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TKGS, 1e8
TKG StringEnsemble
Ex-olnian (: , 6FAITH’o8
OLN StringEnsemble
24061996BY2 - 不夠成熟 |
♥ CharmayneLow
♥♥♥♥ CherylLow
♥♥ DominicLim
♥♥ LimQuanjie
♥♥♥♥ WendyLim
6FAITH'08(:♥♥♥♥♥ 6faitho8(: ♥AliciaChan ♥♥♥ AmandaWang ♥♥ BeatriceLee ♥♥ CrystalLee ♥ DeniseHeng ♥♥ EuniceChua ♥ FeliciaLim ♥♥ GeraldineTan ♥♥♥ LimJiaxin ♥♥♥ LimJiayan ♥♥ MadeleinePoh ♥ SamanthaTan ♥♥ SharneLeong ♥♥ ShirniseLee ♥ TracyLee ♥♥ VanessaChia ♥ VanessaYeo ♥ VeraSng ♥♥ TanXiaoling OLNIANS & EX-OLNIANS(: ♥ ChelsyChoon ♥ Jiawen ♥ JolieAw ♥ MagdaleneLow ♥ PerissaYap ♥ SamanthaTan ♥♥ AbigailLee ♥♥ AthenaOng ♥ ClaireLim ♥♥ CynthiaWee ♥♥ DivyaWoo ♥♥ HeatherHumphries ♥♥ JeralynTan ♥♥ KlarissaYow ♥♥LynnJuliana ♥♥♥ NatalieNgar ♥ Nikki ♥ RachelLee ♥ SherrillSim ♥ SteffiTan ♥ VanessaTan ♥ Victoria ♥♥ YeoPeishan 1e8'09 ♥ ♥♥ ChanYauTing ♥ ElizabethYoung ♥ KimMiJin ♥ MaKeiKiu ♥ Ms NgShehFeng ♥ NatashaAmeera ♥ NicoleLau ♥♥ NoviaLiew ♥♥♥ NurulSyazana ♥ RachellNg ♥♥ SarahYeo ♥♥ SamanthaLim ♥ SitiNadiah ♥♥ Shazana ♥ ZannLim StringE ♥♥ ♥♥♥ AbigailWee ♥♥ Angela ♥♥♥ CherylLow ♥♥ EmmerlynOng ♥♥ GloriaParn ♥♥ HweiYen ♥♥ Ilya ♥♥ OngLinHui ♥♥ Muriel ♥♥♥ RatanaLau ♥♥ RebeccaTan ♥♥♥ TKGSStringe ♥ VanessaTan TKG(: ♥♥♥ Desiree ♥♥ OngLinYee ♥ Yvette archives
Design: doughnutcrazyIcon: morphine_kissed Do credit accordingly if you changed the icon. |
yan. took photo of her and she take photo of me. at the waterfall. resting. and look at quanquan. sit like girl. lol. at the emei mountain. and.. CHARMAYNE!! your corn!! all in the tibet costume. i look so stupid.. lala. today will be going to mac. no violin today. (: talked to vanessa online. and tell you this. the people upstairs arh. so so noisy. bang here bang there. i awnt to sleep one you know?! haix.. nvm. forget about it. yesterday, so troublesome. all because i cant ind my tie. so smsed klarissa to give me qianhui's number. once get qianhui number, ask for eunice number. then i call her. so after talking to her for like 4min 29secs, she finally agreed to lend me tie. she going to school bus stop on wednesday. so i wait for her at bus stop. (: also, yesterday, mummy look into her cupboard for more songs. and she found a few. so she loaded the songs into the laptop. she loaded zhangxueyong's songs and erm. dont know whowhowho... yahh. and we took like 1hr++ to choose songs. i tell you this. the songs are so old. i never hear all this songs before. but they are in my memory. my mom say because she plays these songs while i was in her stomach.lol. thats why in my memory. she even say that she didnt even play the songs untill yesterday. haha. and after all those, my mom go eat her dinner. i go cut nails and bathe. then i stomach ache. so i tell my mom. and i gave her a shock. cause she thought i upstairs. then how can i be just behind her. i freaked her out. sorry. haha. and i got to eat my late breakfast. just woke up. :P bye. heyys. (: i yesterday very emo. practise piano then my mom ask me to memorise the whole piece. argh. for my own good anyway. today, woke up quite late. like about erm.. 12.30. bleah. late.. lucky mom didnt kill me. and i this morning like 10++ woken up by doorbell. is the NEA agency. come check for mosquito breeding. blabla. but went back to sleep.lol. i went to living room. saw my dad. ask me go eat breakfast. then after that, dont know why he 'piack' my leg. pain lehs. redred le. then after that, i play piano. very agitated. then my dad ask me to relax. he can tell i very tense. cause play alot wrong notes. then i relax. finally played properly. thanks daddy♥ ((: after that, i played another piece. play halfway, my daddy ask me to wake my mama up. so i go wake her up. after awhile, she came down. then we go NTUC. we had lunch and went to buy groceries. look here look there. theni went to the seafood section. saw the prawns. so cute!! lol. not joking. they got like so many many legs. haha. but then sad thing i am to eat them down. then the lady pack in this plastic bag. the prawn never die. jump here jump there. then we need to pay the things. so we went to one counter. we see there no queue. but we so stupid. no one queue cause the cashier very very slow. taking ages. mummy say untill tomoro also cannot finish. lol. so exaggerative. after that, we went home. at home, mummy unpack the things. while my daddy get ready to go his bowling centre meet his friend. then my mummy say she want to pass the tissue paper to my daddy. the tissue paper very hard. so she left it leaning against the shoe cabinet. i went to check my handphone. 2 miss call 1 msg. miss cal is angie. msg is sharne. so our message is like that: sharne: help rachel. my violin internal exam is from 8-9pm. pray for me. rachel:ok. can you call my home? sharne:sorry rachel have to practise NOW. cant afford to waste any time. rachel: ok. nvm er. good luck. jiayou. kempatek!! sharne:rachel!! help. my knuckles hurt and my finger skin is peeling.. ouch.. :'[ rachel:why like that? sharne:pain lyk crazy... mayb cuz i press the string too hard. sharne:rachel. sms me all the things teacher will test.please... rachel:harh? the pieces only. sharne:tuning?circles? rachel: er. not sure. i test grade3 that time nvr test all these. only need to tune the violin in the beginning. then after that, she never reply. hope she get good grades for her exam. my mummy now doing the CDs on our trip to chengdu,korea,penang and KL. she is now putting the videos and pictures all together into CDs. yahh. and i got to go already. post another time. bye.. <3 (: today, woke up quite 'early' like about 9.45?? yahh. something like that. and then i accidentally went back to lalaland. after awhile, daddy came to wake me up. after that, went to have breakfast. had bread and milk. yahh. erm. then at like 11.40 something, daddy want to go "da pao" food back for us to eat. on the way go change the wire for the laptop one. so we went to my school there the kopitiam to da pao. mommy and i da pao-ed vegetable rice. then we passed by my school. ok. they repainted the outside le. it is like white and got one part is blue. OMG. argh. why like that?! last time the colour grey better lehs. nvm. cant do anything anyway. at heartland mall the carpark, no space to park car. so i suggest that i go up to the shop myself. then on the way down. i saw a auntie like hit and shouted at a boy cause he step her slipper. lol. they seem to be strangers. then after that, the boy cried. then i walked pass them to the carpark. told my dad wad happened. then i go home. played piano and violin. daddy called. ask if mummy wake up already. i told him i just went to wake her up. so he say that when she come dow ask her to call him. but then, after awhile, he call again. cause mummy havent come down. but she wake up already. so i ask her to answer the phone. then they talk talk. after awhile, mummy came down. then i continued playing piano hwile mummy do the taping of our china tour on cd. then after the pieces, i went to eat my lunch. finished eating in like 15mins. so so hungry. ((: dont know why too. after that, went to practise my scales. after scales, i play any piece i want. yay. i see the clock. ok 7:14. so i tell my mummy that her shou zu start already. then she say is it you want to watch or i want to watch. lol. then i say you and me all want to watch. so i watch and watch. after shou zu was home decor. so i watch. very funny. laughed and laughed. after that, went to bathe. bla bla. ate dinner and went to do tuition work. so so easy sia. after that, came online blog and blog. at the same time talk to yan on msn. she keep using chinese. so irritating. and i cant find my tie. so irritating. have to borrow from graduated prefects le luh. lala. tomoro ask from some people. see who have. && i wish you all merry christmas and happy new year. (: today went to ahmah's house. cant see dominic anywhere. 2nd uncle say he go to the toilet. ok. so i went to the kitchen to eat my lunch. and ok. took quite long. after awhile, i go out le, dominic playing computer. think he blogging. then uncle say he want to go and pick yan yan le. ok. so he go out and then later, he ask my mummy to go and shift the car. then it was raining, then she complain. my daddy here he confrim say she tissue paper. rain cannot, hot also cannot. dont know wad she want. lol. then uncle left already then 4th auntie came. timing so good yahh.. then after that, my mom want to use umbrella shelter them come down. but then the moment she walk out of the house, the rain stopped. lol. then uncle open the door.then alec run out. so weird. he chased a cat. uncle chase after him also cannot catch up. then the cat run up the tree. lol. so alec give up lorhs. then after that, auntie, mummy all come in with harvey already then alec ganna caned. lol. then his son harvey cried. lol. after that, dominic ask me for the g2 pen. he want to shoot. then he cant get the spring out of the pen. he try on the stairs, floor everywhere. then he ask me. i also cannot. then ahgong also cannot. lol. then dominic try again then finally came out. then he was fixing the shooting and then yan come back already. she saw alec and harvey at the door so she scared. but she some how still managed to come in. then we want to go up. scared ahgong scold. so we gave excuses. dominic say he want to lausai. then yan say she wait for dominic. i say i wait for yan then we all run up to ahgong room. in there, we watch tat-chiu. then after that, charmayne came. she so shy. lol. then she keep pestering dominic. argh. nvm. at night is the funniest. we played with the cards. yan justin and me all throwed the cards at dominic and he throw back at us. so funny. then after awhile, we thought ahgong coming up. scared later he scold us. so we just stuff all the cards under the mattress. after that, we realisedhe havent come up yet.waste time. argh. nvm. then after that we all pack the cards. the box want to explode le. lol. then after that, yan complain muscle pain. lol. justin ask how come the arm can pain de. dominic say shld be the wrist pain cause you flick the wrist. argh. dont care. after that, yan and dom sleep while i watch tv and qq and jj play computer. then my mom came in. she ask want to go cycling.. thn dominic heard and said ok. after that, my mom say we will go home at 11. tomoro got to go tuition. so at 11, we went home. and thats all. bye. woots!! justin dominic came back to singapore yesterday. (: sad thing i didnt went to airport to fetch him. sadded. but its ok. i will go to macpherson today. yesterday, my dad went to the airport to bring their luggages home. got 3big3small luggages. alot yahhs?? they are coming back for good.(: smsed yan and madeleine while practising piano. got a flight delay. so they came out later then 12++. then after awhile, yan smsed me agin. say they now at justin's house. and that was like ok. quite fast. then i practise piano while, then my mummy ask me want to change back piano teacher to miss cheah or not. then i say alright.. then she went to call miss cheah. sad thing that our time slot other people take le. ): so she was saying that i can go for the weekday time slot. so my mom say it is fine with me. so ms cheah say that she will see her schedule and then tell us the day and time. so we hung up le lorh. then we went to the living room. i practise my piano again. after that, the phone rang. thought was ms cheah or my dad. but was dominic.. lol. so i went to the phone ask him what he wants. he ask me to bring the shooting pen. then i like almost forgot about it untill he told me. and then, he ask untill finish already then he say yan want to talk to me. ok. so i talk luh. then i ask her why? then she say nothing. so we didnt talk much. then later dominic say he want to ask me something again.. so he ask me er. why i buy the pen frmo. then i tell him from bookstore. then he like ok. then we put down le. then i go play my piano again then phone rang again. this time, it was sharne. she came back from taiwan today. and she called me immediately when she reached. so we chatted for awhile and hung up. after that, ate 2 pao and drank my fruit juice. after while, went to bathe. argh. today took so long to bathe. pathetic. :P after that, i went to have my dinner. very delicious. my mom cook de. yahh. then i good girl go study. please dont vomit horh. then after that, read the TSGS book i loaned from quan quan. i will return it to him today. finished reading already. then after hours.. finally can go sleep le. but cant seem to sleep. i woke up after every 3hrs. and this mornin. set alarm clock wrong time. suppose to set 9.45. but in the end was 7.30.. cause last night i nvr really see the clock. so i set wrong. see lah. cant go back to sleep. so i blog. yays.. and i found the lyrics for HEY JULIET : Hey Juliet(Hey Juliet) Hey I've been watching you Every little thing you do Every time I see you dance In my homeroom class, makes my heart beat fast I've tried to page you twice But I see you roll your eyes Wish I could make it real But your lips are sealed, that ain't no big deal' Cause I know you really want me, yeah I hear your friends talk about me, yeah So why you tryin' to do without me, yeahhhh When you got me Where you want me (Hey Juliet) I think you're fine You really blow my mind Maybe someday (someday), you and me can run away I just want you to know I wanna be your Romeo Hey Juliet(Hey Juliet)(Hey Juliet) Girl you got me on my knees Beggin' please, baby please Got my best DJ on the radiowaves saying 'Hey Juliet, why do you do him' Too far to turn around (turn around) So I'm gonna stand my ground (stand my ground) Gimme just a little bit of hope With a smile or a glance, gimme one more chance' Cause I know you really want me, yeahI hear your friends talk about me, yeah So why you tryin' to do without me, yeahhhh When you got meWhere you want me Hey Juliet I think you're fine You really blow my mind Maybe (maybe) someday (someday), you and me can run away I just want you to know I wanna be your Romeo Hey Juliet(Hey, hey Juliet) (Hey Juliet) I know you really want me I hear your friends talk about me So why you tryin' to do without me When you got me Where you want me You don't have to say 'forever' For us to hang together So hear (hear) me (me) when (when) I (I) say (say)Hey, Hey, Hey Julieeet (Hey Juliet) Hey Juliet I think (I think) you're fine (you're fine) You really blow my mind (blow my mind) Maybe (maybe) someday (someday), you and me can run away (run away) I just want you to know I wanna be your Romeo Hey Juliet Hey, hey, Julieeet (Hey Juliet) Hey Juliet I think (I think) you're fine (you're fine) You really blow my mind (blow my mind) Maybe (maybe) someday (someday), you and me can run away (run away) I just want you to know I wanna be your Romeo Hey Juliet(Hey, hey, Julieeet) yays!! got to go now. bye. (: heyys. i like quite long no blog le. sian. mum dont let me use computer yesterday. she was busy sending ecards. but er.. nvm. on the 18-12 i went to school remember? it was totally so boring and it pissed me off. but before lessons, i at home my daddy woke me up at like 8.15. so early. could have slept for another 15mins. arghh.. then i left the house in 20mins. fast yahhs? daddy must go bring ahmah go for injection. so he left me at school to wait for 15mins. at school, vanessa was there already. and got alot more small small people. so we chat chat untill ms tan and mdm ng come. after that, we went to the music rom to get ready. mr tong was so late for lessons. he was like 25 mins late. um.. no surprise actually. he is always late for lessons. =x so after that, he said he will test our SYF piece in 5 mins. but then turned out to be 1/2 hour later. he say he will start with the leaders first. so he ask me to come out first. then i passed the test. then phedra also pass the test. but then for the violin 2 leaders, er. ok. 1st bar can play luh. then the rest cannot le.. lol. then when mr tong was testing yu ling, he tell me and phedra of his plan. so i went with violin 2. sianzz.. i teach untill so peck chek. then i like teaching halfway, then this vanessa come and say i am the best. thanks yahh.. after awhile, teacher talk here talk there then we went back to our seats. then he teach teach blah blah.. hear le want to sleep. boring can. then finally!! class over. after that, mr tong like keep his laptop already then i like go ask him to help me to burn the syf song. then he help me. after that, i went up with vanessa and phedra. say goodbye to them then go to my dad's car. then he say mummy wants to go robinsons. she got voucher. so i went home change already then we go. and we like left the house at 3.06. i very accurate de. we went to serangoon gardens to have our lunch. i had lemon lime chicken chop with garden veggies and onion rings. mom had crispy fish with mashed potato with veggies. healthy right she?? then my dad had dont know what chicken with veggies and french fries. then i laughed before the food come. cause got one man, come take orders for drinks marh.. then he said in hokkien what you want to drink. then daddy the reaction like dog like that. first he look left the look right then look up very fast and say kopi black. he react like toby when i call him. and my food came and was like er.. nice smell cause it is delicious. so i finished eating faster then my mom. then i saw one shop tender, she take her serving plate and pour the oil on the floor. then she go clean up.. what she doing?! aiyoyo. nvm luh. after that, went to parkway parade. shopped for like 6hrs on the same level. yupps. we went to like 12 shops and bought only from 4shops. er. yahh. i bought one pants from bossini. bought a shorts and K&S. bought a shirt at fox. mom bought a pants at a shop. forgotten the name. then mum left it there for alteration. will only be ready by next year january. so my mommy will ask my daddy to come and take. at the fox rights, i tried on a "skirt". it was actually a tube top. yucks.. once i heard it i immediately took it off. yahhs. my mom was like er. pai seh. so we pay for the shirt and ran out. we also went to esprit. all the clothes there so expensive. the cheapest was like $49 for a simple plain shirt. so we walked out empty handed. at the marks & spencers right, we bought soaps to use. moomy actually dont allow me to buy and use. but in the end she did. yayss. love her. then later, we went to borders. then mommy's handphone ring. ok. it was daddy. he was here already. but then er. we cant find him and we havent finish shopping. then my father come already keep on nagging and nagging. once he enter borders, i pass him my bag and all the barang barang be bought. hees.. i naughty yahhs?? after we bought the soap, we left for our dinner. we had mee pok for dinner. so nice. after that, in the car, my dad say good just nice 11 o' clock. then my mom was like harh?! then he say just nice what.. see the time.. then after that she ask you not bringing us home arh?? then he like no luh. have to go and close shift lehs.. then after that she like orh.. so we let daddy down at his bowling centre and then we go home. ok. it was like 11+ when we reach the carpark. sad thing that got no space to park. so we go park multi-story carpark. then mommy found a space so she try to park. and then she like try and try and try for like over 6 times i think.. then she finally got the car straight. aiyoyo. after that, we walk back to uor house. at block 446 there, the grass patch got grass hopper. so i dont dare to cross. then my mom cross already say you stay there tonight ok?? then i say no. then i run one big round and unluckily saw so many many cockroaches. i freacked out. like about 4-5 of them. yucks. and at home, we calculated the amount we spent. er.. $140. nice number. after that, i ate some cherries and went to sleep. i got to go eat my lunch. bye.. (: hello. today i woke up like quite late.my dad actually came to my room at like 11+ to wake me up. he say late already. must wake up. then after that, he walk out. he never help me to off the aircon. he went to the kitchen to make our fruitjuice. after like 1hr, he came up and wake me up again. this time he off the aircon for me. he say mummy gua gua jiao so late i still havent wake up. so i good girl i get up lorh. my dad say he go buy food for me. so ask wad i want i tell him char shiew rice. then he go buy for me. and at that time it was like say 12:15pm le. so i get up and change. then i change halfway, my dad came back with my rice. so i anyhow tie my hair and go out. then he bought extra beancurd for me to eat with my char shiew rice. nice. after that, he go to work already. then i eat and eat. like 15mins only and i finished eating. i like very hungry. dont know why either. after that, i went to practise my violin. practised my SYF piece, scales and exam pieces. then i read newspaper. so little news only so didnt read for long. today news paper so sian. :) after that, did my maths tuition work. at the same time sms shirlene. then i ask shirlene what is a century. she say 10 years. i not sure then i ask her. she say she also not sure. she go home check dictionary then tell me. she so good girl one. then after that, i went t ocheck dictionary. it is 100 years. so i tell her. then she say she will learn from it. she so good girl. notlike me. people tell me i like never learn one. :) after that, i went to write my name on my excercise books for next year. after awhile, my dad called. he ask if mummy wake up already. then i tell him no. then he like HARH?! untill so loud. then he ask me you hear me talk loud or not. then i say yahh. then he ask... now? i say yahh again. then he like ok. he ask me to ask my mummy to call him when she wakes up. then i like orh.. then hung up. about 1/2 hr later, my mom woke up. asked her to call my dad. she say ok. after that, she went to on the computer. she dont know do what. dont care her luh. after that, she came down and ask me eat already. i say yahh. after that, i go do my english comprehension. then my mom go eat her lunch. after that, went to do my chinese exam format worksheets. then after that, see one word dont know wad was that, went to check dictionary. it was fan shu. potato. aiyo. my chinese lan untill like that.. lol. after that, i went over to the living room. my mom was retaping the china trip i think. then she saw my tapes she recorded on my piano lessons. she say alot of things that make me regret on changing piano teacher.. argh.. nvm. over already. cant cry over spilled milk. then she ask if i drink fruit juice already. i say no. then she ask me go drink. so i went to drink it in the living room with her. then i see the clock it was like 7:16pm. so told her that her kinship start already. so she like yahh horh. then went to change her channel. then i also sit there and watch. after that, she chase me away. ask me go study. so i go study lorh. went to read my science notes. then she ask why i today nvr play piano. so i after that went to play piano. but before that i went to bathe. then i went to practise my prelude and fugue at tempos 84 and 50 respectively. then my fugue play like shit like that, so messy. so practised a few more times and went on with my allegro practised it at 132. then played the puppets dance at 116. after that, went to eat my dinner. after dinner, went to read the holy bible. remeber the phrase john 3:16 for god so loved the world that he gave his only begottne son that who ever who belives in him shall not perish but have ever lasting life. then i tell my mom i want to sleep. so she ssay go sleep lorh. then i went up to my my room and get ready to sleep. i tomoro have to go back to school for cca at 9. so got to go. bye(: heyys. today woke up early. so sian. today got tuition. sobbs. yesterday i watch the jacky gogogo, the finding thing halfway then my mommy come up ask me to go sleep cause i today got tuition. then i off the computer and went to sleep. i sleep like about 56 mins then i suddenly woke up. yan was beside me. she came back from her wedding dinner already. she wear untill so chio . lol. it was actually ahmah's shirt. so flowery. then she tell me that fatty cried. cause they never share the flowers for him to throw or something like that. i tired. so didnt hear properly. lol(: then after that i sleep again. then later ah gong woke me up. he say he want to sleep le. so he ask me to go ahmah room to sleep. so he pull me there. so kind of him. lol. then i after that sleep again.dont know why so tired. then later my dad woke me up. this time is to go home. then i look to my left and i saw yan nxt to me. she gave me a shock of my life. jkjk. then later my dad drag me down the stairs and into the car. then later he nag nag nag. say so late le still play wad mahjong. lol. they play untill 3am marhs. argh.. dont care le luh. this morning, i went for tuition. 2nd lesson. and then. saw a boy there. he is this year p4. learning p5 english. think he yi xiang. then he very kpo. everything we do he always see here see there. after then got another boy. he so fat. like the fatty like that. then horh my teacher say want to strangle the fat boy,cause he dont know what is 18 divide by 3. lol. then she teach here teach there then ask him to go drink coffee. say he still sleeping. then he laugh. and seems that i am the only girl in the class paiseh cann.. but nvm. then after that, i called my dad. tell him that i finish tuition le. then i walk out. he say he downstairs. then i look downstairs, cant see him. then he call my name. but just cant find him. then i saw him waving his hand. jumping here and there like monkey. then i smile and ran down. after that, i ate one peanut pancake. then walk walk after that, i bought another bread. erm.. i think is the cheese bread with ham. one bread, $1.10. two bread is $1.90. so since 2 bread cheaper then i buy 2 lorh. after that, walked to my piano lesson there, saw my piano teacher at the lift lobby. then i look away. my dad block me. thanks. lovesloves. then afer that, went up for lesson. sian. but then er quite fun luh. then after lesson, walked out. saw my dad sitting outside there the benches playing his handphone. then i say toby. then he say he not toby. lol. i ask him go bring toby. then he give all excuses. er. nvm lorh. next time. after that, went home. mom still sleeping. cause last night sleep late. then my dad go up say TE which means pig in hokkien luhs. then my mom woke up. then my dad say 1+ already still sleep wad harh?! then i laugh. then i dont disturb them. i go practise my violin. i practise all my exam pieces. and my SYF piece. i very good girl i know thank you. (: then later, my dad came down. i ask him why? he say later your mommy nag at me or dont know wad. so he go to living room, lie on sofa and snore into his lalaland. then after that, i go to living room, practise my piano. i practise my exam pieces.then after my 3rd song my mom came down. finally woke from her beauty sleep. lol. jkjk. no offence. then we bathe, drink fruit juice bla bla bla untill like 5+ then i come to macpherson. then my mommy take food for me to eat already then after that i eat eat. then my mom drop her spoon. then after that uncle came out from his room. then he called me dua bui AGAIN box him arh. then after that, went out to watch tv. then about 1hr later, yan come le.. after awhile, she went home to take her laptop. t hen she come back. we all watch the ling er show. then they uncle and aunty talk untill very funny. cant stop laughing when i hear them talk. after that, was the star awards. then we watch awhile then suddenly ahgong change the channel to the 4D one. then yan quan and i all run up to his room to watch the star awards. we three all laugh like hell. then got those type of like category, like er top 10 actors or somthing like that, then they will have the things like jackpot. then they will stop at one actor. so my sister was like HUANG JUN XIONG!! AIYA. SIE! after evreyone that was not huang jun xiong. then when it was huang jun xiong, she HUANG JUN XIONG!! YES!! she so love him. no offence. then after awhile ah gong came up to call us go down and eat. i was talking to shirlene on msn. then i just tell her need to eat lorh.. then after that, came up again. i facebooked, and blogged and watch tv. then i got this sort of virus attack thing. dont know why. then after that, played gunbound. actually suppose to i play de. become qq play. nvm lorhs.. then after that being chased by ahgong out of his room. he need to sleep. then later we come to ahmah room. then i blog yan play the games at y8. then she play one game er..creepy crossword from the y8.com. very lame lorh. so that game right, she play for like 12 times then she finally got tired of it. then she go play other games. then after that, i waited for the audition patcher to patch finish. so i mean time go help yan to find the difference in the game.. that was like so pathetic. but still quite fun luhs. then after that, my mom suddenly call me to go fill the alkaline water. then yan and i see the patcher thing number what already. er.. ok. so it was like 3/4 le. then we run down, refill already then at the last bottle, yan ask the toxic water not to come out. we want to play audition de. then lucky it never come out. so after that, went to play audition. then after awhile, went home. and was quite disappointed. couldnt reach my target 100k. lack of practise. irritating. nvm. everytime go practise in mac lorh. got to go le. byes.. <3 this morning i woke up at er. say 9.00am? ok. very early. so tired. woke up so early to go to the apartment to go swimming. but then i wake up so early also no use. my parents woke up at er. 9:15am. smsed yan. then they dili-dali untill like 10++ then left the house to go pick yan. on the way i smsed her. then at her house downstairs i sms her to come down. then she like kk. so after that i went out with my mom and then we waited at the void deck for her.then we wait. in the end she came down with her mother. then she say byebye to her mom then we left. at the apartment, we saw cheryl at the condo there. then the place so grand.. i drool le. if the lift lobby so grand dont know how grand the house will be. then after that, my dad came. then he bring me and yan to the pool first. so shallow. only 1 meters. lol. andand the water so cold. yan and i shiver shiver.after that we try to swim swim. then cheryl and charmayne came down. then we swim together. and charmayne keep saying 'cannot..cannot. i want to go to baby pool. i scared..' lol. then she finally came in and then we try to swim me and yan teach cheryl and charmayne to swim. very tired. then after awhile, i went to bathe. it started to drizzle. so my dad ask all to come and bathe. then we went all up to the washroom to bathe. then yan i step in to the cubicle, want to bathe le. then my mom ask yan to go out. she ask me to bathe first. the water is so so hot. i want to get burnt. so i came out and then she wash my hair at the basin there. so after that i bathe finish already, go down to find my father already then he say already so late, go for wad. then after that we just rush there lorh. after that reach the studio at 1:17pm like that. then teacher ask me why i so "early". then i smile. then after violin lessins, i came to macpherson. so bored.no one here. so amah just ask me to eat. so i eat lorh. i hungry anyway(: then after awhile, quan came already. then he eat his rice. at first he come, he look very emo. but then he sit down. he ok le. then he whisper wah.. so much arh.. then later he like hope ahmah faster go out then he can go put back the rice into the pot. but in the end he never. i finsh already then i realised that i go an sms. from yan. actually is cheryl. she use yan handphone to sms me. then after that, quan finish eating le then played chinese chess with him. i play with him 5 times 5 time lose. lol. so sad. play halfway cheryl,yan.charmayne my mom auntie and uncle come le. then after that, ahmah as them to eat eat eat. then charmayne gigalak gio. say she very full. but in the end still eat. then she bring the food out to eat. then she anyhow ask me to move the tile. all the step she move all wrong one. after that. quan go home le. then charmayne say she want to play. so i tell her the step. then in the end she losing, then after that yan help her to play. then we play play play then i win her. finally, won. lol. then after that yan go home already she say she need to go for dinner. so early?! so i use the computer. after that, auntie for got to go pick cheryl and charmayne from their piano lessons. so she went to pick them.. lol. then the dogs all so noisy when my uncle came back. then all bark bark bark.. aiyoyo. noisy sia. and i got to go le yahhs. bye. :) 1st day at the bear and deer place. bought the xiongdan for quanquan. 2nd day at dont know what pu bu. forgot le. :) 3rd day at the jiu zhai gou waterfall. not sure. 3rd day again at jiu zhai gou. a photo of a peacock of the river. hope you can see it. erm. forgotten what day it was. but i totaly love it. the pandas all so cute. and yesterday went for cca. then we were actually learning at inno room. but then mr wong tell mr tong to shift us to the music room. and then in the inno room. mr tong ask us to play the new piece altogether once through. phedra and i almost fainted. cause both of us were the only one that can play once through. then after the song, mr tong pull both of us up and play in front of the entire cca. sobbs. so pai seh. shld have known and then i act blur. but bo bian. then after that, play once le then he talk so much about wad er two days and they managed to get this piece done bla bla bla.. so sian. then after that, he lecture then he lecture half way AGAIN mr wong open the door. ask to to go to music room. guess they need to paint the room. nvm. so move lorh. all the juniors all gua gua jiao. weird. then at the music room. so hot and stuffy cause of the paint then bo bian open all doors and windows. but after awhile we close all the doors and windows(: then he talk talk talk. then say about er. our second piece. so we play our second piece. like wet market like that. messy messy de. then teacher not happy. so he ask how many want to get GWH for SYF. then everyone raise up their hands. then lecture again.. bla bla bla. then he go ask all the cellist what they want to get for SYF. then asked chelsea then after that vanessa. then vanessa keep laughing. make me keep laughing and laughing. lol. after that lecture session, he tell us to go into groups to practise. then phedra me vanessa and chelsea 1 group. wanted to ask sharne to join but then this chelsea come le marh. so too sad. then sharne thought i dont want to add her. then she not happy. so sms me say about that things luh. so after that. we were suppose to play the 1st SYF piece. then i asked phedra to go over to my place then i go to her place. after that she not happy le lorh. dont know why either. guess is the reason that i exchange place with her. bla bla bla. dont want to continue this friendship thing. childish canns? so i followed this vanessa go up to canteen. met jocelyn there. so she gave us butter bread and er hot dogs. then vanessa keep eating all the hot dogs. i dont have. as if . lol. i ate quite alot too. after we finish the food. jocelyn went home with her maid. then left me and vanessa. so we chit chat lorh. talk untill like 20++ mins then my mom came. so i left poor vanessa all alone in school. mom brought me to compass point. today suppose to eat and buy chinese chess and go home. so i actually left school at 1.45. then left compass point at 9. pro? we went shopping. bought a few new pants and a shirt. lol. then er first went to the 4th floor kopitiam to eat. then we went to popular to buy my chinese chess. so i also ask my mom to buy for me a ghost story book. she say no no no. later i scare myself all over again(: then we saw many many bibles. ok. all so ex. the cheapest is er. $13. then after that, went over to the christian shop. look here look there. then i know how to read the bible. so i show her luh. then she say i very clever(: after the christian shop went to look around. went to metro and bossini, bought clothes there. erm. went to kiddy palace. childish yahhs. nothing there fits me though. just go there to look around lorh. then went to watsons to buy water. thirsty. then i bought a sweet too(: and then we went to eat or something like that luh. then we wentto burger king for dinner. ate my turkey burger. mummy ate her whopper burger. eat untill face green green we sat next to a group of students. they so noisy. cant eat in peace. after that went to cold storage to buy groceries. then went home. took a quick bath. mom calculated the amount we spent. ok $90++. alot of money right? then after that, played chinese chess with mom. i first time playing. bought the chess to learn. i playing with a pro.. lol. she conform jiang me one arh. but then luck is on my side so i win her. she didnt know i cant jiang her. i slowly slowly one step by one step. then i jiang her. she cannot run anywhere. so i win. smile. and i got to go le. byes.. heyys. uploaded some photos on the china trip. 1st picture: yan crying after being scared off by the yak. 2nd picture: my dad relaxing on the couch in jiu zhai tian tang hotel. 3rd picture: 5 of us in the ethnic costumes. and i cut my hair just now. cut untill 2 over hours. thanks to my mom. she cut cut cut. then say that one too long. this so short. but the first sentence she said was, harh?! so short arh.. lol. then she ask me to stand, sit, squat. aiyoyo. cut one hair so difficult. nvm. no big deal luhs. well. she cut quite nice luh huh. but not like what i expected. but its ok. :) i not so choosy de. at first, she go take out 6 papers of newspaper. then lay it out. then she go take another paper, cut a big hole in it then on for me. i look weird in it. going back to school again tomoro for cca. slpeeing early again. bye yesterday in school, teacher gave us a new piece for the SYF competition. after cca i called my mom. tell her to come and pick me. she ask me if the uniform selling or not. she want to buy for me the pe shirt. so i ask vanessa. she say got sell. so my mother say she will come right now. then i went down to the music room with phedra to keep my violin. after that, we went up. vanessa still over there waiting for us. good girl. so we walk to the canteen together. she needs to buy some textbooks, phedra needs to buy all. i need to buy uniform. so we all stand there and wait. so vanessa and phedra queue up. i stand next to them talktalk and wait for my mama to come. like 10 mins later, she come here with a banana in her hand. ok. so she wants me to eat it. then i take the banana peel of the skin. then the skin like so soft. so disgusting.then i eat untill so disgusted. my mother ask me not to complain. so i keep quiet lorh. then she buying pe shirt for me. she took size 34.. too small. 36.. to tight. then i ask got 37.. then they say no. lol. so just take size 38. just nice but er. too long luh..nvm. so we buy already, wave goodbye to my friends and left. in the car, my mom ask me what i want to eat. i say er. chic.. nono. yaya.. chicken rice. then she drive pass the kopitiam nvr turn in. so i ask why. she say want to go to hougang mall ot buy groceries. so i like.. oh. then we at hougang mall that time. i changed my mind. want to eat ramen. so the ramen cost like 5.80 for ramen with the salmon. so ex luh can. but my mom say nvm. so eat already then i tell her want to buy chinese chess. so go to popular. found the chinese chess. but my mother say she want the wooden one. but spoil and out of stock. lol. then she walk walk walk. then ask me to take one of those chinese romance story book. then i open. 1st word already dont know how to read.lol. then my mother say nvm. so we walked out of popular. walked one big round, and took the escalator to watsons. in there. my mom bought a facial wash for herself. then i tell her i want a nail polish. so look here look there. finally took one. transperant de.so nice. after that, went to the chamelon shop. so a baby. so cut and fat. want to pinch it sia. then went down to 1st floor. saw jiayan and her family. :) then i tell my mom er. we suppose to come here to eat and buy groceries.. not to shop. then she say nvm. after that went to NTUC to buy lorh. buy already went home. ok. so left school at 1.30 and left hougang mall at 4.00. pro rights. lol. must thank my mom. in the car, my mom suuddenly feel her leg like so pain. rheumatism.. lol. then at the parking lot there, she keep parking slunt. then she again say nvm. so we took our barang barang and went up. then i practised my new SYF piece. need to memorise and have test on thursday. got to go. byes.. tomorrow going back to oln for cca. so cant stay up too late. and the bowling mens trios for the SEA games, they got gold. my dad from there sms back. lol. then mama and i like jump up and down. then after that i sms dad that the mascot toy the winners got very cute. so i guess he will know that i want luh huh. and i got to go le. bye. ;) charmayne. i didnt mean the letter to you. i just wrote it in the moment of anger. you are my cousin. right? so i didnt take it seriously. and i deleted it. and i will love you as a sister always. |