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TKGS, 1e8
TKG StringEnsemble
Ex-olnian (: , 6FAITH’o8
OLN StringEnsemble
24061996BY2 - 不夠成熟 |
♥ CharmayneLow
♥♥♥♥ CherylLow
♥♥ DominicLim
♥♥ LimQuanjie
♥♥♥♥ WendyLim
6FAITH'08(:♥♥♥♥♥ 6faitho8(: ♥AliciaChan ♥♥♥ AmandaWang ♥♥ BeatriceLee ♥♥ CrystalLee ♥ DeniseHeng ♥♥ EuniceChua ♥ FeliciaLim ♥♥ GeraldineTan ♥♥♥ LimJiaxin ♥♥♥ LimJiayan ♥♥ MadeleinePoh ♥ SamanthaTan ♥♥ SharneLeong ♥♥ ShirniseLee ♥ TracyLee ♥♥ VanessaChia ♥ VanessaYeo ♥ VeraSng ♥♥ TanXiaoling OLNIANS & EX-OLNIANS(: ♥ ChelsyChoon ♥ Jiawen ♥ JolieAw ♥ MagdaleneLow ♥ PerissaYap ♥ SamanthaTan ♥♥ AbigailLee ♥♥ AthenaOng ♥ ClaireLim ♥♥ CynthiaWee ♥♥ DivyaWoo ♥♥ HeatherHumphries ♥♥ JeralynTan ♥♥ KlarissaYow ♥♥LynnJuliana ♥♥♥ NatalieNgar ♥ Nikki ♥ RachelLee ♥ SherrillSim ♥ SteffiTan ♥ VanessaTan ♥ Victoria ♥♥ YeoPeishan 1e8'09 ♥ ♥♥ ChanYauTing ♥ ElizabethYoung ♥ KimMiJin ♥ MaKeiKiu ♥ Ms NgShehFeng ♥ NatashaAmeera ♥ NicoleLau ♥♥ NoviaLiew ♥♥♥ NurulSyazana ♥ RachellNg ♥♥ SarahYeo ♥♥ SamanthaLim ♥ SitiNadiah ♥♥ Shazana ♥ ZannLim StringE ♥♥ ♥♥♥ AbigailWee ♥♥ Angela ♥♥♥ CherylLow ♥♥ EmmerlynOng ♥♥ GloriaParn ♥♥ HweiYen ♥♥ Ilya ♥♥ OngLinHui ♥♥ Muriel ♥♥♥ RatanaLau ♥♥ RebeccaTan ♥♥♥ TKGSStringe ♥ VanessaTan TKG(: ♥♥♥ Desiree ♥♥ OngLinYee ♥ Yvette archives
Design: doughnutcrazyIcon: morphine_kissed Do credit accordingly if you changed the icon. |
today in morning got prefect meeting. woke up late. like about 6:15. supposed to wake up 6 de. then like ok. erm. reached school at about 7:10. then erm. no.1 late for chan ah moy lessons. no.2 meeting started. so i dont know where to go. if dont go meeting, i suspended. so i went for meeting. when i went there, mrs lee was talking. about our position in school. blablabla. after that, ms lim's turn to talk. so first and for most, she introduced herself to the trainee prefects. yahh. then she started briefing all the trainees. so she say that we the p6 prefects all will help them. we most senoir must help. and after that, she talked about our manners. got improvement. we greeted teachers more often than usual. she talking halfway that time, miss poh came in. ms lim said hi miss poh. then we said 'good morning miss poh'. then she like smiled. after miss poh go out that time, she suddenly said that cannot say hi to a teacher. if not will suspended. so p6 all thick skinned laugh.. yupp. so spent about 1/2 hour in the room. after that, went out and do duty le. after duty, went back to class. chan ah moy was there le. she was talking about the pink colour book the answers. after that, she say take out our the yellow colour book. then i dont have. so must be that she give out this morning while i in meeting. so went up to see her. she like scolded me. but sorry for her. i put a deaf ear to mostly what she have said. only remembered her saying ni zhu zai na li?! yahh. then she also say that this morning she saw me in the kopitiam eating breakfast. slowly slowly eating away. like er... what?? i wasnt even at the kopitiam lorh. she utter rubbish out lorh. then she like talk alot then finally give me my book. so long winded arh.. after all the rubbish, was PE. ok. did skipping. very tiring. PE activity was jumping over the hurdle. quite fun((: after that was art. we waited at the art room so so long. then we went back to class to see if got relief teacher. then really got one relief teacher there. yahh. so after that, ask teacher if we can go change. so after bargaining for awhile, shirlene, angie,samantha me and phedra all go toilet to change. came back that time, did homework at sharne's table. the teacher keep asking us keep quiet but our class already so so quite. she hearing things. after that, another teacher came in. yahh. then this vanessa, jilodi all play the dont know wad game luh. something like you have to go under the rope without touching it. yahh. after that, they went to talk talk with the teacher. after that, this xiaoling and rebecca playing 'tug of war'. then i help xiao ling pull a little bit. after awhile, i let go le. then this xiao ling and rebecca like walk to the dustbin dont know for what. so i didnt care. continued with homework. after that, xiaoling and rebecca came back tell me that the rope the metal thing like sengeh luh. out of shape. blablabla. dont want to continue le luh. bek chek.. after recess was IPW. grouped with jiaxin,michelle,xiaoling. yupp. so after that, settled down that time, cheryl,and 3 more people like got no group luh. so after that, mrs iz ask them to come to the front. then this cheryl got hatred in jiahui, hit her while walking past her. then this jia hui got up and like shouted to cheryl NOT HAPPY AH??! WANT FIGHT IS IT?! then cheryl say 'fight luh'. then they scold some vulgarities and very violent. from slap to kick to push to pinch to pull. so miss wan was like tolerating. then untill she cannot tolerate le, she shouted for thm to stop. but they dont listen luh obvious.. so miss wan shouted again like 1 minute later. this time they finally stopped. they were like too 'engrossed' in fighting each other. after that, ms wan brought them to see the DM. after a long day in school, went home. today got no supplementry or anything. luckily. yupp. thats about all((: bye. 22/1/08 erm. today got cca 'war'. yahh. cause i just now like came down from chinese supplementry go music room then saw mr tong like talking to ms tan. is about dont know what er... interview thing for this saturday the meet parents session. then i come in that time, this mr tong like say that want me to do the interview thing. but i dont want. then i take out my violin. phedra came. yahh. she say i late. i was indeed late. aiyer. dont care luh. then after that, this ms tan call me chelsea and phedra to go out. she want talk to us. so we go out of music room. then she like keep asking us who want to do the interview thing. so i refuse and said little. so after that phedra talk alot. so ms tan say phedra very appropriate(sorry. dont know how to spell) cause she talk and talk non-stop. then phedra keep saying dont want dont want. then keep saying i must do the interview and i should do the interview. just because i highest rank in cca. no big deal. she is assistant what. about the same rank as me mah. not only that, i is learn less years than her. but then in the end, phedra was like forced to do the interview lorh. after that, we go back in the room. so phedra say want to use voting to see who do the interview. so mr tong say who want phedra to like do the interview put down your hand. so like almost everyone the hand like never raise up lorh. so phedra fated to do the interview. hehe. then dont know why arh. this phedra so like started crying. yahh. first she like shouted something. like 'raise up luh'. then she like scream 'i dont want to interview'. so cry cry cry. then this mr tong ah. rub salt into the wound sia. he say that so small thing already cry untill like taht. then next time got even worse thing happen isnt it worse??! but yahh. i agree with him luh. true mah. dont tell me if SYF never get GWH, then cry even worse meh? so i like sit in front there, like abit emo.. cause like phedra is sort of like indorectly pushing the blame to me. as in like i not doing the interview, so she gana forced by teacher to do interview. so she like keep using those type of eyes to stare at me. then ok. is not that i so jealous want to say this one ah. see ah. sharne like see me not in good mood, she still like dont care me. still ask me go comfort this phedra. never like come to comfort me luh. so i just sit there and like sort of 'dream', then after that, i went to the back of the room. dont want to block mr tong's view. after awhile, peiyi came from supplementry lessons. she saw us like that then caringly ask like what happened luh. not like someone. so tell her to go into the music store room tell her everything lorh. while telling her halfway, i heard like mr tong shouting something like asking everyone to sit down. so i was like in the room telling peiyi about what happened and finding chair. but inside store like got no more chair le. cause the choir in oppsite room also got take and use. so i come out that time, mr tong like shouted at me 'and my concert master!!! come here and sit down'. so i like unwillingly went there to sit. cause phedra over there. then this mr tong talk to the pianist ask them to play the songs. after awhile, he ask someone to ask phedra if she is done crying. so he said 'ask her if she is done, if she is done,ask her to wipe her face and come here to sit. or else, ask her to get out' so sharne go ask her to faster get up. phedra got up.. but ran out of the room. sharne went after her. then like teacher testing the pianist that time, suddenly say toilet break. so everyone went out to the toilet. some went to toilet to see phedra. some went to play. but since i not good mood, i stay in the room. after that, mr tong like ask me to later lead all violin 1 and test them 1 by 1. so i like of course say ok lorh. so i like got up, stand at the wall behind, waiting for all the violin 1 to come. after awhile, sharne came to me. she like ask me am i ok. i drip a tear. then like i didnt answer her. then i just ask her take her violin. then after awhile, she also drip a tear.after that, i went to peiyi. started crying. yahh. but like only for awhile luh. then i like ok stop myself from crying but cant stop. so peiyi like comfort me. and i like finally stopped. after that, i took my violin and went out with the violin 1. went to outside the pastoral care room. but there got people. so went to the back, near the library and media resource room. after awhile, i like started teaching 1 by 1. started with 1st song. played with estee. 1 by 1 getting worse. so phedra, lead her own group of 2. sharne and charlyn. cuase sharne like angry with me luh. then after testing all the 'available' members, went to tell mr tong about their results. then mr tong like ask me to ask all to come in. yahh. so actually, in the end, agnes did interview with chelsea and nicole played the violin for the interview. yahh. so during cca, very quiet. no one laughed or talked. cause me and phedra like not happy lorh. aiya. dont care luh. went home, complained to my mom about this. felt better(: 23/1/08 ok. today in school, got scolded by miss wan. yahh. during the english lessons. erm. ms wan was like teaching the similies. like the as elegant as a swan all this luh. so i started writing down all the similies she said luh. after that, ms wan say do group work. about the similies. supposed to draw a monster and describe it. ok. so my group, samantha,geraldine&tracy want to draw dinosaur. then geraldine is the drawing person, i also helping her. then samantha and tracy supposed to do the similies together. but then they never think of any and didnt do any. so we were like laughing away cause this geraldine like so funny luh. then ms wan walking to every group seeing our work. then she come to our table, ask us for our paper. then we show her. she immediately got furious. she screamed at us. cause our drawing got not even a single similies on it. so like she scold scold and scold. she scold our group, show our work on the visualiser to the whole class and ask us to stay back during recess that day to do. after lesson, ms wan like walk out of the class with our paper. so how we expected to do like that. so during recess, we like just go for our recess. 24/1/08 HAPPY BIRHTDAY TO MY DADDY!!! yahh. cause today my daddy birthday. haha. didnt give him any presents. only at home, send him an sms wish him happy birthday.. then he like ask why so late then wish him happy birthday:P then tell him busy lorh... but anyway, he still thanked me(: 25/1/08 today, well can i say nothing really happend much. beatrice supposed to come my house do project de. but cant. so cant amanda. so nevermind lorh. yahh. in class after remedial, did abit of class deco for chinese new year. then this geraldine keep singing 'i feel like digging my ass.. dig untill no more ass' and many more variation luh. then vanessa is sang nila utama. then this jia yan is the sir raffles. weird. went home at 4++ like that.. yahh. yahh. free so came to blog.(: well seemed that phedra somehow didnt hate me le. wondering why. but maybe i know why she so fast forgive me. lol.. only some people will know why.(: yes. chan ah moy lesson was really funny. she just keep making us laugh. cant help it. after school got cca and supplementry. sianz.. phedra ate half of the chicken rice and gave me the other half. then this xinwei help me to check if chan ah moy come for lesson already. haha. thks. then she run here and there like crazy woman. she keep helping me to eat the chicken rice. lol. during supplementry,did the composition. chan ah moy dont allow us bring home. blabla. after that, went for cca. yahh. was late for afew minutes. cause of chan ah moy. aiyo.. dont care luh. i did homework during cca. teacher test me and phedra le. so we go do homework. or else we wasting time le lorh. blabla. i control my impatience during whole cca and finally it was over.((: after cca, went up with peiyi. we went to canteen put down bag to take out wallet. after awhile, wanted to go that time, got someone tap my shoulder. turn around saw claire. lol. thought who. then she say that i want give her something. so i say never bring. yahh. so she say she want to go toilet. so she go lorh. then we walkwalkwalk. met sharne and xinyao. xinyao and sharne borrowed peiyi handphone to contact parents. after they left, claire came out of the toilet. so ask her she when coming back again. so she tell me this thursday. so tell her i give her on thursday. after that, went home. did chinese blabla and came here. yahh. thats all. bye.<3 heyys. long time never post le right? yahh. past week busy in school. cant help it. sorry.eh. well, had a fight with phedra yesterday. yes. shirlene angie quarreled. dont know why like that. after recess, the assebly that time, shirlene come tell me want to partner me for kuantan trip. then she explain. blablabla. then angie go pejun tell pei jun that she didnt want to partner shirlene. then didnt tell her that joking. after taht, pei jun come to shirlene tell her that she dont want to partner her for kuantan. then angie pull me here and there. i not your pulling cloth used for tug of war ok?! then misswan period that time, she recomfirm the kuantan partners. so i tell misswan that i partner shirlene. then we group with samantha and eunice. since then, phedra not happy. angie also not happy. sharne also. aiyoyo. can i have freedom from you all please??? then after that, stayed back for decoration of classroom. cant find crystal. she supose to give me the hamster. she named it sashimi. funny name. yah. so took it from her at the ramp there. then she go home. then i went to class. saw phedra there. after awhile, she like sms me. say that i hate you. hate hate luh.. then i reply her back. so we sms for quite a long time. then she cry. cry untill so loud want people pity her nia. only beatrice peiyi and jiaxin side her. rest all side me. argh, dont care her luh. then at 2.30, need to go home. so called my mommy. but phone engaged. call for untill 3, then she finally can call through. after that, went home. mummy cooked chicken rice. so long never eat her chicken rice le. so delicious. ((: yahh. and thats about all. went to blogthings and do this test.
What Does Your Birth Date Mean? ok. thats all. bye. <3 heyys everyone. today woke up late. very late. have violin lessons at 1pm. i woke up about 11+. yahh. so ate bread for breakfast. read the newspaper. saw the article that mediacorp artist mc king died. so shocked. after awhile, went for violin lessons. daddy in the car that time check got how much petrol left. erm. ok left like 6 km. at teacher studio there, i was say 5 min early. mr tong was there already. kevin was there too. so when lesson abut to start, i called phedra ask she where. she tell me she on her waay. so i hang up. after awhile, she came. so we hear teacher talktalk and teach teach for 1hr then i left and she stayed for theory lessons. then daddy need to pump petrol. his car got no petrol. so i forgot to remind him. then lucky he remember. he nagnagnag. say i got badbad memory. nvm. it ok. at the petrol station, he ask i want to eat ice cream? i definately say yes. luh. obvious. so he gave me $2 go buy. so i ate it on the way home. at home, i have no idea what my mummy was doing. she like so exhausted. when daddy go ask her, she say she trying to lift the sofa up to put the padding. so daddy go help her. then they saw one leg of the sofa is missing. so we laugh. lol. then they continued to put on the other sofa. after awhile, daddy left for work. he leave the car here for us to go macpherson ourselves. he took a taxi to work. at home, parctised piano. after awhile, mummy went to put the eggtarts in the oven to heat it up. she ate 1 egg tart, i ate 2. then she go bathe. after that, i went to continue my piano. i play untill very very messy. so after mummy finished bathing, she came out and scold me. soon she caned me. ahhhh. so pain pain. she hit my hand, arm, leg and butt. pain luh can.. si we onloy went down to macpherson at 7.26pm. before we left, ahmah called. we purposely dont answer. later she scold scold. on the way there, got some traffic jam. so took like about 1/2 hr to reach there. over there, ahmah nag why so late then come. so we just tell her luh. then went to have dinner. halfway in dinner, justin and quan came with 2nd auntie. auntie got a stomach ache. then i eating halfway the keep saying diahrrea. disgusting. after dinner, went to eat fruits then went to ahgong room. we watched tat-chiu and memorise the mo xie for monday's spelling. then justin did sit ups. after awhile, ahmah call quanquan to ask all of us to go down stairs eat the chicken thingy. at the same time i watch tv. saw the news on mc king that one again. yahh. after that, filled akalaka water then went up to pack things cause ahgong coming up. so halfway, my mommy say go home. but then i took long time to go down. i was doing sit-ups. practising for napfa althought still long long way. and then, my mummy keep laughing. aiyoyo. when i go down, uncle say i later go home will gana caned. cause i take so long time to come down. lol. dont care him luh. he talk lots of rubbish one. more than me. in the car, mummy told me that bombs from the world war 2 were found in the jalan gembira near my ahmah house. so i like ohh. ok. then came home did my profile for ms koh the came to blog. now need to sleep le. tomoro got tuition. nights. <3 hello everyone. today first day at school. quite boring. no lessons. lala. did duty and went to class late. went up to class with beatrice. we climb here and there. cant find our classroom. luckily saw siying. so she bring us there. thks(: we go into class got not enough seats. so we temperarily share seats with sharne. thks yahh((: after that, miss wan tell us our timetable. blabla. then she take our attendence. then shirlene angie and samantha came from the p1 duty. so ask them sit on the floor first. after awhile, she say she got both good and bad news for us. so we ask for the bad news then the good news. so she said that the bad news is that we will be having our PSLE in october. yahh. so we ask for the good news. she say is we go sentosa. then whole class all like 'huh??!' then she talktalk so long. finally admitted that not true. we not going to sentosa. is going to kuantan. i thought will be malacca. and it is like 3D2N trip. lala. so she talktalktalk. then ask shirlene angie samantha si ying and phedra to go help to bring tables and chairs to our class. so i sat with beatrice. and my seat got no table. pathetic. then later, phedra went to other classes help me ask for table. haha. she so good. lol. then after that, ms wan tell us stories. yay. then she tell us our teachers. ok. nothing reallymuch happened after that. ok tell you who are my teachers. english and science:ms angela wan maths:ms susan koh chinese:ms chan ah moy social studies:ms vasun. then rest still dont know yet. got to go. bye.<3 |