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TKGS, 1e8
TKG StringEnsemble
Ex-olnian (: , 6FAITH’o8
OLN StringEnsemble
24061996BY2 - 不夠成熟 |
♥ CharmayneLow
♥♥♥♥ CherylLow
♥♥ DominicLim
♥♥ LimQuanjie
♥♥♥♥ WendyLim
6FAITH'08(:♥♥♥♥♥ 6faitho8(: ♥AliciaChan ♥♥♥ AmandaWang ♥♥ BeatriceLee ♥♥ CrystalLee ♥ DeniseHeng ♥♥ EuniceChua ♥ FeliciaLim ♥♥ GeraldineTan ♥♥♥ LimJiaxin ♥♥♥ LimJiayan ♥♥ MadeleinePoh ♥ SamanthaTan ♥♥ SharneLeong ♥♥ ShirniseLee ♥ TracyLee ♥♥ VanessaChia ♥ VanessaYeo ♥ VeraSng ♥♥ TanXiaoling OLNIANS & EX-OLNIANS(: ♥ ChelsyChoon ♥ Jiawen ♥ JolieAw ♥ MagdaleneLow ♥ PerissaYap ♥ SamanthaTan ♥♥ AbigailLee ♥♥ AthenaOng ♥ ClaireLim ♥♥ CynthiaWee ♥♥ DivyaWoo ♥♥ HeatherHumphries ♥♥ JeralynTan ♥♥ KlarissaYow ♥♥LynnJuliana ♥♥♥ NatalieNgar ♥ Nikki ♥ RachelLee ♥ SherrillSim ♥ SteffiTan ♥ VanessaTan ♥ Victoria ♥♥ YeoPeishan 1e8'09 ♥ ♥♥ ChanYauTing ♥ ElizabethYoung ♥ KimMiJin ♥ MaKeiKiu ♥ Ms NgShehFeng ♥ NatashaAmeera ♥ NicoleLau ♥♥ NoviaLiew ♥♥♥ NurulSyazana ♥ RachellNg ♥♥ SarahYeo ♥♥ SamanthaLim ♥ SitiNadiah ♥♥ Shazana ♥ ZannLim StringE ♥♥ ♥♥♥ AbigailWee ♥♥ Angela ♥♥♥ CherylLow ♥♥ EmmerlynOng ♥♥ GloriaParn ♥♥ HweiYen ♥♥ Ilya ♥♥ OngLinHui ♥♥ Muriel ♥♥♥ RatanaLau ♥♥ RebeccaTan ♥♥♥ TKGSStringe ♥ VanessaTan TKG(: ♥♥♥ Desiree ♥♥ OngLinYee ♥ Yvette archives
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me and beatrice ok le.was a misunderstanding.but my sister the hatred in them havent clear yet.tell you yesterday what happened.yesterday in school, i go for cathechism.then horh, so late le.ms euw havent come yet.so we thought she not coming.wanted to jump for joy.then i talk talk to crystal natalie and amanda.awhlie, ms euw come le.the frist thing she said is.i am going to give all of you a test.then me,crystal natalie and amanda like "harh, quiz again."then the first question she asked is,"what is the first commandment."then our group gong gong le.dont know how to answer.so our group never go up to answer.cant be bothered to answer either.then at the end, no body win luh.so lame luh.then after that,lesson over yi hou,i packing my bag already right,then miss euw off all the lights.she walk out of the room,off all the lights.and she think by holding the door for us,we will like still say "thank you"as if arh.then after that PE.i go up to class.only see all my classmates.walking all around.awhile later,got relief teacher come.she ask all of us togo to the hall for the PEthen jilodi say that we must practise for interclass.teacher say cannot.thenwe all not happy.at the hall, all the interclass people not happy.then bargain with teacher.then finally,teacher allow us to practise for interclass.so they go down book the ball.then later we go down practise shooting.then jilodi say must choose the positions.then jilodi say i very tall.must be defender.so she make me become WD or GDnot sure.then very luan.then choose here choose there,bell ring le.then go to music.and then listen to the different types of instruments.sian...then chinesei took my "xin wen" that book,pencil box and pinafore go to the 5Hthen teacher talking that time,my handphone ring.pai seh arh.it was a stupid alarm.idiot luh.then i thought it was denise debut turned out to be mine.lucky that he lao shi never confisicate.then during cme,lai lao shi want to collect the workbooks.then i tel her never bring.she like ask methen what are you going to say.i just like act blur[that time really blur.]then she say that only one person said sorry.wu liao...then horh,she collect already then she say can do our own work.not long later,recess le.then phedra brought badminton rackets.so we went to play lorh.first we play at the netball court there.then the sun too hot.so amanda stand under the shade and say"oi. you stand there i stand here and play."then everyone laugh.then we move again.so we play at the eco-garden there.then play playplay.then i go change.change already then i came back.they tell me that just now,hui qi play with the amanda.then the hui qi go play untill the shuttlecockdrop into amanda's cup of bandung.then i play with phedra,after that,was recess assembly.then maths.. maths.. maths..then SS..SS..SS..then english.i went down with jia yan.then this madeleine, keep kicking jia yan's bag.then at the 1st floor that time.jia yan try to kick the madeleine's bag.then miss.so jiayan the leg went like flying upwards untill 180 degrees.then we laugh like crazy.AVA room is occupied by malay dance.so mrs wong ask us go to the musicroom.after that,assembly.i go to the 3G there and then sit down.during assembly, then beatrice pass to memy science activity book.then petrine keep writing in her diaryso beatrice tell me.i scolded her.but no effect.bearice scolded her but also no effectthen we like give up hope.finally she kee her diary.then in front the glynice,yap leng,jolie and forgot who.talk and talk. so i go there ask them to keep quiet.then they say they innocent.say i guilty.anyhow say they talking.then like they sabo me luh.then i go back.chelsea,sharmaine,perlyn,indian girl from 3F come le.beatrice going to have a hard time.then they keep taking her things.then beatrice like tel them off.ask them to stop it.but they like never say a thing.then this keep going on untill the end of assembly.then peiyi and jia xin come le.jia xin my mother in law.then i follow them luh.then this pei yi say.give me baobao.so i baobao her lorh.then beatrice bao her untill so hard.then i tell her not to bao untill so hard.leter pei yi fragile neck will break de.then walking down the stairs that time,jiaxin ask for my handphone number.then i go home the shi hou,jia xin sms me.sms untill like 40 over smses.then i go sleep.got to go now. bye.
hello.eh yesterday horh.school open le.. must wake up so early..siani go school that time raining.then daddy abit sick.but he still can help me carry my bag.then i go school that time. the hall got lots of small girls skipping.then i put my bag at the 3G therethen go to 5 faith.then madeline ask for my science worksheet.she want to copy abit of answers.then i go take lorh.then richelle come le.so i take out my worksheet pass to madelinethen i went back and talk to richelle.i ask her do the chinese work sheet le marhthen she say no. but she english finish le.then she tell me answer.wahahas..then beatrice come already.she cut hair,err.still look ok luh.[:then pei yi and jia xin went to beatrice.they chit chat lorh.then later the lynn come.so talk to her lorh..awhile later the silent reading start le.then claire like walk infront of me.scared the hell out of me lorh..today never really do duties.chan ah moy help us le marh.wahahaha..oops...[:then assembly over le.EXAM TIME!!then i go to class.in class all got prefects only.then i go put my bag outside classroom.saw a DEAD BAT outside luh.disgusting and so bad luck lorhthen i remember i sitting on rebecca thomas tableso i exchanged table and chair with another table and chair.shirlene help me move. [thanks horh :) ]then lai lao shi come.soon our whole class camethen jia hui ganna sccolded.she scream so loudly when she saw the bat.then exam.the situational damn easy.about a book review.then 1hr later,miss yim came luh.she collect the paper then miss wan came in.she ask us all to take out our science worksheet.bla bla bla.then she ask me to read out the answers.then classmates like "zhuo nong wo.."kepp asking me to repeat.then soon, recess le.went out with phedra.went straight to the staircase 2saw angie and shiying.so sit their talk to them.then shiying tell me about santhini being donkey.laughed like mad.after that, chinese compo.my dictionary not working.then mrs margret ong came in.then during exam she keep hiting the table.noisy luh.luckily ms yim came in..then after that, miss wan came again.then she from the rate of evaporation,talk all the way to 7th month.then she say about her friend's friend,stepped on the ashes and did not apologise.got haunted by ghost.then she say if we good girl ,will tell us story at the end of the day.so we be good girls.and then miss wan tell us the story.about a man went to pray for lottery money.in the end became rich but died.after that,miss wan left.mrs margret ong came in again.she say that those who finish our corrections,can go outside and put our bags.them alot of people go.all are lying lorhs..she say she will let us go punctually and she did luh.so went home earlier then usual.daddy came to pick me.he said that he went to see a doctor.he ate the medicine and recover le.netball interclass coming le. on the 2/11.i still got exam.so cannot play the forst match in the morning.still can play the one later.jyjy for exams. ending here.bye. hellos. tell you yesterday night.i went to grandmother's houseand so on luh..then about 12am like that.ah gong chase us down to the living roomthen we watch the "wo cai wo cai wo cai cai cai".damn funny.then quan ask us to read some stories in the TSGSabout the "mount vernon" and "karak highway"my sister got so damn fraked out..then mummy ask me and jiie. to go fill alkaline water.so we went to kitchen and fill.then we got to fill 10 bottles.5 for me,5 for her.then she must make coffee for aunty.then she show me what is real "poop poop" with the coffee powder.damn funny.laugh like crazy. [:then we fill alkaline water that time, the water all splash every where.damn damn funny.i was like just came out from the toilet.very wet..then the "dirty water",over spill le.then i "shit!! water overflow le!!"then i say good leh..can play le..so i go take the mop.go mop her mop there.become aunty le..then i go dry the mop hor,no strengthhaha.so jie take the mop from me.help me mop and dry the mop.i continue to refill water.then my aiming like shit.cannot aim the water into the bottles.irritating.then the water hit the bottle and spray all over.when i fill jie's water with "cranberry bottle" that time,her "kickapoo" bottle never cover.so i accidentally hitthen the damn bottle dropped into the sink.lol..then some water spill out luh.so my sis scared that the dirty water in the sink,splashed in her bottle.so unhygenic.so she ask me refill again.after that.we pack the bottles to bring out.so heavy.so i like drag luggage like that.drag out the plastic bag of bottles out..more like dragging a dead body luh..then we sit down at the sofa..play with the narrator thing in her computer.laugh like crazy..quan jie, they pronounce as "kuan ji"then after that she go sleep on the sofa..float to lala land le.AND ANDsobbs. exmas round the corner.tomorrow start le.my exam schedule..22/10-english paper 1-mother tongue paper 123/10-hmt paper 129/10-english paper 230/10-maths paper31/10-mother tongue paper 21/11-science paper 2/11-hmt paper 2on the 2/11 and 5/11 got photo taking.and here is one test. netball interclass matches starts on the 2/11got hmtl paper2.so excused from the 1st match.can play the 2nd match after our exam.this one must jyjy!get get champion!!5 FAITH. all the bestending here. bye.. hellos.. i long tim never blog le right?i tell you this.my friendship broke le.i tell you this first.daddy-rachel[me luh obviously]mummy-beatriceda jie-shirleneer jie-angiexiao mei-samanthaniece-si yingah mah-pei yithen this is how i got like that -50th anniversery rehersal,i perform violin de.then rehersal finish my item ,then i go up to the gallery luh.then i sit in between shirlene,angie and beatricethen suddenly that crazy girl call me baba.i almost fainted luh.then i like "huh?" then she say baba again.then she explain to me why all the rubbish likewhat me and beatrice so close then we jie hunlike shit arh!!sickening can??so i like "err. so?"then she like say so you are my baba[although somtime they call me daddy luh]then like shirlene,angie ask us what is our exam marks luhthen tell her lorh, big deal meh??then recently,they say i "gao yi wai" or dont know what luh.cause i go out with amandathen they say i "gao yi wai"i go out with crystal,they also say i "gao yi wai"then go out with phedra even worse still...SAY I WANT TO MARRY HER LUH!!ehem..she is my sister luh can?she born same year,month and date as me lorh..so we from young already call each other sisters.then beatrice go out with jia xin..why they never say she "gao yi wai"then amah got 1 fine dayshe brought a file.is a divorce letter file.then she left it on the table.so alot of "KPOs"went to see lorh.then see and read already,then they come qestion me like they reporter like thatduring recess,me and beatrice sign the "letter"then pass back to pei yi..then phedra keep asking me to "marry back" beatrice.cause they keep calling her snatcher.crazy de luhs..then recess assembly that time,i doing duty luhs.then the angie came to me.she sayshe dont friend mummy le.then i like "huh?" again luhthen she say slowly and clearly [for the first time,]'i dont friend mummy le.'den i like "ohhs."then i duty finish lethen go back to class.got maths lessons.so we her teacher teach teach teach.then dont know when luh.forgotten liao.beatrice come ask me'you friend me or not'then i say "i dont know."then she like never talk to me since then...lately, my sister's friendship also break le....she,maggie,siokboon,sihui the friendship break liaos,.then like she everyday in our shared accountlike say bad things luh.jie arh.take my advices kaes?love your enemies as jesus have loved youlearn to forgive and forget,jesus always loves you even if you sinyou must learn to love them as well.get over this life hurdle.there are still more coming up.dont get stuck here.get on with your life.you cant just waste away your life like that,you still have a long way.get over it!!learn to be strongwith your words.they did wrong.not you.you need not "own up" to what "wrongs they say" just to please themyou have eye witnnes for the cockroach thing.you can prove your innocence.they cantthey dont have a single eye witnessthey may ask their so called"eye witneesses"to say that the cockroach went to them firstanyway.it is usually a girl's instinct,to scream if a cockroach comes.let them say what they wantit is their mouth.cant control it.please get over this hurdle.love you always... |