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TKGS, 1e8
TKG StringEnsemble
Ex-olnian (: , 6FAITH’o8
OLN StringEnsemble
24061996BY2 - 不夠成熟 |
♥ CharmayneLow
♥♥♥♥ CherylLow
♥♥ DominicLim
♥♥ LimQuanjie
♥♥♥♥ WendyLim
6FAITH'08(:♥♥♥♥♥ 6faitho8(: ♥AliciaChan ♥♥♥ AmandaWang ♥♥ BeatriceLee ♥♥ CrystalLee ♥ DeniseHeng ♥♥ EuniceChua ♥ FeliciaLim ♥♥ GeraldineTan ♥♥♥ LimJiaxin ♥♥♥ LimJiayan ♥♥ MadeleinePoh ♥ SamanthaTan ♥♥ SharneLeong ♥♥ ShirniseLee ♥ TracyLee ♥♥ VanessaChia ♥ VanessaYeo ♥ VeraSng ♥♥ TanXiaoling OLNIANS & EX-OLNIANS(: ♥ ChelsyChoon ♥ Jiawen ♥ JolieAw ♥ MagdaleneLow ♥ PerissaYap ♥ SamanthaTan ♥♥ AbigailLee ♥♥ AthenaOng ♥ ClaireLim ♥♥ CynthiaWee ♥♥ DivyaWoo ♥♥ HeatherHumphries ♥♥ JeralynTan ♥♥ KlarissaYow ♥♥LynnJuliana ♥♥♥ NatalieNgar ♥ Nikki ♥ RachelLee ♥ SherrillSim ♥ SteffiTan ♥ VanessaTan ♥ Victoria ♥♥ YeoPeishan 1e8'09 ♥ ♥♥ ChanYauTing ♥ ElizabethYoung ♥ KimMiJin ♥ MaKeiKiu ♥ Ms NgShehFeng ♥ NatashaAmeera ♥ NicoleLau ♥♥ NoviaLiew ♥♥♥ NurulSyazana ♥ RachellNg ♥♥ SarahYeo ♥♥ SamanthaLim ♥ SitiNadiah ♥♥ Shazana ♥ ZannLim StringE ♥♥ ♥♥♥ AbigailWee ♥♥ Angela ♥♥♥ CherylLow ♥♥ EmmerlynOng ♥♥ GloriaParn ♥♥ HweiYen ♥♥ Ilya ♥♥ OngLinHui ♥♥ Muriel ♥♥♥ RatanaLau ♥♥ RebeccaTan ♥♥♥ TKGSStringe ♥ VanessaTan TKG(: ♥♥♥ Desiree ♥♥ OngLinYee ♥ Yvette archives
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yahh. exam results last week. english:56.5/95 - hate results. so low luh... maths:60/100 - ok. quite happy. made a 15 mark improvment(: chinese:51/90 - all becuase of the MCQ. pulled down all my marks. got science results today. er. booklet B only luh. the whole level did it rather badly. yahh. so of course did badly too. sad. scared i fail whole paper sia. erm. ok. booklet B get 19.5/40 told you. reuslts are bad. so anyway, it will be rounded off to 20. decimal places mah.. but still low marks. ahhh. so nadly done luh this CA1. irritating. this morning went to school about 6.55 like that. gathered in canteen with same people. then after that, went to class. my butt havent warm yet, miss lim wants to meet all the prefects. haha. when we went there, saw alot of people there already. so put my bag down and went in the room. beatrice was there already. then she told me that the duty list changed and that i now doing class duty. aiyah. hate it. in charge of 5joy. duty with kubo yuri. yah. this phedra soh is the level IC leh. cant belive it can.. she in charge 5hope. class next to me only leh. irritating. anne's class somemore leh. then recess duty also change le. now i think i is erm. doing duty on tuesday bahh. aiyah. dont care luh. went out for duty that time, saw phedra there le. so obvious i went there luh. then she like keep BOASTING to me that she in charge anne's class. but then chelsea ip in this class. i know she is want to in charge this class one lorh. but then she acting luh. irritating. last 2 periods was chan ah moy. yupp. so she gave us the tang shi for tomorrows spelling. then she like keep asking us to file things and pass up things. and then she keep asking me to go help her to keep the books outside. happy(: chinese composition i got 28/40. haha. shirlene got 31 leh. envy her. yah. then this chan ah moy ah. she ask christina to give the compositions to 6grace chinese class. while i was reading my du hou gan thing, she call my name ask me to go pass some compositions to 6love. sighs. so i went lorh. after all this admin stuff, she explained the meaning of the tang shi she just given us. yahh. then she was like PIACK!! POOM!! she explain the meaning until very funny. after that, went for remedial. have it through with that phedra soh le. irritating person. always come pester me one. yan now in camp. haha. sian. yah. thats about all. bye(: yay(: today last paper le. haha.relaxing le. yay. but quite agitated luh. exam results coming out soon. ya. just now scince exam that time, chan ah moy was like CANNOT TAKE PEN HOR. TAKE PEN I GIVE YOU STRAIGHT AWAY ZERO MARK. then i keep laughing. damn funny can she? then she say lets now check BOOBLESS A/BOOBLESS B then the only time allow us to take pen is to write our OAS thing. then during recess assembly, this chelsy keep looking at me and shirlene. she so disgusting luh. after recess, checked exam papers. english and maths section c. english got quite low. maths also quite low. sighs. after exam, no more study(: playplayplay. jkjk. next week going kuantan le. yan going camp on monday-wednesday. she cant bring handphone. cry. cant sms her. then i wednesday to friday in kuantan. can sms her. haha. happy(: no chelsy for 3days(: she wont come pester me. only thingis scared she at night when i in kuantan she sms me. sighs. nevermind. yahh. i need to go sleep. tired. bye(: tomoro need to go chn ah moy. Labels: not happy with results. today was chinese paper. wahaha. so easy luh the paper. in the morning, before i went for chan ah moy lesson, went to the canteen there see the jiaxin,mandy xiaoling all dont know doing wad. yahh. then we talk until very funny things. dont think want to say luh. haha(: yes. during the assembly, i escape from chan ah moy lesson again. lol. then this phedra came tom find me. to pass me magdalene dictionary. haha. had chinese paper 1. the picture compo is so damn easy luh can.. lucky i never write the ming ti compo. damn difficult. picture one horh, is about some people playing at the corridor blabla. then got one boy go throw his slipper down and then hit someone. then that someone scolded him then question mark. haha. mrs lee collected the papers. after that was art. but then today got no art. and then miss chong also never come. so the malala ong came in. lol. then she was like i am having a bad throat. who can tell raise your hand. then no ont raise their hand. haha. but in the end scared she scold, we raised our hand. lol. so she ask us keep quiet. cannot talk. lol. then she go toilet. haha. after that, ms wan came. malala ong left.then she ask us if can check answers. then everyone keep saying cannot. cause havent finish. lol. so miss wan give them more time untill 10 to finish minimum untill page 18. yahh. then sharne came to sit next to me. although i finish le. yahh. after that, she go through the science. i so clever(: haha. got almost everything correct. yay. lol. after science was maths. yahh. was scared. cause heard that getting results today.ah... then lucky it is only er.. MCQ. 2 people full marks sia. sad i not one of them. lol. 2 people are madeleine and sharne. congrats to them. lol. then this misskoh really wat us heart attack ah. she was like 'this people when i call your name please stand.' she sounded so angry luh. then actually it was like 'i want to know where your 1 mark go to.' haha. then after that, she did the same thig with those who lost 2 marks for MCQ. and that was me. haha(: daddy fetched me home. ate mixed vegetable rice for lunch. the food so much. i want to puke. after that,studied for science tomorrow. yahh. ending here. bye(: Labels: got maths MCQ results.. yah. today is maths exam. quite easy luh. but then horh. never do like say 3 question. maybe should i say four. cause one of the questions i like only draw modal. sighs. teacher never mark already know i losing about say 18+marks. damn! er. first period was chinese. so chan ah moy invigilated the maths exam for 1hr? then she give out papers that time horh. wah.. so so slow luh she. she go 1 seat to another seat. put 1 paper on 1 person's desk. then first she give out the booklet A. then she was like again BOOBLESS A so it was like lai wo men jian cha boobless A pg 1 blablabla. she keep saying DONT TAKE YOUR PEN UP HORH. DONT WRITE NAME HORH. CANNOT HORH. then she did the same for booklet B. she again keep saying cannot take your pen and write name. then gave out section c. checked. lalala. also tell us cannot take pen write name. then she gave out OAS. this time, she ask us take our pencil ONLY and ask us to write our name and shade index number. started exam at 8.25 like that and en at 10.35 yahh. her maths ah... so er. sighs. dont know how to explain luhs.she 8.25+2hr10min also dont know. she must do calculation on the board.. haha. cant help critisizing her(: recess was at 11. cry for chelsy. she cant see me today. haha. just now no stayback. no CCA. no supplementry. then just now keep laughing at daddy. he in the lift ask me he wear like that nice or not. he wearing a like business an shirt and normal jeans luh. then i say everything ok. except for 1 thing. his chest right, can see. so tell him either to wear a singlet or he go wear a bra. the he also laugh. told mama about it. she also laugh. after that, did homwork and revision untill now then came to blog. yahh. need to sleep. tired. bye(: hi. posted erm. abit late today. tomorrow got maths exam so just now no time to post. need to study study(: just now got english paper. quite easy luh. compre not as difficult as i expected. haha. not sure if can get at least an A. sighs. english paper 2 that time, wahahahas. 1st was ms wan invigilate the exams. yahh. then she very funny. she give out all the exam papers already, then we ask how come no OAS. then she like panic. then whole class laughed. then ms wan called the general office. awhile later, aunty maliga came up with a stack of OAS. ms wan took our class one and started giving out. yahh. after ms wan left, think is the mrs lim gan heng, yupp. she very quiet. after that was CHAN AH MOY. yupp. she invigilate damn funny. wahaha. everytime someone needs to go toilet she must say "cannot discuss horh.". lol. then she ask us to check paper that time, she say booklet A and booklet B become "boobless A and boobless B". haha. then she colecting paper that time, she keep counting 1 all the way untill 44. somtime in chinese. sometime in english. lol. after that, it was chinese. so chan ah moy period. so took in my bag and then stayed at my seat. after that, she started to give out our yellow file. yupp. ask us to file our compo 3 inside and bring back let parents sign. then she ask us to take out.want to go through the picture writing compo. then she say 'ni men xie compo bu ke yi tiao lai tiao qu! CANNOT!!' then we keep laughing. after that, she say. our word ah.. cannot write untill so small that teaher will need to use a magnifying glass to read. but als ono need to write untill so so big. haha. cant stop laughing. after school, we went to 6hope to wait for beatrice. yahh. then she come out that time, we related the whole thing that happedned to beatrice and of course the sharne next to me. then mandy ah. very funny. she imitate chan ah moy. imitate untill very funny. she keep saying the cannot thing. yahh. laughed till stomach aching :P then after that, need to go home. no supplementry. so called parents waited at bus stop for them. so meanwhile, talked to shirnise and shirlene. yahh. talk untill my parents come. they bring me go to the serangoon gardens eat lunch. then i tell them everything that happened today. then they laugh. while waiting for the, we talktalktalk. then suddenly got one bird sit on top of our car. then daddy say 'stupid bir sit on my car for what.' then keep laughing. after lunch, went home. did maths revision and compo corrections. yahh. tomoro coming home early too(: all the best for maths. jiayou(: ending here. bye(: today, went to macpherson at 5++. yupp. when i reach there, ahgong was doing the rubics cube. he was like staring at it the whole day since thursday. he tried for erm... 3 days to do that rubics cube. yahh. so i went up. saw charmayne. she watching tom and jerry. lol.then went to sit there and do work. back facing the TV. yupp. i good girl. must work hard for CA1 this year PSLE year. sighs. at like 6.45, we went down for our dinner. yahh. then dinner that time very funny. cant stop laughing. dominic go and like make fun of ahmah. cause ahmah feed him right, then she like feed untill dont know why her hair all go in front of her face. er. not ALL the hair luh. yahh. then she swayed her head back to let her hair go behind. then this dominic see le go mimic her. then ahmah see le cant stop laughing. we also all cant stop laughing. yahh. then dominic ask sugi jiejie to feed him. wahaha. sugi jiejie feed one mouth havent one mouth lah. the spoon just outside his mouth then he keep laughing. hahaha. after that, went treetop(: did only like 1 pathetic page of homework there. yahh. then this dominic funny. got once, yan piggyback charmayne. then charmayne go hit dominic. dominic wanted revenge. so went to chase them. then they run run run around the small room. then dominic run behind the bed, got his leg trapped in the hole next to the bed. then he trip and fell FLAT on the floor. lol. yahh. then, about 11.45 we went home. yupp. ending here. bye(: haha. today prefect investiture. in the morning, went to school. late for chanahmoy lessons. luckily saw her at the lift. so explained to her and apologised. she say nevermind. lucky ah... do duty le then went to the innovation room for meeting. yahh. after meeting, went to the hall to prepare for invetiture. everyone like so scared. i also luh. haha. then finally after standing there for minutes, time for us to go into the hall. haha. after rehearsal was the phototaking session. went down to the lobby. stand there and posed for like erm 1/2 an hour for just 2 photos. p6 group photo and all prefects photo. then went back to class. in class, saw miss wan like scolding and shouting at cheryl and jiahui AGAIN. yahh. then we just quietly go in class and sit down. after that, asked geraldine what happened. she say they bring hamster. sighs. again leh... after misswan scold them, called carissa. she scolded her for handphone. then confisicated it. haha. poor thing. nothing else happend after that. yupp. need to go le. bye(: today. erm. chinese that time, damn funny(: chanahmoy was like teaching halfway. then suddenly got fire alarm. yahh. then her reaction was like erm.. haha. blur look. then like was saying aiyo aiyo. lets go lets go.(in chinese luh obvious) all of us were like yay. can miss chinese lessons. then suddenly the alarm stopped. then we sad. went back to our seats. after awhile, got a announcment. it was miss chia. she said that there is a fire drill exercise. so must avoid computer lab 1. there computer bao za i think. so after that, we all like walk slowly out of the classroom and go down to netball court. si ying and i went to report for 'duty'. then at confrence room, saw miss yim. she said no need to do duty. so we went to join our class to assemble. yahh. took attendence. blablabla. then went back to class. by the time we went back, only left 5 min left of chinese.haha. so chanahmoy cant do much. so she like just talk a little. and went out of the class. valentines day right? so people started giving presents. next was english. miss wan praised us. say that just now fire drill we very good girl. attendence was taken very quickly and fast. not like the other class. haha. then go through answers and so on. after school, went for maths remedial. ms yvonne tan not in school i think. so ms wu take over. she gave us algebra worksheet. so irritating. i never finish. but lucky finish the 1st 10 questions. then ms wu call me. ask me to go write answer on the board for no.3 irritating. so went up o write answers lorh. after that, went for the investiture rehearsals. when came in the hall, someone. forgotten who luh. ask me to take out tie and pass it to miss lim. so i take out lorh. yupp. so rehearsed untill 5 plus then go home. did homework and thats all. bye(: monday,tuesday and today got no chan ah moy lessons. her dad psassed away.tomor then will resume her lessons. today,misswan continu yesterday's story about the well thing. not scary. but dont know why so many people scared. today stayed back for the prefect investiture rehearsal until 4. head prefect is lynn(: vice head is louise. rehearsal that time, we very very weird. the final hymn was the i am the difference that song.so like teacher ask us to sway acing to the music. then 6faith prefects very naughty. we sway until very hard. knock here knock there. yahh. nothing much else happened. tomro valentines day. wish all of you happy valentines day(: staying back tomorrow until 5. yupp. bye<3 6/2/2008 yupp. here to post again. yesterday ate reunion lunch at macpherson. eat untill so full. ate many things like fish ball,abalone,chicken blablabla. alot luh. eat so so much then like at 4 like that rush all the way to toapayoh for reunion dinner. so went there like cant really eat much. cause in macpherson ate too much. but somehow still ate food. cant let ahmah down. then this yi fan gege arh, keep asking me so scientific questions. like why the clownfish cant die in the sea anemone, what is a coral. then he joke that the prawn will sohow turn into a lobster cause it is already so big. then i stop for awhile. started lauging. then i say that it was rubbish. cause got no such logic. prawn is prawn. lobster is lobster. then after that he say that i cannot be tricked by him le. then i like say of course. haha. then his wife like say that i not 8 year old le. after that, went back to macpherson. very empty. went up to ah gong room, saw yan and justin sleeping like pig. then this quan quan playing his psp. then the toilet very smelly. dominic shitted. smelly smelly. cant pee. then after that he came out. open door. even worse. the smell all come out. sat at the staircase with my dad. then dominic came down. he look so sad. like just wake up. haha. after awhile, went home. did all the chan ah moy homework. so irritating. all my teacher never give homework. only this chan ah moy give homework. ahhhhh. after that. all my .relatives all call to chase us to go to cheryl house. so like at 10++ we left home for cheryl's house. went there, saw dominic sleeping on the floor. yan,justin and cheryl fix jigsaw. quan play his PSP. so went to join yan to fix puzzle. i hate it so much. cause of puzzles, it make me feel so idiot. last time 4th aunty ask us to do puzzles. then most of them is yan do de. then ahmah say i not clever at all. dont know how to fix puzzle. so i hate all the difficult difficult ones. went home at 2++ like that. haha. here again to post(: today, reach school earlier than normal. went for chan ah moy lessons. she talked about the why must spring clean house before chinese new year. told us got no morning class tomoro. yays. jump for joy ah!! blabla.. then finally after 1/2 of boredness, left for duty. hehe. lucky me yahh. took my spelling book from beatrice, which spent a night at her aunts house. she help me do corrections. haha. yupp. after assembly, went back to class with jiayan. surprised chan ah moy havent start ting xie yet. erm. ting xie, number of words dont know. asked mavis. she give me clue.(: hehe. thks alot. went to the science lab for science. did the experiment about the friction. then ms wan ask one question. like if pushing a box on a rough floor, how to reduce the friction without using oil or water. then i told sharne beatrice and xiaoling that is to use wheels. but dont know explaination. then after that, ms wan say that is using wheels. hehe. i so clever. must clap hand horh.. lol. but then dont know explaination. explaination is that the wheels have less contact with the ground. ok. remembered that(: during health ed that time, geraldine threw paper things at samantha. then tracy and i joined in. very sickening. mdm ashekin talk about the puberty thing, dont want to listen. disgusting arh.. maths.. well nothing funny happened. erm. quarreled with phedra during maths. cause i dont want to lend her my worksheet to let her do corrections. then she gua gua jiao. irritating. even crystal thinks so. haha. then miss koh suddenly say want to check textbook answers. then cant find. so went to tell her. she sighed then like look at me weridly. lucky never scold sia.. after that, went lunch with jiaxin,peiyi,beatrice and mandy. no supplementry(: today bullied poor magdalene again. hehe. i very bad one luh(: went for cca early. quite boring luh. only played once. which is the last time. the whole cca play. sighs.. boring. after that, called my mama. she say she at orchard road. so will only come 1/2 hour later. ok lorh. wait for her. then went to macpherson. ate my dinner there. so so full luh can. ahmah give me so much noodles. when about to go back that time, 3rd uncle came back from work. he say want to give me something. he came out with a ipod. erm. 1gb. pink colour. so small luh. thought fake one.. haha. but anyway thks. tomorrow going to toapayoh for reunion lunch and macpherson for reunion dinner(: wish you all a happy chinese new year. gong xi fa cai(: today got no supplementry classes(: happy. stayed back to play. lol. erm. morning got prefect meeting. went to school early. meeting starts at 7:15. so reach school 6:55. went for chan ah moy morning lessons. she explain untill want to sleep:P after that, ms lim finally made announcement to meet all prefects in innovation room. yupp. so all of us in ah moy lesson all run out with our bags. then this jia yan ah.. she say waterbottle leaking. then she turn the bottle sideways, water drip out.. lol. after that, ms lim came. then she ask why we all stand outside innovation room. so ask us to go in. after that, mr wong walk past. holding a laminated paper with the nouns song for p1s. then we say that we was wants it. but luckily mr wong never hear so he threw it away. in meeting, ms lim ask us if got problems with our cuties and so on. she keep telling the trainees that if they got any problems, find the people with ties. meaning we p6 luh. then she will like right people with ties?? then we all like say yes... then near end of meeting, ms lim said about the prefects investiture. investiture is next week. yupp. so she ask if we know our pledge. then we all say dont know. the ms lim suggest that p6 prefects to demonstrate the pledge. then they all give applauds to encourage. lol. so we all stand up, said the prefects pledge. i almost forgotten it sia. last year absent for investiture. so forgotten abit le. only can remember the 1st line. we the prefects of chij our lady of the nativity. yupp. but with the other prefects helping, i know the pledge le(: in class, ok.. nothing really weird happened. chinese, learnt untill the chapter 2.5 chan ah moy explain untill very funny. yahh. nothing happened during maths.. i guess. oh yahh.. during maths right, ms koh say want to test us on timestable. then the 'champion' is the last one who finishes the timetables that she ask us to do mentally. so the last person is xinyao and felicia. yupp. then after that, ms koh like congrats them luh. then this candice ah.. she say that they not the 'champion'. 'champion' is ms koh. cause she standing up with her butt in the air. not sitting down. then ms koh like fake scold luh. then 'punished' them. forfeit. after school, went lunch with sharne and beatrice. bought book strap at the book shop. we eat already then decided to do homework.but somehow didnt(: haha. then we like sit there... dont know what to do. then we like took so so long to find a place to 'do homework'. yahh. so when we put down our bags that time, i say want go disturb the chelsey but didnt. instead was magdelene. ate her sausage(: then we walk here walk there. then chelsey and magdalene follow like dog luh. this chelsey cause she like me mah.. then follow like dog luh. then after that, went to the quick bites stall. aunty ask us heko her clear stock. the watermelon. then suddenly got someone like from behind pounce on me luh. turned behind, was vanessa. chelsey's other beloved. then i dont believe the aunty say her watermelon sweet. so tried from vanessa. ok.. quite sweet luh. then standing at one side the chelsey horh, envy luh. haha. yahh. then we purposely do things to envy her. at the end, when going home that time, planned to make chelsey envy. so vanessa and me hold hand go to chelsey. then like in front of her hug hug. acting one mahh.. but then after that, she like blush. pai seh... haha. yahh. after that, came home. bathe already then come blog. ending here. bye(: today in tuition, very very noisy. got alot of new people. yahh. like fishmarket. cant study properly. my class the zongxian and yingjie go join another teacher. lucky me stayed with ms wong. hehe. then this patrick and sheryl joined us. sheryl is stay joo seng block 11. quite near yan(: then during lesson horh. this sheryl ah.. keep making those like kissing sound. disgusting luh can.. halfway during lesson, ms wong like whisper to me say that the patrick very naughty. i aggreed. then just then he slam the damn computer cause dont know how to solve the sum. lol. i laughed like crazy. then this xinwei ah. irritating luh can. she always like stare into blank space like blur sotong like that. and cant stand her that type of look luh can.. irritating. to day got no tuition homework(: happy. must go le. bye(: hi. yupp. today erm.. ok luh. quite a happy day(: hehe.. erm. today during maths, laughed like crazy.. cause this rebecca keep on not paying attention to ms koh. then beginning of 2008, 2nd lesson, she already got one name. MISS NOT PAYING ATTENTION. ok. quite lame luh huh?? but quite funny luh(: then today, miss koh was like explaining the maths ratio sums. then this rebecca keep staring at her paper. so miss koh stop talking, look at her, eyes open big big.. then say 'MISS NOT PAYING ATTENTION AHH!!! CAN YOU PLEASE LOOK AT THE BOARD?!' then after that, she look at the board. awhile later, miss koh saw rebecca holding a pen. then she say 'MISS NOT PAYING ATTENTION... YOU WANT ANOTHER NAME IS IT? OR YOU NOT MISS NOT PAYING ATTENTION ANYMORE?' then whole class laugh like crazy. then rebecca keep laughing. then miss koh say if dont listen again, give her panda eyes. then the next time, rebecca was biting her pencil. then miss koh again shouted 'EH!!!! NOW I GIVE YOU ANOTHER NAME AH... MISS STOP BITING YOUR PENCIL!!! LOOK HERE!!! OR ELSE AH I GIVE YOU 2 BIG BOXES ARH. THEN YOU BECOME PANDA. VERY CUTE. SINGAPORE DONT HAVE. SO MAKE YOU BECOME 1!!! THEN AFTER THAT, I SHALL TAKE YOU HOME!! OK??' then after that, this rebecca keep laughing. we keep laughing also luh obvious. after awhile, miss koh saw her talking to hazzeena. then she say 'MISS STOP BITING YOUR PENCIL!!! YOU MOVE RIGHT HERE AND SIT IN FRONT HERE UNDER MY NOSE!!' then this rebecca very pathetic can.. she take her chair then cannot cross teacher table.. so toot luh. she never lift up the chair high enough. then keep hitting onto teacher table like suah ku. then we all see le keep laughing. i laugh till stomach pain le. then miss koh see she so never use brain then she also started laughing. after that, she calm down and explain the question again. after that, she see sharne use her hand like that support her spectacle. then ask why she like that. so sharne explain to her. then she say later help sharne put super glue to fix. then she saw hidayah use her hand to support her head. so she ask. 'eh hidayah, you head dropping is it? must hold on to your head so will not drop out ah?! i help you glue back you want? but ah, if your head really come out ah, i faint first ah...' then after that, we laugh. yahh. then maths lesson over le. haixx. sian. after school, we have maths remedial. during maths remedial that time, sharne and me keep eating secretly behind. then we never do homework. lol. so we keep laughing and laughing at the back. but teacher didnt seem to care. at home, very bored. did all my home work then came here to post. yahh. erm, thats about all.. bye(: |