literiture(dont know how to spell :P) yahh. then xiaoling see le say lausai. haha. then this mr tan was like please do not say vulgar language in class. it is very rude. lol. like is lausai a vulgar? haha. then he want to write the rules on the board. wahh. damn funny. the markers dont respect him. haha. he said he wanted to write the rules. so ok he took one marker. write... no ink. another marker. write... no ink. ANOTHER marker. write... no ink. lol. then i was laughing. haha. couldnt stop. then he went to used his own marker. cause mrs loh say cannot use other markers than the ones that the school provided. so of course we stopped him from using but then he still so persistently held his marker. then he scribbled on our board and erased off the scribble. leaving behind no mark. then he scold us ask us dont talk rubbish. irritating. after awhile, he really started on social studies. then he ask alot of questions. blablabla. then suddenly he ask where is japan located. then eunice say on earth. then this mr tan was like 'please do not give stupid answers' wah.. he cannot take jokes de. so meaning his lessons will be boring one lorh. ok. my hand tired of typing le. i post tomorrow. bye(: hey(: todaywas too late to go for illegal meeting. slept like a pig. lol. so i immediately went for ahmoy lessons. after awhile, i went for duty. yuri finally came to school(: cant bother to ask much either. then got one new teacher. MALE TEACHER somemore. lucky he teachi p5. or else i die. he look weird luh can. mr tan somemore... then going up that time,yuri say i talk too little. lol. cause she talk too much. haha. nevermind. i try too talk more. haha. went back to class with jiayan.then this chanahmoy was going to give us ting xie. wahahaha. so easy de. yahh. after that, she teach the lesson 3.3 she say cannot on the tv for too long. will bomb one. then she say short-curcuit as sot-circuueet. damn funny. then ms wan came in. blablabla. she collected report books. i help geraldine to pass up. then she ask where is geraldine. i say she in toilet. after that, geraldine and vanessa came back from toilet.they gana scolded from misswan. cause they took 15 minutes in the toilet. yahh. nothing to talk much le. haha. i stayed back after school for supplementry and cca. supplementry over then i go cca with peiyi,xinyao,phedra,and sharne(: wahaha. cca so boring. waste time also. only went hme at 5.30 half an hour late. damn.. not enough time to practise for my piano exams this thursday. lol. i finished my homework and came here to post. yahh. need to sleep. bye(: heyhey(: today i went to school later then in term 1. forgot that today got prefect meeting. then i never go to chan ah moy lesson. ahh... then i also like.. abit late for prefect meeting. cause it just started few minutes ago. lucky. haha. after that, i lucky to hear that i am not the only one never go chan ah moy. so i go there with samantha. yahh. then only went for duty at 7.45 . suddenly remembered that i forgot to bring my maths section c to school. so i PANIC lol. then went to call my father(: he sleeping sia. lucky he can wake up and bring it to school(: tell you more later. after that, went to 5joy there. this yuri never come. damn. i still report late for duty.. then wonder how my class behaved. lol. then this phedra think i stupid or no eyes.. i can see that yuri never come. she still need to tell me for what. aiyer. dont care her luh. then after we sing marikita, moving off that time, suddenly mrs liu stopped us and he talked about some thing. then i turn my head and saw my dad. so i ran to the fence to take the section c that he brought or me. lucky he came in time ah.. or else i mutty le. back at class, miss wan ask us to join tables(: so i sat with pei for only today. tomorrow going back to sit with jilodi. sick.. mdm sek come to our class. haha. this miss vasun never come again. then she repeated almost everything that she said the last time she came to our class. yah. nothing else to talk. so SKIP TO CHAN AH MOY LESSONS(: lol. chan ah moy. wahh. she damn funny. cant stop laughing. but then she scolded some people i think. if i am not wrong it was today. cause she scold people everytime. yah. after school. stayed back cause got supplementry. miss tan followed the netballers go for match. so index no. 23-44 join mrs lew class. wapiang. it like quite funny. quite paiseh also luh. crystal need pad. then peiyi help to ask from xiaoling. she took so long just to understand what peiyi was talking. lol. then 1st time get the pad was success. 2nd time. i need to get it too. so sharne was the 'post woman'. then she took the pad from xiaoling, walk to mrs lew and tell her she want to go to the toilet. then on the way. she throw it to me. lol. then mrs lew was like angry like that luh. after awhile, sharne came back. mrs lew give out paper and also tell me not to read sharne's message in the letter until lesson end. then sharne tell her that it was a pad. haha. so she laughed luh obvious. then after that, me and crystal go toilet. then mrs lew was like why so many people want to go toilet at the same time. then we were like whisper whisper say 'pad' then walked home with crystal. blablabla. did homework and so on then i came here to post(: so i need to sleep le. tired. lol. bye(: hi(: today went back to school for CCA. so boring. no offence. today teacher test us. haha. but he never test me. lucky. then this phedra want to sabo me. i got headache. then teacher can tell. before that, phedra was asked to play with magdalene. then after that, teacher want to ask someone to play with peiyi. so this phedra go shout out my name. lucky teacher say no. then in the end went to ask sharne to play. i am so sorry sharne... then so irritating can. i suddenly CCA that time got headache as mentioned earlier... so i went to take madicated oil. wahhh... after CCA went to class to take my textbooks. so tired. thks to peiyi and phedra who patiently waited for me at the staircase. haha. came home and slept like a pig thanks to my headache. only woke up at 4.20+ lol. told you i sleep like a pig(: yahh. thats about all(: bye<3 today i went for tuition. very crowded. my teacher also very busy. not only that. i think she got sore throat. she talk like no sound one. then this lam xin wei ah.. i tell you. very sickening. she keep smiling. then she always like keep looking at me and ms wong. cant stand her face. and i think she cut hair. then she wear the shirt also very big. like she buy oversized..then ms wong was like looking at her exam paper. then i realized she from PLMGS.. then her maths results were like 75.. A grade lehs.. but mayb their syllabus easier than my school. haha. but based on band , she band 2. but then she primary 5 only lehs.. aiya. dont care luh. then got new student. think her name is jesslyn. and sighs.. another p5 again. ahhh. then this patrick very sickening. he very rude. then he anyhow go touch and play the computer. irritating luh can.. then sad ms wong today got sore throat. or else she scold him le lorh.. after tuition, went with daddy to buy my lunch. so we walk to the hawker centre. then behind us got one WOMAN.. behind us with 2 young little girls. then cause we walk so slowly, i think the WOMAN shouted from behind EXCUSE ME!! sickening luh can.. then we turn behind, saw her walk up the stairs. then she is some sort of like not only rude, she also like never use brain. of all routes, must take the route that we walking meh? got another route tat you can take mah... then we queueing up that time, daddy say she got a frog face. haha. i agree. lol. then she come down the stairs that time, she look at us like full of hatred like that.. i mean like what wrong did we do to her?! back at home, practised piano untill like 4+. yan,dominic, justin ahmah and uncle came to our house. haha. yahh. then i bathe finish that time, i came out. yan they all come up to my room. then they play.. after awhile, justin carried dominic and walked out. then suddenly saw ahmah coming up so they faster get down and act innocent. lol. then we went to macpherson. never do any homework... yah. thats about all(: bye<3 wahaha. dont know why i so crazy today.. lol. jk. had meeting again in the canteen. saw shirnese talking so loudly. heard it from afar too. haha. sorry for insulting. lol. went for chanahmoy lessons. she like teaching us oral. talk until like that, she was teaching how to read a passage 'you qi, you li'. haha. her favourite sentence. then went for morning excercise. kept going away from mandy(: after that, we went for assembly. yuri came to tell me that 3 people never bring a storybook. irritating. always forget one. my class everyday at least got one person never bring storybook one. sighs. school senior netball team got 3rd. haha. congrats to them. during chinese, she was teaching us the lesson 3.3 about dont know what question mark thing ah. forgot le. then she keep looking at me. so scary luh she. then she copy the tang shi for us. it was about the girlfriend boyfriend thing. so sick. haha. then she ask us to do 3 ri ji and 2 cutand paste du hou gan. she so irritating luh. i just pass up all my work that is meant for the kuantan week yesterday. then she today come and ask us to do again. iritating. if i know earlier, i dont go and pass up ah.. waste my foolscap, time, energy and ink. now my foolscap finish le luh. not enough to do for her 3 ri ji ah. i never do one. tomorrow go get foolscap from some people and do. after chinese, miss nanthini came to relief our class. means ms wan never come to school again. sighs. we were asked to do some science worksheets. so irritating. hate to do it. but forced to. this ms nanthini very funny. everytime ask to go toilet, she always say ok.. ok.. ok.. got one time, i go toilet awhile come back. then i go 2nd time.. like 5minutes later. and she still allow me to go. haha, she so weird. after recess had a sexuality talk. about unwanted touch. haha. so disgusting.. when we went back to class, it was social studies. ms vasun also never come. so mdm sek come to relief. after that was music. mrs gan also never come. sighs. then this small teacher came in. ok. she is quite old luh. then her surname is miss seow. i think. she told us luh. but never write down her name. then alot of people insteadof calling her miss seow, call her miss siao. haha. then everytime before she talk, her face will twitch. so funny luh. haha. stayed back today again until 3. had lunch with jiaxin and mandy. this mandy eat alot of icecream. about say 2. she actually want to eat 3 de. haha. so greedy. haha. went home and do homework. chanahmoy gave de. bye(: today wednesday. yahh. ms wan never come to school. had ilegal meeting again. yahh. went for chanahmoy lessons and then she was like asking us to finish up our pink colour book. wahh!! so stress luh. she keep rushing. ahh. left the rrom late. like together with the rest of the class. never go for my duty at 7.30 lucky ms lim never come and find me or scold me. lol. 1st period was chinese. got ting xie. ahh. never learn again.. so i go immediately learn and memorise tang shi and the mo xie. yahh. then this chanahmoy kept our ting xie books as mrs liu want to check them and that we cant use it. so we had our tingxie on foolscap paper. haha. thks madeleine for loaning me some(: then ting xie the tang shi that time, suddenly forgot the 1st and 3rd line. ahhh... so lucky madeleine was able to help me. haha. or else die die le. after that was PE. did napfa practise. yah. so brong and tiring. then we went for art. doing the ceramics. so fun. haha. we making fish. then this mr goh very funny. yahh. after that, went up to class to change. lucky i change finish le then my 'fan' come to change. lol. so went for my duty le. after that was IPW. but then we drag until very long in the hall. cause of the PSLE giro form thing. during IPW, learnt about the cyberwellness. so boring. sighs... went back to class and let this ms nanthini relief us. she so irritating. health education got marh holiday homework. lazy to do lehs... today never stay back. no 'supplentry lessons'. yahh. so went home exceptionally early(: yahh. at night i practise piano that time. very funny. i play play play. then my mom walk here. then suddenly make alot of mistake. so i say she unlucky.. haha. then she come and poke me. ticklish.. thats about all. night(: hey(: i back from kuantan. haha. miss me mah? lol. jkjk. yesterday back in school. yahh. in the morning as usual.. had our 'ilegal' meeting in the canteen. haha. copied the kite situational writing from eunice. actually only one sentence. lol. then went for chanahmoy lessons. haha. go in awhile, buttock havent heat up yet must go for duty le. duty over then we go back to class. waited for jiayan and then we walked back together. then i think ms wan in class le. dont know luh. shld be. then she was like talking to them... forgot what she talking le. then suddenly got people raise the subject about the kuantan booklets. damn... i havent finish it yet sia. so lucky miss wan say it is dued tomorrow. haha. then she went to talk about how mature we became after the kuantan trip. cause during the climb up the panching caves got abit of drizzle. then we all kept a lookout for each other. haha. so yahh. sayed we matured.. lol. means we previously is still immature. haha. yahh. stayed back for nothing today(: no supplementry. yahh. spent time with xiaoling and sharne. went home at 3+ TODAY. haha. again had 'ilegal meeting' at canteen. yes. then went for chanahmoy and then duty. today no ting xie. haha. cause chanahmoy she ask us to pack our files and books. all corrections must be done blablabla. happy(: miss wan period that tim, she went through with us the english paper then the science paper. going through science paper that time, carisa at her seat reading story book. so miss wan like scolded and shouted at her. scary. after that, she collected our kuantan booklets. yahh. then my row the hazzeena,hidayah and jiahui all never bring. so i want to go in front and tell peiyi/jiaxin. then miss wan ask who else want to pass up the charity envelopes. then i never bring. so raised up my hand. then she say i very forgetful. cause she thought i never bring the kuantan booklets and want to go up to write my name. she didnt know that it wasnt me. nevermind. after school stayed back again. for nothing until 5. no CCA or supplementry. then this eunice also stay back with me untill 5. haha. yahh. so went home at 5+ thats all(: bye Labels: getting exam papers home to sign tomorrow. |